
A loose terms for the people groups of Eldonia, comprised of 3 distinct people groups of Eldonia. Mostly fair skinned, tall, with more folks with lighter hair colors than other ethnicities.   Elonian society is split between the commonly referred to cultured Eldonians who live in cities and embrace a modern lifestyle of division of labor, trade and scaled market economy. This is opposed to the traditional lifestyle of the Eifer, who hold onto to traditional pre-modern Eldonian ways.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

1. Bjornheimer: - Names often combine elements of nature and virtue. Examples include "Astrid" (divine strength) and "Freja" (lady or noblewoman). - Surnames typically denote lineage, such as "Eriksdottir" (Erik's daughter).   2. Gaelorian: - Names often derive from nature, myth, or a desired quality. Examples include "Ailis" (noble) and "Brionna" (strong, virtuous). - Surnames can be patronymic, using prefixes like "Mac" (son of) or "Ni" (daughter of).   3. Teutonian: - Names are often strong and descriptive, like "Adelheid" (noble nature) or "Brunhild" (armor battle). - Surnames might reflect geographical origins or familial occupations, such as "Bergdottir" (daughter of the mountain man).

Masculine names

1. Bjornheimer: - Names often evoke strength, valor, or elements of nature. Examples include "Leif" (heir or descendant) and "Thorsten" (Thor's stone). - Surnames typically denote lineage, such as "Eriksson" (Erik's son).   2. Gaelorian: - Names often derive from legends, nature, or attributes of character. Examples include "Cian" (ancient) and "Darragh" (oak tree). - Surnames can be patronymic, using prefixes like "Mac" (son of).   3. Teutonian: - Names are often robust and signify might or other esteemed qualities, like "Gunther" (warrior) or "Alaric" (ruler of all). - Surnames might reflect geographical origins or familial occupations, such as "Bergson" (son of the mountain man).

Family names

While Eldonia is a melting pot of diverse cultures, each subgroup has its own unique naming traditions that reflect its rich history and values. These traditions are deeply rooted in their respective phonetic and linguistic nuances.   1. Bjornheimer: - Names often have compound structures, combining two elements. For instance, "Bjorn" (bear) and "Ulfr" (wolf) might combine to form "Bjornulfr." - Surnames typically denote lineage or occupation, such as "Eriksson" (Erik's son) or "Fisker" (fisherman). - They also have a tradition of using 'kenning-like' names, poetic phrases that describe an individual's characteristics or deeds.   2. Gaelorian: - Names often derive from nature, myth, or a desired quality. Examples include "Niamh" (bright) or "Bradan" (salmon). - Surnames can be patronymic, using prefixes like "Mac" (son of) or "Ni" (daughter of). - There's a strong tradition of naming children after ancestors, ensuring the continuation of family legacies.   3. Teutonian: - Names are often strong and descriptive, like "Wilhelm" (will-helmet) or "Gertrude" (spear-strength). - Surnames might reflect geographical origins, such as "Bergmann" (mountain man) or "Von Rhein" (from the Rhine). - It's common to have names that invoke protection or strength, reflecting their warrior traditions.   Across all subgroups, names are not just mere labels but carry deep significance, often encapsulating a family's history, aspirations, and the very essence of the individual.

Other names

In Eldonia, names are more than mere identifiers; they are badges of honor, tales of heroism, and markers of one's legacy. The tradition of earning "a Name" is deeply rooted in the culture, reflecting an individual's deeds, character, or unique attributes. This practice transcends mere titles, as these names often become synonymous with the individual's identity, passed down in stories and legends.   While many avenues exist to earn such a distinction, the most common and revered way is through acts of valor on the battlefield or exemplary leadership within a clan, village, or town. In the heat of battle, a single act of bravery can transform a warrior into a legend, their name forever etched in the annals of Eldonian history. Similarly, a leader who guides their community through a challenging period or makes decisions that benefit the greater good might find themselves bestowed with a name that reflects their wisdom and strength.   For instance, a warrior known for his unmatched prowess with the bow might earn the name "Eagle Eye," becoming Thrain "Eagle Eye" or simply The Eagle Eye. A chieftain who unites fragmented clans under one banner could be called "Clanbinder," with villagers referring to her as Elara "Clanbinder" or just The Clanbinder. Rónán O'Carroll is an example of a named man.   In Eldonia, these names are worn with immense pride, serving as a constant reminder of the individual's valor, wisdom, and the indelible mark they've left on their community and history.


Art & Architecture

Art   Runes and Symbols: Drawing from their ancient traditions, Eldonian art is rich with intricate runes and symbols. These not only serve as decorative elements but also carry deep meanings, often used to tell stories, offer protection, or invoke blessings.   Wood Carvings: Wood, being an abundant resource, especially in Bjornheimer territories, is frequently used in Eldonian art. Detailed carvings depicting tales of gods, heroes, and nature can be found on household items, totems, and even ships.   Textile Arts: The influence of the Gaelorians is particularly evident in the textile arts of Eldonia. Vibrant tapestries and woven cloths often depict intricate patterns and scenes from legends. The art of knotwork, where endless loops and patterns signify eternity and interconnectedness, is a common motif.   Metalwork: Teutonian expertise shines in metal arts. From ornate jewelry made of silver and gold to beautifully crafted weapons and armor, the metalwork of Eldonia is renowned for its craftsmanship and detail.   Architecture:   Stone Circles and Monoliths: Stone circles and standalone monoliths dot the Eldonian landscape. These structures, often aligned with celestial events, serve as communal gathering spots and are believed to be places of power.   Longhouses: Drawing from the architectural traditions of the Bjornheimers, the longhouse is a common feature. Made primarily of wood, these elongated structures serve as communal living spaces, with a central hearth providing warmth and a place for gatherings.   Hillforts: Inspired by the Gaelorians, hillforts, fortified settlements atop hills or ridges, are prevalent in Eldonia. These forts, with their earthen ramparts and ditches, offer strategic defense points and showcase the martial aspect of Eldonian culture.   Timber Framing: In Teutonian regions of Eldonia, timber-framed structures are common. These buildings, with their characteristic wooden beam patterns against plaster or brick, are not only sturdy but also aesthetically pleasing.   Meandering Paths: Eldonian towns and villages, rather than following a strict grid pattern, often have meandering paths that follow the natural contours of the land. This design, in harmony with nature, creates a sense of organic growth and interconnectedness.   Carved Doorways: A unique feature of Eldonian architecture is the intricately carved doorways. These serve as protective gateways, with carvings of beasts, gods, and runes meant to ward off evil and welcome good fortune.

Foods & Cuisine

Staples and Ingredients:   Grains: Barley, rye, and oats are the primary grains cultivated in Eldonia. They form the base for many dishes, from hearty porridges to dense breads.   Meats: Given the vast landscapes and forests, game meat like venison, boar, and hare is popular, especially in Bjornheimer regions. The Gaelorians, with their coastal territories, bring a variety of fish and seafood into the Eldonian diet. Teutonians, with their fertile plains, raise cattle and sheep, providing beef, mutton, and dairy products.   Vegetables: Root vegetables like turnips, parsnips, and carrots thrive in the Eldonian climate. Cabbages, leeks, and onions are also commonly cultivated and feature prominently in many dishes.   Berries and Fruits: The forests of Eldonia yield a bounty of wild berries, such as cloudberries, bilberries, and lingonberries. Apples and pears are the primary orchard fruits.   Popular Dishes:   Stews and Hotpots: Given the often-chilly climate, hearty stews made of meat, root vegetables, and grains are a staple. These are slow-cooked over open fires or in large hearths, allowing flavors to meld.   Flatbreads and Pies: Using the abundant grains, flatbreads, often topped with cheese, herbs, or smoked fish, are popular. Pies, both savory and sweet, are a favorite, with fillings ranging from meats and vegetables to berries and cream.   Roasts: For festivities and communal gatherings, large roasts, whether of game or domesticated animals, are prepared. These are often seasoned with local herbs and served with rich gravies.   Pickled Foods: To preserve food for the colder months, pickling is widely practiced. Pickled herring, cucumbers, and even certain fruits are common accompaniments to meals.   Cheeses: With a tradition of cattle and sheep rearing, especially in Teutonian regions, a variety of cheeses, from soft and creamy to hard and aged, are produced and cherished.   Beverages:   Mead: A fermented drink made from honey, mead is a beloved beverage, often associated with celebrations and rituals.   Herbal Teas: Using the diverse flora of Eldonia, herbal teas are brewed for both their taste and medicinal properties.   Ales and Beers: With grains being abundant, various ales and beers are brewed across Eldonia, each region boasting its unique flavors and brewing techniques.   Culinary Traditions:   Feasts: Communal gatherings and feasts are integral to Eldonian culture. These events, often marking seasonal changes, harvests, or significant life events, showcase the best of Eldonian cuisine, with tables laden with a variety of dishes, both traditional and innovative.   Open-fire Cooking: The tradition of cooking over open fires, whether in hearths or outdoors, imparts a distinct smoky flavor to many Eldonian dishes, making them uniquely flavorful.   Seasonal and Fresh: Eldonians take pride in using fresh, seasonal ingredients. This not only ensures the taste and quality of dishes but also aligns with their deep respect for nature and its cycles.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Welcoming Hearth: When a guest enters an Eldonian home, it's customary to offer them a seat closest to the hearth or fireplace. This symbolizes warmth, safety, and the heart of the household. A small token, often bread and salt, is also presented to ensure the guest's sustenance and protection.   Midwinter Festival: As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, Eldonians come together to celebrate the return of the sun. This festival involves lighting bonfires, singing traditional songs, and sharing meals to drive away the darkness and welcome the impending warmth.   Tree Planting: For significant life events such as births, marriages, or even the construction of a new home, it's customary to plant a tree. This act symbolizes growth, continuity, and the deep connection Eldonians feel with nature.   Circle Dances: During celebrations, it's common to see people joining hands and dancing in circles. This dance form, often accompanied by traditional music, represents unity, the cycles of life, and the interconnectedness of all things.   Stone Cairns: When traveling through Eldonia, one might come across stacks of stones or cairns. These are built by travelers as a way to mark paths, commemorate a significant event, or simply to leave a mark of their passage.   Feast of Harvest: At the end of the harvesting season, communities come together to celebrate the bounty of the land. This feast involves sharing the produce, storytelling, and expressing gratitude to the land and its spirits.   Tying Knots: When making promises or sealing deals, Eldonians often tie knots in cords or leather strips. Each knot represents a specific aspect of the agreement, and it's believed that as long as the knot remains tied, the promise will hold.   Ancestral Stories: Eldonian families have a tradition of gathering, especially during long winter nights, to share stories of their ancestors. These tales, passed down through generations, keep the memory of their forebears alive and instill values in the younger members.   Day of Reflection: Once a year, Eldonians observe a day of quiet reflection and solitude. On this day, they disconnect from daily chores and spend time in nature, meditating, and seeking inner clarity.   Shield Hanging: In regions where martial traditions are strong, when a warrior decides to retire or give up the life of combat, they hang their shield outside their home. This act signifies their transition to a life of peace and is respected by all.


Beauty Ideals

1. Naturalness and Authenticity: - Eldonians value authenticity and a natural look. While jewelry or makeup might be appreciated, they are typically reserved for the upper echelons of society and are used to enhance rather than mask. The common folk often go without, their beauty shining through in its most natural form. 2. Robustness, Vitality, and Martial Prowess: - The challenging climates and rugged landscapes of Eldonia have shaped a beauty ideal that values a robust physique. It signifies health, vitality, and the ability to thrive in challenging environments. For men, there's an added layer of admiration for those who exhibit martial prowess, reflecting the importance of being able to defend one's village or city. Both men and women are admired for strong, healthy builds that suggest resilience.   3. Height: - Eldonians, especially the Bjornheimers, are notably tall. The stature of Bjornheimer women, often towering over men from other regions, is a particular point of pride. Height is seen as a mark of strength and grandeur in Eldonian society.   4. Hair: - Thick, voluminous hair is a coveted trait among Eldonians. On average, long hair is more acceptable for men in Eldonia than in other places, with many sporting wild, though meticulously cleaned, locks. The Bjornheimer might prize long, flowing locks, while the Gaelorians might lean towards intricate braids, and the Teutonians might favor more structured styles.   5. Eyes: - Lighter colored eyes, such as blues, greens, and grays, are particularly prized in Eldonian society. These hues are seen as unique and ethereal, often associated with the vast landscapes and skies of Eldonia.   6.Complexion:   A healthy complexion, often sun-kissed due to their outdoor lifestyles, is a beauty standard. However, what's more important than the shade is the health and vitality of the skin. Eldonians tend towards a ligher skin tone and are commonly freckled in Gaelorean and Bjornheimer society.   7. Clothing: - Eldonians take pride in their attire, which often reflects their specific subgroup. Bjornheimers might favor thick furs and leathers, suitable for their colder climates. Gaelorians lean towards earth-toned tunics and dresses, often adorned with intricate patterns, while Teutonians might opt for more structured and tailored garments, reflecting their organized societal structures.   8. Tattoos and Body Art: - Many Eldonians, especially among the Gaelorians, adorn their bodies with tattoos and other forms of body art. These often tell stories, represent familial ties, or signify important life events.   9. Jewelry: - While makeup might be limited to the upper class, jewelry is a common adornment across all classes in Eldonia. From simple leather bands to intricate gold and silver pieces, jewelry often carries significant cultural and familial symbolism.

Gender Ideals

Masculine Ideals: 1. Strength and Valor: In Eldonia, physical strength and bravery are highly prized among men. Whether it's defending one's village from threats or hunting for sustenance, a man's ability to protect and provide is a testament to his character. 2. Leadership: Men are often expected to take on leadership roles, guiding their communities through challenges, making decisions for the greater good, and ensuring the safety and prosperity of their people. 3. Skill Mastery: Whether it's mastering the art of blacksmithing, shipbuilding, or any other craft, men are encouraged to hone their skills, contributing to the community's overall well-being. 4. Honor and Loyalty: Eldonian men are taught the importance of honor from a young age. Loyalty to one's clan, village, or town is paramount, and betrayals are not easily forgotten.   Feminine Ideals: 1. Warrior Spirit: Unlike many other cultures, Eldonia boasts a significant number of female warriors, with Bjornheimers leading the charge. The harsh climate and frequent conflicts of their homeland have necessitated that women take up arms, not just out of duty, but also as a point of pride. 2. Nurturing and Community: While many women are warriors, they are also seen as the heart of the community. Their roles in nurturing the young, tending to the sick, and maintaining community bonds are deeply valued. 3. Wisdom and Intuition: Women are often regarded as the keepers of ancient traditions and lore. Their intuition and wisdom are sought in matters of dispute resolution, spiritual guidance, and decision-making. 4. Adaptability: The challenges of Eldonian life require women to be adaptable, whether it's adjusting to the demands of a changing environment or shifting roles within the community.   Shared Ideals: 1. Unity and Solidarity: In Eldonia, the collective is often prioritized over the individual. Both men and women are taught the importance of working together for the greater good. 2. Respect for Nature: The Eldonians have a profound respect for the land and its bounties. Both genders are taught to live in harmony with nature, taking only what is needed and giving back in kind. 3. Spiritual Connection: Eldonians, irrespective of gender, maintain a deep spiritual connection to their ancestors, the land, and the divine. Rituals, ceremonies, and festivals are integral to their way of life, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose. 4. Courage and Resilience: The often harsh conditions of Eldonia have instilled a sense of resilience in its people. Both men and women are expected to face challenges head-on, drawing strength from their shared history and collective spirit.

Courtship Ideals

Eldonian Courtship Ideals   Valor and Bravery: In Eldonia, acts of courage, especially on the battlefield, are highly esteemed. A suitor is often expected to have tales of bravery or, at the very least, to demonstrate a willingness to defend their loved ones and community. This is not limited to men; women too, especially among the Bjornheimers, are celebrated for their martial prowess.   Gift-Giving: Tokens of affection are a cherished part of the courtship process. Whether it's a handcrafted piece of jewelry, a weapon, or even a hunted game, presenting a gift signifies genuine interest and intent.   Festivals and Gatherings: Eldonian communities frequently host festivals, which serve as common grounds for young individuals to meet, dance, and court. These events, filled with music, dance, and merriment, often lead to the blossoming of new relationships.   Approval of the Clan: While individual choice is paramount, the approval of one's family or clan still holds weight. Suitors often seek to impress not just their beloved but also their beloved's family, showcasing their skills, character, and intentions.   Nature's Blessings: Given the Eldonians' deep connection to nature, seeking blessings from the natural world is common. Couples might embark on a journey to a sacred grove or mountain peak, believing that starting their relationship amidst nature will bring them prosperity and harmony.   Tales of Old: Eldonians love stories, and tales of legendary lovers from the past often serve as ideals for couples. Reciting or singing these tales, especially ones that mirror one's own love story, is a cherished courtship tradition.   Shared Endeavors: Undertaking challenges together, be it a hunt, a journey, or a task for the community, strengthens the bond between potential partners. It's believed that facing adversity together is a testament to the couple's compatibility and resilience.   Respect and Equality: With many women taking up roles as warriors and leaders, relationships in Eldonia are often built on mutual respect and equality. It's not uncommon for women to take the lead in courtship, and partnerships where both individuals stand as equals are highly valued.   Clash of Traditions: The old ways of arranged marriages, especially prevalent among the nobility, are slowly giving way to newer romantic conceptions of love. While the tradition of arranged unions still persists, especially in preserving power and alliances among the elite, there's a growing acceptance and desire for marriages based on love and personal choice among the general populace. This shift is leading to a dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity in Eldonian courtship.
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