The Priests

The Priests is a faction of The Prophets, the "voices of the gods." The Priests is a small group that separated from The Prophets several years ago, rebelling against the idea of "Speaking for the gods."

There is no point in 'speaking for the gods.' It has clearly been doing nothing for the past hundreds of years. The world has been decaying and falling apart. This is where the Prophets have gotten us. It is time to go back to the old ways. It is time to go back to worshipping the gods like before. It is time for a change!

Public Agenda

The Priests separated because they believe there is no need for a "voice for the gods." They believe the The Treaty of Deraphan should be revoked and that the people should go back to worshipping the gods like what happened in the old days, before The Prophets were needed.

The Priests believe that humans should go back to worshipping the gods in-person, rather than going to a Prophet and asking what the gods will.

"Those ex-prophet guys? Yeah, they're kind of. . . crazy."

"I appreciate what they're doing, but I don't think they're being much help. I hope they'll go back to praying soon."

"I'm glad they're doing this. It's better than what the Prophets have been doing for the past several years. At least these guys are doing something!"

"I fully support them. I don't care what my family says. These guys are speaking truth. We have to do something about this. It's up to us, not the Prophets."
— various people on The Priests


Villager: *hands him a a bowl of soup* Why do you put yourself through this? You're so thin. Your shoes don't fit. People don't listen to you. Is this really necessary?

Priest: It's hard. We don't have much that's for sure. It's a big change from the comfy beds, clean water, and warm food the Prophets provided us. But I'm not going to let wants sway my beliefs. I have food, shelter, and clothes. I don't need anything else. *takes a bite of soup* But thank you for your kindness. I'd come back here just for your soup if I could!

  Anything the Priests have is given through the generosity of others or out of their own pockets. They work hard trying to make a living and preaching their message.


When the world stopped spinning a small group of people banded together to form The Priests. They saw the stop of the world as a sign from the gods that they no longer cared for humanity. Some in this group thought it was because that few humans didn't acknowledge or worship the gods, other thought it was the lack of faith, and a small few thought the gods had left them completely. Whatever the reason for the stopping of the world, this group came together in an attempt to rectify their mistakes.

They came together and tried to convince the High Priest that they should go back to the old ways. They should no longer speak for the gods, but rather speak to the people about the existence of the gods, convince them to turn to the gods and worship them like in the old days. Perhaps this would bring the gods back.

  The High Priest did not listen, and told them that convincing the people would be a waste of time. Instead of trying to tell the people about the gods, take the time to pray, speak to the gods not the people.

From that point they separated themselves from The Prophets.

The world stopped spinning. We had to do something. Even if we all had different ideas on why it happened, we still needed to come together. We all knew that's what needed to happen. The details, that all could wait. What was important right then was action. We needed to bring back the gods. We needed to get their attention. And that's what we were going to do, whether the High Priest agreed to it or not
— an ex-prophet on the decision to become a Priest

Only for the gods: Serve, Worship, Obey

Religious, Other
Alternative Names
traitors (by the Prophets)

Tenuous Peace Treaty

There is a severe dislike between these two groups


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