Tar Kerr


(a.k.a. Mother Tar)


Tar is a great learner, so while she was not lucky enough to have received any formal education, she has consumed an enormous range of educational materials from across the galaxy. In doing so, she taught herself multiple languages and it was while she was learning Sanctuary's language that she came across one of their pamphlets and heard the words of the prophet.  


She joined the group when she was still a youth and committed herself to it and the word of the prophet. Her entire working life has been dedicated to the cause.   At 32, she was raised to the highest level and became part of the older sibilings and when she was 48, she was selected as the future parent. This didn't come to pass until the passing of the previous parent 4 years later.  

Hobbies & Interests


  • Reading
  • Consuming content
  • Writing
  • Acting


  • Languages
  • History
  • Faith
  • Fame


She believes strongly in the ways of the group and leads with both her head and her heart. She knows she was put into this universe for a purpose and that she is special. Being parent is not enough, she knows she is going to be remembered forever for her achievements.  


She is very smart and is good at understanding and reading people. She knows how to get what she wants out of someone. She is naturally charismatic and capable of drawing people to her. Tar is also protective, of herself first and of those who love her second. She guards her secrets closely and understands the power of collecting other people's secrets too.   She has learned over the years to be adaptive and is good at taking advantage of situations or noticing issues long before they become too big to manage. She values transparency in the siblings and has constant low-level paranoia.  


She understands the importance of image and is meticulous in how she presents herself, both in terms of how she looks and how she acts.  


She is smaller than most, with a sweet slightly plain face. She has dark brown eyes, a large nose and wiry grey hair which bursts out of her head, like a cloud of dust around a moon. She is physically strong, with wide shoulders and hips. She smiles with her whole body. She dresses in draped fabrics which are stereotypical of mothers across multiple cultures and planets.


Tar uses her small stature to her advantage, using it as an excuse to stand on objects which allow her to stand head and shoulders above the rest. She moves with the slow determination of someone who knows exactly where they're going and the confidence which says the world will wait for her to get there.

Personal Details



Her biggest weakness is her ego. She is paranoid but she also believes that she is correct in every choice she makes and that nothing she does can be wrong.

Pet Peeves

She struggles with people who are sloppy or clumsy, finding it annoying, and can't bear it when someone has food or something similar spilt on their clothes.


Tar is deeply paranoid and fears that people will try to take her power away from her. This fear is slowly growing inside her and has started to interrupt her dreams.

Bad Habits

She is something of a neat freak, which does not sound like a bad habit, but it is when it's done to the extent that Tar does. She is compulsive in her need for everything to be tidy and in her attempts to keep everything in order.

Proud Moments

All of Tar's proudest moments have happened within the group. She is extremely proud of being the youngest person to be part of the older sibilings and of being the first person to become parent who was not a biological relative of the previous parent.


Prize Possessions

Her datapoint which she uses for gathering intel and content.

Guilty Pleasures

She loves a foot rub or soaking her feet in warm water.

Secret Talents

She doesn't let anyone know that she can whistle.

Family Tree



Tar Kerr

Niece (Trivial)

Towards Beed Kerr



Beed Kerr

Uncle (Important)

Towards Tar Kerr




Tar Kerr went to live with Beed Kerr and his husband Lega Mui in 1666. The decision was made by Beed in conversation with Tar Kerr's mother, Ralta Marr, when the then nine year old Tar had dislocated her half-brother's, Kant Olar, arm. When asked what she was doing, Tar had responded that she'd been "playing with him". This was not a good enough response for the panicked Ralta nor her furious new husband, Mitt Olar.   Beed agreed to take his niece in, having always wanted children himself, without consulting Lega, which caused some upset with the couple. Tar was angry about being left by her mother and never respected Beed. Beed was frustrated and disappointed that Tar didn't seem able to understand what a good life he was providing her and how awful the alternatives could be.   In 1669, after only three years with her uncle, Tar stole his shuttle and ran away to join Sanctuary.   Beed looked for his niece for two years, desperately trying to track the shuttle and look for any indication that she was still alive. Finally Lega persuaded him to give up his search, assuring him that if she was still alive (which seemed unlikely) she had found somewhere she would be safe and happy. She was no longer his responsibility. Beed lived the rest of his life with a low level of guilt.   Tar, on the otherhand, never really thought about her uncle or his husband again, except with a level of annoyance that she ever had to live with him and that they never recognised her greatness.

Tar Kerr's Life
She / Her / They / Them

Articles under Tar Kerr

  • 1657

    2 /7

    Tar Kerr Born
    Life, Birth
    Additional timelines
  • 1662

    Tan Kerr Dies
    Life, Death

    Tar Kerr's father dies

    Additional timelines
  • 1664

    Ralta Marr Marries Mitt Olar

    Tar Kerr's mother remarries after her father's death.

    Additional timelines
  • 1666

    Tar Kerr Moves In With Uncle
    Life, Relocation

    Tar Kerr is moved in with her uncle, Beed Kerr, and his husband, Lega Mui.

    Additional timelines
  • 1669

    16 /2

    1 /3

    Tar Travels To The Tower
    Life, Relocation
    Additional timelines
  • 1669

    16 /2

    Tar Steals Her Uncle's Shuttle
    Criminal Activity
    Additional timelines
  • 1669

    1 /3

    Tar Arrives At The Tower
    Life, Relocation

    Tar Kerr, future leader, arrives at The Tower for the first time.

    Additional timelines
  • 1689

    19 /11

    Tar Joins the Inner Circle
    Life, Achievement/ Win
    Additional timelines
  • 1705

    23 /13

    Tar Becomes Next In Line
    Cultural event

    Tar Kerr is announced as the future leader of The Tower.

    Additional timelines
  • 1709

    3 /7

    Tar Becomes Leader
    Cultural event
    Additional timelines


Author's Notes

Some of the content on this page is hidden.I am trying to keep some of the inner workings of the novel I'm writing behind the scenes, but if you would like to dig deeper into the background and process, you can sign up here.

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