
The legends of the Eifer tell of Wodyn, Odin, Odym, and Wodon, depending on the region of Edlonia and root language. The legends of him largely do not change, though his name does. He was once Mara's one-time lover, man-god, who birthed himself into knowledge of the runes by hanging himself on the world-tree Yigsil. This knowledge drove a wedge between him and the mother-goddess. In his 9,000 steps across the length and breadth of Eldonia in the great ages before the Great Conflagration and afterwards, Wodon is said to have invented alcohol to celebrate the end of the great war of the Hells and discovered the battle frenzy mushroom Fíoch to inspire the Eifer to defeat the Jöntun and drive them from the north.   Like Mara worship, the adherents to Wodon are not formally organized into a hierarchical structure; it largely consists of the stories and traditions of the Eifer. There are clerics, druids, and sages of Wodon worship who wander the land, most often showing up in places of conflict to enforce the Eifer's way of War and sometimes as participants by Wodon's blessing.   For most Eifer, Wodon is a part of Mara's tale. Few druidic collectives focus on his worship, but most warriors and all Named Men are said to be aspects of Wodon's many faces. Those who take their worship further go on the Wyldling Way, a path of aestheticism and ritual, to join Wodon on his wanderings to find the runic wisdom that informs creation. These men are called Vikti.

Mythology & Lore

Wodyn, known as the Seeker of Truths, is a central figure in the mythology of the Eifer. Revered as the god of wisdom, war, and magic, Wodyn's relentless quest for knowledge and understanding led him to bind both demons and angels in his search for the ultimate truth of existence. According to legend, Wodyn discovered that the world was once whole, embodied by a singular divine entity. This entity, shattered into countless pieces, gave birth to gods, demons, angels, and men. Wodyn's journey took him through the realms of the divine and the infernal, often at great personal cost. His teachings emphasize the pursuit of knowledge, the balance of power, and the acceptance of the unknown. Followers of Wodyn believe in embracing one's destiny and seeking wisdom through experience and introspection. Wodyn's runes, symbols of his divine wisdom, are sought after for their power and guidance

Cosmological Views

In the cosmology of Wodyn, the universe emerged from the shattering of a once-whole divine entity known as the Great Wholeness. This primordial being fragmented into countless pieces, creating the realms of gods, demons, angels, and men. At the heart of this cosmology lies Elysium, the abode of gods and angels, a realm of light and eternal harmony. The Abyss, a realm of chaos and darkness, is home to demons and malevolent beings.   Solacea, the mortal plane, stands between these realms, constantly threatened by both Heaven's judgement and Hell's wrath. Wodyn, the Seeker of Truths, is not a balancer of good and evil, but a fierce protector of Solacea. He seeks to preserve the world from the destructive influences of both the Heavens and the Hells, understanding that either's dominance would spell doom for mortal existence.   Wodyn's wisdom and power stem from his ability to bind angels and demons, extracting their secrets to safeguard Solacea. His deep connection with Mara, the Goddess of Nature, underscores his commitment to the natural world and its preservation. Together, they strive to maintain the vitality and balance of Solacea, ensuring it thrives despite the cosmic forces arrayed against it. Eldonians believe that Mara created them from mud with Wodyn's help, shaping humanity from the very earth.   Runes, the ancient symbols of Wodyn's knowledge, hold the secrets of the cosmos, offering guidance and power to those who can decipher them. Followers of Wodyn honor his relentless pursuit of wisdom and his dedication to defending the world from celestial and infernal threats.   Wodyn foresees a great battle of the future called Mörkflár (MOHRK-flahr) where the veil between worlds will tear once more, bringing the Hells back to Solacea. This impending conflict will test the will of man. To prepare for this time of greatness, Wodyn created the Halls of Valhalla. Here, named men and women of great renown gather, training for the day when Solacea must stand alone against the wrath of Hell and the judgement of Heaven, to emerge victorious.

Tenets of Faith

1. Seek the Hidden Truths
Uncover the deepest secrets of the universe. Knowledge is a weapon, and understanding the arcane and the forbidden is essential to defending Solacea.   2. Defend Solacea with Iron and Blood
Guard the mortal realm against the encroachments of Heaven and Hell. Fight with unyielding resolve, for the survival of Solacea is the highest duty.   3. Honor the Wilds
Revere and protect the natural world, the realm of Mara and Wodyn. The wilds are sacred, and balance with nature is vital to the strength of humanity.   4. Pursue the Wisdom of the Runes
Seek out ancient knowledge and the power of runes. The wisdom of the past is a guide to understanding the present and preparing for the battles to come.   5. Prepare for Mörkflár
Train for the inevitable clash when the veil between worlds is torn asunder. Mörkflár is coming, and only the strong and the wise will prevail.   6. Strength Above All
Cultivate personal might and resilience. Each warrior's strength contributes to the might of Solacea; honor the individual warrior spirit.   7. Embrace the Warrior's Balance
Maintain balance through strength and strategy. Avoid the extremes of chaos and order; true harmony is found in the equilibrium of power.   8. Honor the Halls of Valhalla
Revere the heroes who have gone before and strive to join their ranks. Valhalla is a sacred hall where the greatest warriors gather, ready to defend Solacea in its darkest hour.


A heavy influence on wisdom and strength, the cleverness to trick ones enemies but compliance with divine law and Eifer tradition. The Wodon adherent finds ectasy in battle and insight in the dark places of the wood.


Ritual Sacrifice
In times past, the highest form of worship involved the ritual sacrifice of enemies. Captured foes were offered to Wodyn in elaborate ceremonies that took place during significant festivals or before major battles. These sacrifices were seen as the ultimate tribute, symbolizing the triumph of Wodyn's followers and their unyielding dedication to defending Solacea.   For those of lesser means, sacrifices were made using oxen, sheep, and other farm animals. The wealthier devotees would offer oxen, symbolizing strength and endurance, while the common folk would sacrifice sheep or other livestock, representing their commitment and piety. The rituals were performed with great solemnity, often accompanied by chanting, drumming, and the reading of ancient runes.   Ceremonial Practices
Ceremonial practices also included the reading of sacred texts and the interpretation of runes, believed to be imbued with Wodyn's wisdom. These rituals were conducted by Runesmiths, the holy men of Wodyn, who served as intermediaries between the god and his followers. The Runesmiths would inscribe runes on stones or weapons, seeking guidance and blessings from Wodyn.   Vikti and Storytelling
The Vikti are more than mere storytellers like Skalds; they are the spiritual leaders and holy men of Wodyn's faith. They possess deep knowledge of runes and ancient lore, and they play a critical role in interpreting Wodyn's will. Vikti are known for their wisdom and ability to perform powerful rituals that can ensure victory in battle, bless crops, and even predict the future. They are often seen wearing intricate robes adorned with runic symbols, and they carry staffs or other ritualistic items that signify their sacred duties.   Feasts and Festivals
Feasts and festivals were central to Wodyn worship, marking important events in the agricultural and warrior calendars. During these gatherings, the community would come together to honor Wodyn with offerings of food, drink, and song. Stories of Wodyn's exploits and the great deeds of his followers were recited, reinforcing the values of strength, wisdom, and resilience.   Modern Worship
In modern times, the practice of human sacrifice has faded, but the essence of Wodyn worship remains. Offerings of livestock continue in some remote villages, while others have adapted to more symbolic gestures, such as the offering of weapons or crafted goods. The reading of runes and the telling of Wodyn's legends still play a crucial role in worship, keeping the ancient traditions alive in the hearts of his followers.

Granted Divine Powers

Wodyn does not give Clerical powers, instead adherents either follow the Wyldling way, either finding wisdom or loosing thier minds.

Through Wisdom, Victory; In Battle, Ecstasy.

Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Wotan, Woden, Odin, Odim, Wodom
Related Ethnicities

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