Lavinia Pontius

Lavinia Pontius

Lavinia, a charismatic and creative young woman, hails from the ancient city of Aeternus Imperium. Raised by her actress mother and wealthy merchant father, she possesses a natural talent for public speaking and the arts. Then tragedy struck. Seeking answers, she joins a group of adventurers in the port city of Dunwell. With a desire for justice, a penchant for storytelling, and a mastery of eloquent persuasion, Lavinia brings her charm, wit, and versatile bardic magic to the party, along with a burning determination to uncover the secrets of her past.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Being unable to protect her mother: Lavinia carries a deep regret for not being able to prevent her mother's murder. She often questions if there was something more she could have done or if she missed any crucial signs that could have alerted her to the impending danger. This regret fuels her determination to seek justice and find closure for her mother's untimely demise.   Failing to reconcile with her father: Lavinia deeply regrets the strained relationship she had with her father during their time together in Athelia. She realizes that her rebellious and difficult behavior may have pushed her father away, hindering their chances of finding solace and understanding in one another. Lavinia longs for an opportunity to mend their relationship and bridge the emotional gap that formed between them.

Personality Characteristics


CLOSURE & JUSTICE Lavinia wants to uncover the truth behind her mother's murder and bring the culprits to justice. However, she can't have it because the circumstances surrounding her mother's death are shrouded in secrecy and intrigue. Powerful forces within Aeternus Imperium may be involved, making it difficult for Lavinia to unravel the truth without endangering herself and her loved ones. She must navigate a web of political plots and hidden agendas, putting her at odds with influential individuals who will go to great lengths to keep their secrets hidden. Lavinia wants to reunite with her long-lost brother, Darius, whom she believed to be missing or dead. However, she can't have it because his whereabouts remain unknown. Despite her relentless search and occasional leads, Darius's fate eludes her. His disappearance may be tied to dangerous circumstances or a secret mission he undertook, making it a complex and challenging task for Lavinia to track him down. She must grapple with the uncertainty of whether he is alive or dead, fueling her determination to find him but also causing her immense emotional pain and frustration.   RECONCILIATION WITH HER FATHER Lavinia deeply desires to repair her strained relationship with her father, Alexander. She longs for a renewed connection and the restoration of their once loving bond. However, their conflicting viewpoints and the weight of their shared grief create an emotional chasm that seems insurmountable, leaving her yearning for a reconciliation that may never come.   FREEDOM FROM SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS Lavinia rebels against the confining expectations placed upon her as a noblewoman. She dreams of breaking free from the constraints of her status, embracing her true passions, and living life on her own terms. Yet, the rigid societal norms and the pressure to conform constantly thwart her desires, leaving her feeling trapped and yearning for the freedom to pursue her own path.   INNER PEACE & SELF-UNDERSTANDING Lavinia seeks a deeper understanding of herself, her purpose, and her place in the world. She yearns for inner peace, a sense of self-acceptance, and clarity in her identity. However, the tumultuous events of her past and the uncertainty of her future make this quest for self-discovery a constant struggle, leaving her longing for a sense of true self-understanding that remains elusive.

Virtues & Personality perks

Charismatic: Lavinia possesses natural charisma and charm, she can effectively communicate her thoughts and ideas, making her persuasive and influential in social situations.   Versatile Skills: As a bard, Lavinia has a wide range of skills at her disposal, including musical abilities, knowledge in various areas, and spellcasting, making her a valuable asset in many situations.   Determined: Lavinia's unwavering determination drives her to pursue justice, uncover the truth, and protect those in need, giving her a resilient spirit even in challenging circumstances.   Creative Problem-Solver: Lavinia's background in theater and performance has honed her creative thinking, allowing her to approach problems from unique angles and find unconventional solutions.   Adaptable: Lavinia's experiences in different environments and her ability to navigate various social circles have made her adaptable and flexible in unfamiliar situations, allowing her to quickly adjust and find her footing.

Vices & Personality flaws

Fiery Outbursts: Despite her usually reasonable nature, Lavinia can be prone to occasional fiery moments. When her emotions run high, she may become argumentative or stubborn, potentially clashing with more level-headed or diplomatic group members. Her passionate nature can lead to conflicts if not tempered with self-control.   Rebellious Streak: Lavinia's rebellious tendencies, stemming from her grief and desire for independence, can clash with those who value strict adherence to rules or hierarchies. She may question authority or challenge traditional norms, which can create friction within a group that relies on structure or follows a particular code. Impulsiveness: Lavinia's adventurous spirit and penchant for seeking new experiences can lead her to make impulsive decisions without fully considering the consequences. Her desire for excitement and thrill may clash with more cautious or strategic-minded group members who prioritize careful planning and risk assessment.   Restlessness: Lavinia's longing for constant stimulation and new challenges may make her prone to restlessness. She may become easily bored or dissatisfied when faced with mundane tasks or extended periods of inactivity. This could lead to impatience or a desire to constantly push the group forward, potentially causing tension with those who prefer a more measured pace.   Tendency to Manipulate: As a skilled speaker and debater, Lavinia's persuasive abilities can sometimes be used to manipulate situations or sway others to her advantage. While she may not always have malicious intent, her willingness to use her charisma and eloquence to achieve her goals could be seen as manipulative by some, leading to mistrust or strained relationships.


Darius Pontius

Brother (Vital)

Towards Lavinia Pontius



Lavinia Pontius

Sister (Vital)

Towards Darius Pontius



Nicknames & Petnames

Darius calls her "Gingersnap"

A charismatic & talented bard embarks on a journey of self-discovery after a family tragedy. Using her wit, magic, & unwavering determination to unravel the mysteries of her past & find her purpose in a world rift w/darkness.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Aeternus Imperium
Darius Pontius (Brother)
Current Residence
Hazel Green
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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