Limital's Symbol

Limital's main symbol is quite boring compared to the other gods. While most are flashy or intricate his main symbol is an empty square. This box represents the limitations humans have in the world whether physical or mental, but inside the square is nothing. The emptiness represents humanities creativity inside those boundries. The creativity that everyone can have. Inside the box could be a flower, a person, a giant squiggle. The empty box represents the endless imagination that can happen inside a person's mind.

Limital's symbol is typically hung above the doorway by his followers/worshippers.  


Most of Limital's symbols are very plain and are mainly carved using wood. Sometimes there are fancy designs or etchings on the edges of the square, but for the most part it is just a plain wooden square.

Those that are somewhat wealtheir can afford ones that are more fanciful. Maybe not made of wood with fancy etchings on the side. Some even place something inside the square. This is usually a custom order and the object inside the square can represent something creative or unique about the person receiving Limital's Symbol.


Limital's Symbol not only represents humanities creativity, it also represents Limital and his domains. Creativity within boundaries, rule for protection. Limital's Symbol can also be seen in another way, mostly by his followers.

Limital's Symbol can be thought of as an eye. Many of his followers hang this over their doorways inside their houses as a way to invite Limital in, and to help guide them. It's also typically hung over altars or places of worship for Limital, so he can see the person sacrificing and praying to him.

It's meant as a comfort, but also a warning. Limital is watching so be good.
Limital's Symbol is not rare. It can be found in a wide range of places like over doorways, in shops, on flags.
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