Mota Riam


(a.k.a. Mo, Sibling Mota)


Mota's formal education has been only within the group. and as such is limited to what they have chosen to teach her. She is not interested in further education.  


Mota is on Level 2, the second lowest level of siblings within the group, which gives her a set of responsibilities specific to The Tower.  

Hobbies & Interests


  • Sewing
  • Knitting
  • Whittling wood


  • Other people
  • Improving the world
  • The Prophet


She believes fully in the message of the prophet and the words of the parent. She also believes that everyone is, at their heart, a good person. Those who do evil things, simply haven't accepted the words of the prophet into their hearts.  


Mota is an idealist. In the short life she spent outside of group, she witnessed a harsh reality of life and truly believes that parent will help her make the world a better place. She is open-minded.   She likes helping people and being part of a group. She cares a lot and is very connected to other people. She feels a large amount of responsibility for the people she cares about, beyond what she perhaps should. This leads to a need to be liked.  



As Mota is specific species, she has light blue hair with streaks of pale green, pastel green skin and blue eyes. She tends to wear her elbow-long hair down, but when she is trying to look smart she braids it into five or six small knots at the back of her head. She has a slender build and a slightly rounded face. She's 5ft 4in tall and wears the traditional robes associated with her level within the group.  


She has a tendency to make herself small. She hunches in on herself slightly as she walks and is likely to stand towards the back of a crowd, but keeping herself part of the group. She is not the first person to do anything, not because she is timid, but because she wants to give other people the chance to participate first. She is friendly and has a smile for everyone, even people she doesn't like very much.

Personal Details


She is plagued with self-doubt and a need to please which prevents her from making decisions which are in her own best interest.

Pet Peeves

She's irritated by people who interrupt, believing they're not listening and are too busy thinking about what they're going to say next.


She is scared of being alone, of people not liking her and of being abandoned as a result. This is part of where her need to please comes from.

Bad Habits

Mota's biggest bad habits all lead from her insecurities and self-doubt. She has a bad habit of being self-deprecating and not speaking up when she should. This means it can be quite frustrating to talk to her, and getting her opinion is difficult.

Proud Moments

Mota's proudest moment was the day a few years after she joined the group when she was only 10 years old, and the parent told her she was doing a good job. It was the first time she felt secure in where she was.

Prize Possessions

Her mother's ring.

Guilty Pleasures

Eating sweet food.

Secret Talents

Being well-organised.

She / Her

  • 1693

    17 5

    Mota Riam Born
    Life, Birth
    Additional timelines
  • 1701

    27 13

    Mota Riam Moves to The Tower
    Life, Relocation
    Additional timelines
  • 1707

    13 13

    Mota Reaches Level 2
    Life, Achievement/ Win
    Additional timelines


Author's Notes

Some of the content on this page is hidden.I am trying to keep some of the inner workings of the novel I'm writing behind the scenes, but if you would like to dig deeper into the background and process, you can sign up here.

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