Jabok Borancion (Jä-bok Bor-an-sion)

Jabok Borancion is a wealthy kingdom and is slightly larger than the other kingdoms. Because it is surrounded by kingdom it is a popular place for trade and neutral gatherings.

known for having foreigners coming in and out often. There are several places in the kingdom were merchants and traders go to sell. As well as smaller neighborhoods and local shops.

The people in Jabok, besides being happy, can be really carefree. Sometimes to the extent of feeling like they don't care about anything. This impression and culture can have some foreigners feeling rejected.

The family in Jabok are not very tight-knit and are probably have one of the loosest family dynamics. Both parents usually work, while the children have school and extracurricular activites. Unlike in other kingdoms were meals together are treasured and a time to talk as a family, in Jabok that is not important. Meals together usually consist of being in the same room, but there is less talking and more eating.


The king has the most power in this kingdom, however there is another ruling body called Jacion Conference Board (JCB). If the king wishes to pass a law the JCB must allow it. If the JCB want to pass a law the king must allow it. There are two sides in the JCB the Nobles and the Pious. The Nobles are more politically influencial, and are made up of mostly the nobles. The Pious, who are made up of mostly strong religious people, are mainly common folk, but some are preists and bishops.

Below the king and the JCB are the actual religious leaders. They hold more sway in the religious aspect and have sometimes conflict with the nobility.


One thing that Borancians have that other kingdoms do not have is the ability to say anything. That is to say, they are an outspoken people. They are known for saying things bordering on mean and rude, when to them they were simply being blunt. This is known to have caused some trouble when Borancians are visiting other kingdoms that don't necessarily allow for that much of "free speech."

Another thing that Borancians are known for is being a cheerful people and most are fairly optomistic. This could be due to the religious values many Borancians have) Many of them see life as an opportunity and live life the way they want to live life. This makes the family less of a tight-knit group, but much of the generations go on to work hard and be successful workers, merchants, traders, and businessmen.

Public Agenda

The king came out one Sunday and gave a lengthy speech. However, he ended with a quote that has been repeated in every history book, "One of the greatest ways we have lived life to live in the present. To enjoy what we have now and be thankful. However, we are a great and ambitious people who have always aimed for more. We have always aimed to be happy in the future, and I believe that the year has come. The year that we will live happy in the present and joyous in the future. The year where we will look to the future with greater ambitions and greater goals."

In other words, the king was asking the people to save their money, to think about the future, and the greater goals the king was making provisions for.


The Jabok Borancion kingdom boasts a large number of people with the ability to mass make textiles and armor. They are a more technologically advanced kingdom than some of the others, and are known for their large supplies in silver.

They have well built castles and a large library consisting of various literary topics. This library is much larger than the other kingdoms and is visited by people from around the kingdoms.

Love, Life, and Happiness

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
JB (derogatory name) Bora-bora (slang name) Jabok (common shortening)
Borancian (bor-an-cian)
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Notable Members

Trading Partners

Peace Treaty

Trading Partners

In recent years the Fjormin Jenping Kingdom has been feeling slighted by Jabok and have sent representatives to renegotiate their trade deal.


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