God #7 Limital

Written by: Akeyla, Head Wizard

Edited by: ███ Chief Warlock
Creativity! Why don't you try thinking? Using your head? It might actually get you somewhere....and I don't mean ramming your head into a wall, idiot!
— Limital, god of calling out his brothers and sisters when they're not thinking creatively
  General Information

God #7 is my favorite god. Or least favorite god it really depends on the day. God #7 is most commonly called Limital, because of his domain: creativity within boundaries, limitations, and passions.   Limital is one of those gods, who doesn't know whether to stick his nose in something or keep it out. For example, one day I was practicing my magic and without being summoned he appeared next to me and watched me perform my spells for five hours, before finally revealing himself. After I got over my shock and anger he corrected my posture.   And another day when I was being attacked by a multi-tentacled-robot-monster thing, he didn't appear, and that was after I summoned him, twice. He's a very fickle god, but arguable one of the most powerful gods. I would advise you to not curse him or do anything to make him angry.   Specified Spells

There are certain spells and rituals that are associated with certain gods. The spells associated with Limital are as follows:
  1. Spell of Tones-- This spell is mainly used by bards, who happen to be Mages. This is commonly used as a weapon and is known for its high pitched, death-screaming sound. Affecting everyone in the vicinity of about five miles (8 km)
  2. Spell of Bounds -- This is mainly used for defense. When this spell is used it provides protection from whatever an opponent may be using against. This is an extremely powerful spell that is mastered by very few because of the mental strength it takes to use. Every strike against the bound is a strike against you.
  3. Spell of Ardor -- This is used mainly by politicians and generals, who happen to be Mages. This spell can encourage and impassion, preferably, large groups of people. This spell is unique because it is not categorized as an emotional manipulator spell, even though it uses emotions. This is because it simply stirs up what is already there, while Emotional Manipulator spells conjure a feeling that was not present before.
  4. Spell of Blue-Sky -- This spell has a strange history, which is why the name is so unique. But this spell at its base is the spell that represents Limital. Creativity within Boundaries. This spell is commonly used in a tight-spots. However, it never gets a Mage out of a situation, but rather gives the Mage the information to get out of the situation.
    Mages rarely use this spell, because it is considered "useless" when they can simply use a different spell with the words "Fire" and "Explode."
  5. Spell of Cages -- This spell is pretty self-explanatory and summons cages. I, as a personal preference, rarely use this spell simply because people can break out of cages, but they cannot break out of the Ropes of Sever.
  Rigorous Rituals

Just like spells are there certain rituals that are associated with certain gods. There are three rituals associated with Limital. They are explained as follows:  
  1. Practice of Passion -- This ritual is used for either gaining passion for yourself or giving passion to another. It's a common and easy way to impassion people without using the Spell of Ardor. Since the Spell of Ardor works better with a large group, this ritual is usually used for a person by person. However, this ritual must not be taken lightly. This is only used in grave circumstances. For example, if someone is depressed.
  2. Ritual of Rite -- This is a ritual within a ritual. This is used to initiate someone into the Tekhne Possena, also called Mages. This ritual is honored and revered by many of the Mages, but if something goes wrong the person being initiated in may not receive the capacity to learn all there is to know about magic.
  3. Ceremony of Incense -- This ritual is the simplest way of giving thanks to Limital. It is done by building an altar and sacrificing something. All you must do is use your creativity, meaning you can give thanks as long as you can build an altar and give a sacrifice.
Closing Thoughts

Even though Limital can be fickle, he is a kind god, who doesn't often interfere with man, and I suppose that's a good thing. But as a few quick warnings, don't do any of the rituals wrong, particularly the three above. He doesn't like it when people disobey tradition.


God #4 Tarvaar

brother (Trivial)

Towards God #7 Limital



God #7 Limital

brother (Important)

Towards God #4 Tarvaar



God #2: Kalin

Brother (Trivial)

Towards God #7 Limital



God #7 Limital

Brother (Important)

Towards God #2: Kalin




pretty rough, not gonna lie.

God #7 Limital

Brother (Important)

Towards God #6: Daksari



God #6: Daksari

Brother (Important)

Towards God #7 Limital




Tolerable, probably could be better.

Current Status
Ruling the various gods of Verinar
Date of Birth
703.9.12 EE
Circumstances of Birth
Made with caring hands
Entity's Home
God #4 Tarvaar (brother)
God #2: Kalin (Brother)
God #6: Daksari (Brother)
Current Residence
Home of the Gods
Usually appears brown
Usually a slick backed black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan skin with scars scattered across his back
Usually about 6'

Articles under God #7 Limital


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