Cadwyn Arwyr ([CAD-win AR-weer])

The Cadwyn Arwyr of Lyrfaen Spire   In the heart of Alderland, the Lyrfaen Spire stands as a monolith of knowledge, mystery, and ancient power. Its dark, glass-like structure is safeguarded by a select group known as the Cadwyn Arwyr, translating roughly to "Chain of Heroes" in the old tongue. These elite guardians are not only protectors but also the silent witnesses to the myriad of secrets and ancient wisdom housed within the spire. Their duty is not merely to guard against physical threats but to shield the knowledge contained within from those who would misuse it.   The Cadwyn Arwyr are chosen from the city’s primary defensive force, the Arwyr, but they are not just any soldiers. They are individuals who have demonstrated not only physical prowess but a mental and emotional fortitude that sets them apart. They undergo rigorous training and are often subjected to tests of character, ensuring their loyalty and discretion. Once chosen, they sever most ties with the outside world, dedicating themselves to the protection of the Lyrfaen Spire and the invaluable contents within.   Their uniform is distinct, adorned with symbols and motifs inspired by the ancient Daoine Roimhthe, often incorporating the dark, obsidian-like material found in the spire into their armor and weaponry. This serves not only as a physical protection but a symbolic representation of their duty to safeguard the dark and enigmatic knowledge within the spire. The Cadwyn Arwyr live by a strict code, which emphasizes secrecy, loyalty, and a commitment to preserving the sanctity and safety of the knowledge within the Lyrfaen Spire. They are respected and somewhat feared by the citizens, as they are the silent, ever-watchful guardians of Alderland’s most mysterious and potent symbol of the past.


The Cadwyn Arwyr, under the steadfast leadership of the Cadfri (General), is structured with a clear hierarchy that ensures the smooth operation and unwavering defense of the Lyrfaen Spire. The Cadfri oversees the Uwchswyddogion (Captains), each responsible for a specific division within the organization, such as the guardianship of the spire, the training of new recruits, or the management of acquired knowledge. Beneath the captains, the Swyddogion (officers) manage the day-to-day activities and the Llawfeddygion (sergeants) who directly oversee the Arwyr, the rank-and-file members who execute the will of their superiors and embody the steadfast defense of the spire.

Public Agenda

Publicly, the Cadwyn Arwyr are the stalwart protectors of knowledge, ensuring that the Lyrfaen Spire, a symbol of wisdom and continuity, remains unassailable and its contents preserved for future generations. They facilitate controlled access to the spire for scholars and those seeking to learn from its vast repositories, maintaining a balance between the sharing of knowledge and the preservation of the delicate and sometimes dangerous texts within. Their visible agenda is one of guardianship, ensuring that the knowledge within the spire is both preserved and utilized for the betterment of society, under the watchful and controlled environment they maintain.


In terms of assets, the Cadwyn Arwyr command a respectable force of well-trained, dedicated warriors, scholars, and spies, each contributing to the safeguarding and accumulation of knowledge. The Ceidwaid, their clandestine agents, traverse the lands, often bearing false identities, to seek out and retrieve lost or hidden knowledge, ensuring the continual growth of the spire’s resources. The organization also possesses a variety of artifacts and texts, some of which hold latent magical properties, secured within the depths of the spire, away from those who might misuse them. Furthermore, they maintain a network of contacts across various lands, including scholars, traders, and other individuals who aid them, knowingly or unknowingly, in their perpetual quest for wisdom and understanding.


In the early days of Alderland, when the city was but a burgeoning settlement amidst the vast, untamed wilderness, the need for a steadfast guard to protect its people and the burgeoning wealth of knowledge within the Lyrfaen Spire became paramount. The first protectors, known as the Cadwyn Arwyr, emerged from the ranks of the city’s most skilled and loyal warriors, handpicked by the leaders of the day. Their initial purpose was singular and clear: to safeguard the city and its inhabitants from external threats and to preserve the sanctity and security of the Lyrfaen Spire, which even then, was recognized as a repository of invaluable wisdom and a symbol of Alderland’s burgeoning identity.   As the city of Alderland expanded and flourished, so too did the role of the Cadwyn Arwyr evolve. The guardians found themselves not only as protectors but also as preservers and seekers of knowledge. The Lyrfaen Spire, with its enigmatic presence and seemingly infinite reservoir of wisdom, became a beacon that drew scholars, mages, and knowledge-seekers from far and wide. The Cadwyn Arwyr, recognizing the potential threats and opportunities this influx presented, expanded their mission. They became intermediaries between the external world and the secrets housed within the Spire, ensuring that the knowledge within was neither exploited nor fell into malevolent hands.   In the modern era, the Cadwyn Arwyr stand as a symbol of both might and wisdom. Their clandestine missions to seek and secure knowledge from the far reaches of the world are whispered about in the hallowed halls of the Lyrfaen Spire, known only to a select few. The guardians, shrouded in a mix of reverence and mystery, continue to navigate the delicate balance between sharing knowledge and safeguarding Alderland’s secrets, ever vigilant against the shadows of threats that loom in the vast, uncharted territories beyond the city’s walls.

In Darkness, We Guard the Light

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