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Queensport was the first city to be built in the newly established continent of Arcadia. having only come into being as a settlement a mere 70 years ago. It was only made possible due to the designs of a company, then known as Cliffton & Sons, who created the first prototypes of the Wavebreaker ships - Ships made for the sole purpose of being able to traverse the Basalt Sea. The land now acts as a neutral zone under the law of The Coalition. This means that whilst every citizen outside of the Coalition is by all means allowed in Queensport, they might not stay for very long. The cultural hotpot of people creates diaspora and people wanting to create a home for themselves in a virgin land. However this land is hotly contested and more restrictions are made daily as to who has the right to own it.    



Old Town

The oldest, and dirtiest part of the city. When it was first built, the settlement focused on the port first and worker establishments later, however as more and more people felt the need to live outside of the ship ramshackle houses made of spare materials and driftwood were built around the growing factories. Some notable buildings in Old Town are Saint Paxx's Covent , The Old Clock House and The Bird of Prey  


When Queensport began expanding out from a settlement to a city, problems began arising. One of the problems became apparent when part way through construction of a new industrial zone, part of the ground shifted as if struck by a localised earthquake. It then proceeded to rise around 800ft off of the ground. This destroyed what had been constructed and left several workers suspended in the sky for several months. After several years of trial and error, specific parts of the ground were identified to be liable to float and so a system of chains, pulleys and levers were created in order to make a working system of platforms and elevators. This made it so people could still live in these areas despite the challenges presented. The floating sections of land are seen as a monument marking the moving heart of the city, and thus its namesake.  


A section of the city reserved solely for the organisations that help it run. Most of the area is lined with warehouses that run parallel to the cliffside. A lot of displaced migrants and those experiencing homelessness use this place when they have nowhere else to go, as it runs on minimal activity from the city watch and has a lot of roofed areas. This is how the criminal enterprise known as The Line managed to establish a network out of the docks. There are also three large piers that have been fixed into place, however no more than two are ever occupied at once. Some sections towards the eastern side have been made into a high end business district, containing embassies, corporate headquarters and other government owned bodies such as the post office.  


The wealthiest area of Queensport, so named as instead of mud, rocks and glass that most of the city contends with, the roads within are well maintained and lined with wood chippings to keep their feet from becoming dirty or their carriages delayed. Those who could not go without the luxuries of a modern city will not go wanting here, as nearly every need is catered to - for those who can afford it. Books, magical items, tailored suits, entertainment: when it comes to these, only the best can be found within chippings, as the exorbitant shipping & travelling fees for such things keep all but the highest earning brands and richest entrepreneurs from even attempting it.  


Around 13 years ago, an odd phenomenon began to occur. As the city grew, more and more construction was taking place, working its way steadily north. However, things started to become suspicious when people started disappearing. Seemingly overnight, entire streets went silent. Naturally investigations occurred as to what was the cause but as to this day, nothing has been proven as the cause. As people started flooding out, looking for safety amongst the rest of the city, a kind of border was drawn. Barns, theoretically, doesn't have an official starting point, but you know when you are within its boundaries. Constructions left unfinished and lofty buildings left to collapse are a chilling sight for any resident who has lost their way, even without knowing how they came to be abandoned.    


Landfall in a new world [1055 NCA]


Queensport Established [1061 NCA]

  Once the first ship made landfall on the new continent it took several years to import the workers and materials needed in order to build a port. Due to the hazardous nature of the Basalt Sea, work was slow and dangerous. This first effort was originally to create a place of safety in order to work and build from.   The location now known as old town was built as a makeshift home for the shipwrights and constructors to operate out of. However, due to the diaspora created by the century war, a lot of people were looking to travel to a new home away from the conflicts of the past. Many of the first workers wrote back to their families telling of virgin lands and greener pastures, which quickly garnered interest with the press. Demand for the construction of a new city with infrastructure to hold all of the displaced peoples put pressure on development.   It also put pressure on several political groups. Tension rose, as meetings were held to discuss who should take ownership of this new land. There were those who had their suspicions about the nature of occupation in a land that very few could access. This led to the belief that it could spark another war, as whoever owned the land, not only had the control of a large number of refugees who harboured resentment, but also were free to act with impunity away from the rest of the world.   In the end it was decided that the city would operate via committee. One representative, nominated and voted upon by this committee, would operate this new city on the understanding that this country was never to be owned by any one person. “A nation that will bow to no king”. A little tongue in cheek perhaps, but its sentiment has named and driven Queensports founding principles.
Murder was in fact a fairly uncommon event in Queensport, but there were a lot of suicides. Walking in the night-time alleyways of Old Town was suicide. Asking for a short in a dwarf bar was suicide. Saying 'Got rocks in your head?' to a troll was suicide. You could commit suicide very easily, if you weren't careful.
Large city
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