Tsunamis and Thunderstorms Physical / Metaphysical Law in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil

Tsunamis and Thunderstorms

Fjormin Jenping runs along the entire eastern coast of Verinar. It is one of the most tourist attractive kingdoms due to its beautiful fjords with glassy rivers, and pure white beaches with perfect waves.

Unfortunately, going to see the fjords or the beach can be a dangerous excursion.

You see, having visited this section of the kingdom I can easily tell you that there is no way to plan a beach trip without a little godly interference. The storms at the beach are horrid, and the tsunamis that come up the fjords are disastrous.


The beach life is quite wonderful until you see a dark cloud on the horizon. That dark cloud symbolizes a literal storm so brutal one might think the world is going to end. Most of these beach storms are full of large cracks of thunder and bright flashes of lightning. The lightning so bright, and so close, it could blind a person. The thunder so loud it can cause legitimate hearing loss and cause your house to shake.

These storms can come out of nowhere, but more often than not a long, big dark cloud will appear, and you will probably have a little less than an hour or so to get as far away from the beach as possible. Unless, of course, you want to risk getting flooded in, since these storms can last for weeks.

  The fjords are a slightly different story. You don't get an hour, you get three minutes. The fjords are a beautiful place and are arguably safer than the beach. However, tsunamis coming up the fjords have happened on several occasions.

A sign of that happening is the water starting to retreat. It is much harder to see this the farther inland the fjord goes, however if one is closer to the ocean it becomes clearer.

One of the dangers of living on the fjords (besides falling off a cliff) are the tsunamis that can randomly happen. It can be a clear day and the waters on the coast can start receding, and you will have very little time to get to safety before a giant wave destroys your home.

  So, if you ever want to visit the fjords or beaches of Fjormin Jenping, do be careful. Oh, and if you decide to swim in the ocean (which I do recommend the water is always fabulous), watch out for the sudden appearance of poisonous jellyfish.


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