

Cultural Backdrop

The universe is a vast and terrifying place. There is good out there, but there is also plenty of bad. Corruption, greed and deceit are commonplace and callousness and malice run rampant.   On nearby planet, a mass emigration event has left behind a husk of a planet.
On the planet, people live a life of excess and luxury which is empty at its core.
On another planet, people live in terror of a tyrannical dictatorship.
On a third planet, crops are dying due to the pollution caused by centuries of wars.
On yet another planet, a widespread illness has wiped out two-thirds of the population and those who remain are trying to pick up the pieces.

Core Beliefs

There are six core beliefs of Sanctuary. These beliefs were laid out in the words of the prophet when Sanctuary was founded, and have been passed down from one generation to the next. These beliefs are broken up into three tiers, known as certitudes, the first being the most important.  

The First Certitude

The universe is breaking.

The Second Certitudes

Nothing which is prime can truly be broken.
Division is a death sentence

The Third Certitudes

Everyone has to make the choice themselves.
Leading others to the light makes yours shine brighter.
We can all become a prime of one if we try hard enough
  Each of these Certitudes serves a purpose within the group and has a specific meaning.  

The First Certitude

The First Certitude deals with the idea that the universe is doomed. The fact that the breaking is a verb and is therefore continuous, means it cannot be fixed.

The Second Certitudes

The Second Certitudes is focused on the power of the knowledge held by the group to make an individual immune to the universe breaking. It implies immortality.

The Third Certitudes

The Third Certitude opens the ideas up beyond the individual and the concept that helping the group serves the individual in their mission to become prime.


Sanctuary is based in Solace, centred around the Tower of Solace, a colony built on one of the moons that orbits nearby planet. Before it became Solace, the colony was a privately owned mineral-harvesting compound that went out of business and was bought by the prophet. They laid out the building of the Tower which began shortly afterwards.   While it is possible to be a member of Sanctuary outside of Solace, 99% of members live in Solace.  


There are quite a few words and phrases which are unique to the group, either because they have changed the meaning or because they have created the words themselves.  
Word Use Meaning
Prime "become prime" Strong, united, unique, indivisible
Breaking "you are breaking" Self-destructing, collapsing, falling apart
Divide "don't divide" Break beyond repair
Divider "they're a divider" They are evil, enjoy causing pain or death
Divided "she is divided" Broken beyond repair, destroyed, unsaveable
Composite "they're composite" Not prime, capable of being divided, not (yet) a member of Sanctuary
Light "led to the light" Enlightenment, understanding, truth
Darkness "in the darkness" The universe beyond Solace
The Choice "make the choice" Chosing to commit to Sanctuary


People within Sanctuary consider themselves part of a family, a single unit, and so they use different familial terms for relationships within the group.
These names include:
  • cousin - Someone new to the group
  • sibling - A member of the group
  • parent - The leader of the group


The structure of the group can best be described as a hierarchy which uses the concept of a family as its foundation.  

The Parent

There is only one parent within Sanctuary and are recognised by their title; 'mother', 'father' or 'parent' depending on gender. They are effectively the leader of the group and have access to all of the words of the prophet, and have reached a point in their service where they have achieved prime. They are dedicated to helping others to do the same.

Older Siblings

The older siblings are a small group of trusted people who support the parent. One or two may have achieved prime, but for the most part, they are still siblings but with more rights and responsibilities than their "younger" counterparts. They are not necessarily older in age, but they will have achieved a certain level to rise to this position, as well as being chosen by the parent.


Siblings are members of the group who have not yet attained the status of older sibling. The majority of the people within Solace at any given time are siblings. There are many different levels that a sibling can reach and they carry out 90% of the service within Sanctuary.


Those who first arrive at Solace are called cousins. This term is used until they have fully committed to Sanctuary.
Movement / Social Group


The Pitch

We know the universe is a dark and broken place. But we have chosen not to break with it.   We have found another way and want to share it with you, to help you achieve your full potential and reach your prime.


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