Tar Kerr's Family Life

Family Tree

Family Tree

What is their home life like?


Her father, Tan Kerr, was a hard-working man, selling foods door to door. Her mother, Ralta Marr, worked in an office. This meant neither of them was at home much and Tar has no memories of them from this time except this idea of people working. So Tar spent most of her time in a daycare, where she learned she could manipulate people to get what she wanted.


After Tan's death, Ralta worked even harder in order to afford the life she wanted, making her less available to her daughter.   Ralta loved Tan and was devastated by his death, but saw nothing of her beloved husband in her needy daughter. She was tired a lot of the time and was more focused on work than on being a comfort to her daughter.


When Ralta met Mitt Olar, who worked at the daycare where Tar spent her early days. He was kind to Tar until he married her mother, at which point the facade fell away. He was never cruel, just disinterested, and really only wanted to be a kept man. Tar spent most of her days in her room consuming content while he spent all of her mother's hard-earned money on whatever took his fancy. Ralta quickly got pregnant again and Kant Olar was born.


After an incident during which Tar accidentally dislocated his new half-brother's arm, Mitt declared her dangerous to the happiness of the family and demanded that Ralta choose between him and her daughter. She chose him, and Tar moved in with her uncle, Beed Kerr and his husband Lega Mui. They attempted to shower Tar with the affection and attention she'd always missed, taking it in turns to stay at home to look after her.

What makes this family who they are?


The dedication to work was very much the underlying value of Tan and Ralta's relationship. They were both ambitious and supported each other in that.


Work went from being an underlying value to being the driving force and central focus for Ralta. This was her finding a focus for her grief.


As Mitt enters the family, the focus changes slightly, with Ralta still keeping work at her core, but her new husband introduces lies and deception.


Both Beed and Lega prioritised love over financial security and fully believed in finding happiness in other people rather than in material possessions.

How has the family dynamic shaped who your main character is now?


It has taught her the power of choosing a goal and putting everything into getting there.


It has instilled in her the importance of a strong work ethic and a belief that you can work through your emotions.


It has taught her the power of lies and deceit, and how little people actually need to think they are happy.


It allowed her to flex her manipulation skills and showed her that she could deceive people to get what she wanted.

Is there something they want from their family but still haven't gotten?

Tar feels as though no one in her family truly understood her genius, or saw the potential she felt in herself. She feels rejected by her mother, disrespected by her stepfather and underestimated by her uncle. She knows she is powerful and destined for greatness, and subconsciously wants her family to recognise that about her.   As far as she is concerned, she no longer thinks about her family. She has left them behind in search of better and greater things.
This is part of the Ready. Set. Novel! project that I'm working on.  
Key Character
Tar Kerr
Related Characters
Tan Kerr
Ralta Marr
Mitt Olar
Kant Olar
Beed Kerr
Lega Mui
Related Timeline
Tar Kerr's Life


  Tar Kerr's homelife as a child changed a lot throughout her life. This article is split into several sections:
  1. Her time with her mother and father (aged 0 to 5 years old)
  2. Her time with her mother after her father's death (aged 5 to 7 years old)
  3. Her time with her mother and stepfather (aged 7 to 9 years old)
  4. Her time with her uncle and his husband (aged 9 to 12 years old
These numbers correlate with the numbered boxes on the left.


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