
Nokken are creatures of Sognian lore. Once thought only to be a myth, the The Scholars' Guild has amassed numerous credible sightings by Settlers living in the northern, coastal areas of Karvastead  Nokken inhabit the fjords and waterways that feed into the Sea of Storms, as well as the sea itself. They appear in the shape of a beautiful horse, grazing on the grass next to the water. Those who have seen them speak of being overcome with a desire to approach it and a feeling of being drawn towards it. If a person lays their hands on the Nokken, it drags them into the water and drowns them. For this reason, those who live in areas where Nokken dwell never walk alone, lest the Nokken hypnotize them and lead them to their death.   There are also reports by sailors who have seen Nokken while at sea. None of these sightings have resulted in death. These reports speak of seeing a beautiful horse galloping across the waves, but nothing else.


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