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Ep. 304 Splitting the Party

General Summary

When last we saw our dashing bard! 

Baelai took his seemingly mundane construction hammer to magical reform the city with the help of Ler. After hearing the screams of townsfolk beyond the wall, he found them to be chased by giant monstrous chickens! How will our hero make it over the wall in time before the roadrunner wins the fight?!

Still under the guise of Tarric the Cleric, Baelai parkours over the wall of Ringwe'Eska straight into the line of fire. Ler takes the children far from danger as Baelai manages to roast these over sized turkeys. Not only does he manage to save the townsfolk, but he also provides them with meals for days. They are going to feast well for some time! 

When last we saw our adventurous shadow sorceress! 

Farryn and Quinn were both attacked by a mysterious ball of mystic energy. Before them, they see an overturned wagon with crates sprawled over the road. And now a few bandits have begun to advance.

Too bad they really don’t seem interested in talking.

After taking a few hits, our two ladies spring into action. Quinn manages to surprise Farryn with her monk abilities that takes down 3 of the 4 bandits while Farryn goes after the invisible wizard striking them down. It turns out the wizard was using transmutation magic to teleport himself on the battlefield, but it looks like that wasn't the only time he used his teleportation abilities. After stepping into a strange sigil he had left behind, Quinn and Farryn found a magically kept secret hideout filled to the brim with stolen goods

And that wasn't all, here they found documents signed by Dirjil, the self-appointed mayor of Ringwe'Eska, instructing the bandits to ambush any caravans going to or from the city. Farryn decides to return back to the city with a wagon full of supplies and food while Quinn continues on her diplomatic mission to Houndbreach atop a horse she caught and named Firesnow

When last we saw our daring pyromancer! 

Flint and Gale had delved deep into the ground in hopes of discovering secrets about Dirjil. Soon after their trek began, Flint began to hear the familiar shamblings of creatures lurking in the dark. Luckily he has experience with their kind, but can he handle them without his compatriots?

Within the tight quarters of the underground cavern, Gale and Flint have some troubles not catching each other in the line of fire. Luckily, they make it through alive and are able to continue their way through. They reemerge on the surface directly in Dirjil's backyard, where the cave in had sunk in the earth. The grounds seem to be strangely under-guarded, but our buddy cops (Wisdom: 10, Intelligence: 10 - every Thursday at 7 pm EST) use this to their advantage. They make their way to a storage shed on the grounds and upon looking inside, they find hoards of food and supplies that Dirjil has been keeping for himself. 
"We should break in-" 
"That sounds like a terrible idea!" 
Flint and Gale turn around to find Dirjil and a group of guards with their weapons unsheathed. It isn't long before Flint is lighting things on fire as he encircles the group in a Wall of Fire. The guards are killed instantly, but Dirjil makes his save and is able to jump back before the wall closes behind him. 
"Oh that's right, you like fire." 
Dirjil takes a fallen branch and sticks it into the flames before tossing it into the foundation of the Mayor's Manor. Flint and Gale watch as he lights the home aflame and then runs down towards the center of the city, screaming for help. 

Smoke billows into the sky as the enter house is quickly engulfed. Baelai, still beyond the wall in the farms, and Farryn, on the road back towards the city, see this and rush back to the city, knowing full well who could cause such an event. 

Flint, on the other-hand, stays behind to try to quench the flames while Gale rushes after the escaping Dirjil. While Flint's efforts are for naught, he rushes into the home. He just barely escapes, but he manages to gather an armful of evidence against the current mayor and his dirty deeds. Including letters to and from bandit groups to capture merchant caravans and a letter from a mysterious "B.W." asking about purchasing mages. 

As the party reconvenes at the center of the city, Dirjil has already gathered a crowd of people, screaming about the deeds of the party and what they had done to him, his home, and to the city. Baelai stands atop a market stall, dropping the visage of Tarric and instead casting a Circle of Silence surrounding Dirjil and his followers. With the charlatan silenced, Baelai, Flint and Farryn stand before the city-folk and bring forth the evidence against Dirjil to convince the people of his wrong-doing. Enraged, Dirjil charges the party. 

The battle is arduous and deadly, but our party is backed by all of their companions. The Bros, Carric, Gale, and Ler all do their parts to protect the city and destroy Dirjil.

Farryn, using Shadow Moil, is a power to be contested on the battle field; Flint uses Dragon's Breath to quickly reduce his foes to ash; Baelai's songs invigorate his companions as his Chaos Bolt strikes down all that comes in its path. While this does happen to include Farryn, she manages to strike back with her Moil and teach Baelai a good lesson to not roll anymore natural 1s. Finally, Baelai makes the final strike, as Dirjil is lit aflame and dies in a heap in the middle of the plaza. 
"That's what you get for playing with fire." - Flint 

The city doesn't take to long to start to get back on track. Ler takes over charge of the city during Quinn's absence, Gale and the Bros do their part in rebuilding, and Carric provides healing and sanctuary for the city-folk. Flint ceremoniously lights the fire fountain, returning a symbol of hope and empowerment to the people and the party continues to use Hyeo-Jun's Hammer. 

One morning the three party members are helping to fix up a barn out in the fields when their attention is drawn to a young Fraykaran man working the fields. These fields, that were once infertile and gray, were now completely ploughed and a deep healthy color. This person, who is definitely not a god, has a brief conversation with the party, thanking them for their job well done with the city so that he may return home. He motions to the hammer on Baelai's hip and asks to see it. With a knowing smile, he straps it to his own hip and then, as a trade, unsheathes an average looking sword to hand to Flint. An average and familiar looking sword that Flint may have snatched from deep beneath the city. 
“Well, I’ve got this from here, folks. I wish you all luck with wherever you end up heading.” - Definitely not Snowmor 

But where is the cliffhanger you may ask? On this totally complete main quest for the party? Well, it isn't long before it is brought to the attention of the party that Quinn has been gone longer than she should have been. She did not return to the city with a caravan from Houndbreach that she should have been accompanying. 

  And so a new quest begins.

Rewards Granted

Spell Scroll (Alarm)
Potion of Greater Healing (3)
Potion of Sylvan Speak
  • 13 gp (on Dirjil)
  • 2200 cp
  • 1100 sp
  • 70 gp

  • Polished Stone Idol (of Seryo) (25 gp)
  • Rabbit Fur Talisman (25 gp)
  • Pewter Ring (25 gp)
  • Fine Cloth Coat (25 gp)
  • Rabbit Fur Sash (25 gp)
  • Polished Stone Box (25 gp)

A half-full Perfume of Bewitching
  • Adv. on all Charisma checks for an hour
  • Used on Challenge rating 1 humanoids or lower
  • Those affected are not aware they’ve been influenced by magic
  • 4 More Uses

Snowmor's Sword
Level up to 8!! 

Missions/Quests Completed

Save Ringwe'Eska

Character(s) interacted with

Carric the Cleric
Ler Stormborn 
The Bros 
  • Domino + companion
  • Slader 
  • Dreyfuss
  • Bolt 
Dirjil (deceased) 
Definitely not Snowmor
Report Date
01 Sep 2020
Primary Location

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