Oppa Bogum


(a.k.a. Sibling Oppa, Aunt Oppa)


Oppa had a standard another species education and was well on her way to becoming an exceptional lawmaker, a career path she chose so that she could make a third planet a better place. She first came across the group when she was on a day out with some friends as students but dismissed it.   After a traumatic personal experience in her final season of lessons, she bumped into one of the people from the group, and their words spoke to her more than before, so she joined them.  


She worked throughout the course of her education, interning for various lawmakers and in law offices. However, as soon as she moved to The Tower, she committed herself to the group and began working her way up the levels. She is now part of the older sibilings.  

Hobbies & Interests


  • cooking
  • meditation
  • traditional strategy board game
  • walking


  • making the world a better place
  • words of the prophet
  • problem solving
  • intergalactic law


She believes that everyone is born equal, but their acts and behaviours make some more worthy than others of special treatment and courtesies. She fully believes in the word of the prophet but doesn't think Tar Kerr was the right choice for the new parent. Despite this, she credits the group with saving her life and will do everything she can to support and further its mission.  


Oppa has been knocked about by life, and that makes her a bit more brittle than most. She makes the best efforts to be kind, but struggles with those who have had a softer life than she has, her patience running far shorter, particularly if they seem entitled. She values intelligence in herself and others and didn't realise that she had spent her life looking for answers until she became part of the group and heard the words of the prophet.  



She is a another species and is therefore naturally voluptuous with rusty red skin. Her seven burnt orange tentacles usually rest around her head but can flare out when she's distressed or angry. She stands at 5ft 8in tall and dresses in the traditional robes of the group.


She moves slowly, mindfully. Everything she does, she does with a sense of purpose, giving the impression that she considers everything before she acts. The exception to this is when she is frustrated or angry when her movements become jerkier and less thoughtful.

Personal Details


Oppa can be impatient with people who she thinks are being too soft or not using their initiative. She can also be quite blunt with people who she finds annoying.

Pet Peeves

She is annoyed by people who seem entitled and expect things to be done for them without any effort or input on their part or those who don't pull their weight.


She has been inside the group long enough that she is scared of the outside world. She fears the dangers which may exist beyond The Tower.

Bad Habits

She carries a pipe which she smokes at least once a day. She knows it's not good for her, but she does it anyway because it reminds her of a happy childhood.

Proud Moments

Before joining the group her proudest moment was getting accepted to a lawmaking school, but now it is becoming part of the older sibilings.

Prize Possessions

Her pipe.

Guilty Pleasures


Secret Talents

Reading lips.
She / Her / They / Them

  This is part of Ready. Set. Novel! project which I am working on. Below is the checklist:   - Name
- Nickname
- Age
- Birthdate
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Location
- Profession
- Education
- Hobbies and Interests
- Political and/or Religious Beliefs
- Disposition and Personality
- Appearance
- Weaknesses and Faults
- Pet Peeves
- Fears
- Guilty Pleasures
- Prized Possessions
- Bad Habits
- Proudest Accomplishments
- Secret Talents


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