Joho Naji (Jo-ho Na-ji)

The Joho Naji kingdom is a faltering kingdom. It is taking strides to gain back its glory and greatness, but so far nothing has worked. The people work from sunrise to sunset and are often seen tired and exhausted.

The Joho Naji kingdom has hard workers, but that hard work doesn't seem to be doing anything. Because of the long hours many people need to work in order to buy food, there hasn't been any scientific break through in the Naji kingdom for 10 years.

The Joho Naji people are some of the most kindest people. They are smart people, but are worn down by the government. The family used to be tight-knit, but due to the change in government the family is looser than it used to be.

The husband goes off to work in a workshop, generally out of town, while the wife will do whatever she can to help the community whether it be through cooking, baking, or sewing.

The children from ages 10 and up will work with their father, if they are a boy, or help their mom, if they are a girl. Ages below that are sent to a small school where they are taught basic grammar rules, how to read and write, and tasks they will need for helping their respective parent.

Meals in this kingdom are treasured. This is the only time of day the whole family can be together. This is where the children are allowed to be children and where the parents can take a small break. The family will each talk about their day and talk about whatever they wish.


About 1% of the Joho Naji population is the upper class. This upper class are the people who rule the kingdom. They pass the laws and make the decrees that the people must follow.

The middle class is mostly merchants and tradesmen. They are slightly better off than the lower class, but must pay many tariffs and fees in order to trade and sell their works. Many Najian merchants and tradesmen trade and sell in the surrounding kingdoms are actually rarely in their home kingdom.

The lower class makes up the majority of people. These people work, eat, and sleep. They are a persevering people, but many of them are tired of giving their governemnt 34 second chances.


Even though the people of this kingdom work long hours, they are kind people and welcome any stranger. They invite people into their homes, even though they might not have much to offer.

Najians are very traditionally based. One of the reasons why they are so kind to their government leaders. Along with being kind to the upper class, they respect their leaders and honor their authority. Signs of rebellions are seen as disrespectful and any punishment given is seen fit.

Public Agenda

When the oligarchs come out and speak it is mainly about being close to bringing back the greatness of Joho Naji. They tell the people that in a few years things will turn around. They often tell the people to keep working, and keep obeying the law.

At least one of the oligarchs will come out and speak to the people weekly and tell them of the current condition of their kingdom. The oligarchs promise that in a few years time everything will be better. And that in a few years, they will be expanding their land, and gaining more money, and necessities.


The oligarchy has a tight security system, and a well trained army, although a bit smaller than the average kingdom. They have hard working people, and fairly fast various task forces that work on scientific achievements.

And Joho Naji, also has a large amount of precious stones and oil, which are well treasured among the various kingdoms. However, it is a long and expensive process to access the oil and precious stones, which means that many of these resources are not much use to the government.

Glory, Might, and Intelligence Forever

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Yoho (derogatory name) Naji (common shortening)
Najian (Na-ji-an)
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Cautious Allies

Joho Naji have been in contact with Fjormin Jenping wondering if Jenping would be willing to sale their inventions for oil mining.

Nothing has been decided.

Articles under Joho Naji


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