
The Bjornheimers are said to have a natural inclination for war and conquest, forged by the harsh conditions of their environment. They are fearless warriors, hardened by the unforgiving cold and challenging terrain. Despite their warlike nature, they have a strong sense of honor and respect for their adversaries. The Bjornheimers have a deep connection to their ancestral roots and reject excessive reliance on technology, instead favoring traditional methods and craftsmanship in their weapons and tools. They are known as sailors and raiders, for centuries prior to the modern era, the Bjornheimer's were the scruge of Eldonia and Ithca alike. Using thier longships, rowing into towns and villages, pillaging and leaving before any organized resistance could muster. The Bjornheimers evolved into traders after conquest and have found themselves outmatched by the IMperium to such a degree they've become known as some of the best mercenaries in t he world but no longer a great power.
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