Fjormin Jenping (fjor-mIn Jen-ping)

Fjormin Jenping is a struggling kingdom due to several recent civil wars and many changes in power. It is just starting to stabalize and is starting to enter into trading deals with other kingdoms, and is starting to bring their economy back up.

The people are proud of this kingdom, despite that fact it has a rough history. The people are honorable people and are known for their honesty and work ethic, however some say because of their culture these people are a bit hard to work with.

The Fjormin Jenping people are seen as introverted and untalkative, but may people enjoy them once they get to know them. They are a people who work hard, even if it is by themselves.

The family is important to this kingdom, but is not as important as in the Hujing Tan kingdom. The wife is usually at home either cleaning or running a small family business, while the husband goes off to work. Most children stay inside and do school from home, where both the mom and dad teach.


The highest in power is the king. He makes the decrees and passes the laws, however there is body of people that represent the common people, and they are allowed to veto the kings laws. The king is allowed to fire and hire different people, but if the king does something the body deems to be wrong, they can fire the king. This body of people is called The Jenping Council. From a political stand-point they are below the king.

Below them are the guards, who are hired by The Council, but a guard can be voted out if the common people go through several procedures to discharge a guard.

Lastly, are the common people, who are made up of the workers and merchants. They have worked hard for the past several years to get this kind of government and are not wanting to have another civil war anytime soon.


The Minjings are hard workers, but not exactly team players, and are known for going off and "doing their own thing." The majority of the time Minjings work seperately in their job, and are often seen pushing anyone who wants to work with them away.

However, Minjings are kind people and enjoy talking to people throughout the day. They are a persuasive people and are known to be stubborn and have sometimes been called hard-headed.

Public Agenda

The king and The Jenping Council have come out several times and have told the people that great things were happening. They claimed that with the growing economy, might of the army, and growing scientific discovery the kingdom was starting to gain their strength. They said that soon in the future people would be able to work less and have more. They stated that soon the kingdom's peace would be guaranteed.


The Fjormin Jenping kingdom does have a struggling economy, but the kingdom has may large buildings that can mass make weapons and various war materials. Because of this they are able to trade to various kingdoms and make a proft.

The kingdom also has large resources of oil and diamond deposits, and with new scientific discoveries they are about to start making a proft.

Where Balance and Power Meet Peace

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Minnies (slang/derogatory name) Jenping (common shortening)
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations

Trading Partners

In recent years the Fjormin Jenping Kingdom has been feeling slighted by Jabok and have sent representatives to renegotiate their trade deal.

Trading Partners

Cautious Allies

Joho Naji have been in contact with Fjormin Jenping wondering if Jenping would be willing to sale their inventions for oil mining.

Nothing has been decided.

Articles under Fjormin Jenping


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