The Mystics Valley

Written by Akeyla, Head Wizard
The Joho Naji kingdom has an area with beautiful lush forests and clear streams. It is a place surrounded by mountains and tall steep cliffs. The only way to enter this place is through three small, hidden openings in the mountains.

This valley is called The Mystics Valley due to its popularity in urban legends and old folktales. Many of these legends claiming the valley has "healing" abilities, and in order to be worthy of these abilities one must experience the struggles of entering this valley.

(A/N: having been to this valley I can honorably say, this valley does have healing abilities)


The valley is surrounded on all sides by tall mountains and steep cliffs. It is mostly flat with a few rolling hills. There are several streams that run through the valley making it quite lush. Throughout the valley are small, hidden places of meditation.

As one nears the center of the valley bushes and trees become more common. At the center of the valley are several large trees that have large interweaving branches and vines.

  The whole valley is a beautiful and peaceful place full of natural beauty. There are hundreds of quiet places where one can be alone to think, and hundreds of places in the trees where one could interact and socialize with the locals.


It is nearly always sunny in the valley. There are some storms that roll through every now and then, but as far as I've seen the weather is usually a nice spring turning into summer day. The rain is warm and has a nice earthy smell. The weather is usually warm with a nice breeze.

Fauna & Flora

Some of the staples of this valley are the usual farm animals, such as sheep and cows. There are also some more magical creatures. Small dragons have been known to stay in the valley from time to time, as well as pixies, the occasional unicorn sighting pops up as well.

The large oaks, maples, and weeping willows are popular trees at the center of the valley. Many like the weeping willows to climb and play on, while oaks and maples are wonderful places to build houses. Flower and vegetable gardens grown by the locals themselves are also common staples here, but these are mostly found near the middle portion of the valley.


Due to my solemn vow of secrecy I am not allowed to divulge the history and secrets of the locals. If you want to know more, you'll have to find the Mystical Valley yourself.

Sorry, but those are the rules.


The tourism is quite low. If it were easily available the valley would probably be flooded with people from around Verinar, and consequently its healing abilities would be significantly less effective.

However, those few who are lucky enough to push through and earn their way into this valley find comfort in the small shacks built by the locals and enjoy the quality food prepared for them.
Owning Organization


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