The Deathwarden Brotherhood

The Deathwarden Brotherhood is an ancient and secretive order of clerics and necromancers with a solemn purpose: to ensure the eternal rest of the departed. Originating from a time shrouded in mystery, their origins are whispered in hushed tones among those who dare speak of them. Legend tells of a great calamity that befell a once-thriving kingdom, where the boundaries between life and death were sundered. In the aftermath, a group of individuals emerged, drawn together by a shared calling to protect the balance and sanctity of the afterlife. The Deathwarden Brotherhood practices an ancient form of necromancy that focuses on the use of necromancy to restore of the dead to their rightful resting places. They have honed their craft over generations, mastering the delicate art of arcane death magic. With solemn rituals and incantations, they draw upon the forces of the underworld to bind the wandering spirits and guide them back to the embrace of the grave.   While their methods may be seen as unorthodox or even taboo by some, the Deathwarden Brotherhood sees themselves as guardians of the natural order. They believe that by returning the departed to their graves, they not only bring peace to the spirits but also maintain the delicate equilibrium between life and death. Cloaked in dark robes, their identities concealed, the Deathwarden Brotherhood operates in secrecy, their presence unknown to all but a chosen few. Their dedication to their sacred duty is unwavering, for they understand the dire consequences that would unfold if the balance were to be disrupted.   Whispers of the Deathwarden Brotherhood's existence spread in hushed tones, tales of their unwavering commitment and the unyielding determination with which they carry out their mission. To the outside world, they are but a shadow, an enigma veiled in secrecy. Their origins and purpose remain shrouded in darkness, known only to those entrusted with their secrets.


The Deathwarden Brotherhood is bound together by an unwavering commitment to their ancient mission, where actions speak louder than words. Every member understands that respect and honor are not entitlements but are earned through tireless dedication and the successful guidance of restless spirits to their eternal rest. Rituals, steeped in tradition, are treated with the utmost gravity and are passed down through generations, ensuring that each brother and sister in the order maintains the sanctity of their charge. Trust is forged through shared experiences, and loyalty to the Brotherhood and its cause is considered paramount. Despite their diverse backgrounds, all members are unified by the solemn duty they bear, forging an unbreakable bond that is both their strength and shield against the ever-looming threats of imbalance.

Public Agenda

While the Deathwardens are unknown by the public at large, those who do encounter a brother of the wardens, find they are singluarly focused on the defense of the material plane from the Hells and the undead.


The Deathwarden Brotherhood's history is one of shadows and whispers, a silent testament to their tireless efforts in safeguarding the realms of Ithca and Eldonia. Behind the veiled curtain of secrecy, they have stood as the unyielding bulwark against countless demonic incursions, their victories known only to the initiated. The general populace remains blissfully unaware of the immense dangers they've been shielded from, as full disclosure of the Brotherhood's battles would plunge societies into chaos and dread. Further deepening their enigma are the heretical beliefs some Wardens hold, including devotion to the elusive Weave and veneration of angelic beings—doctrines that, if exposed, would shake the very foundations of the known world.

Mythology & Lore

The Deathwardens believe in a diversity of gods:   Many Wizards and Sorcerers of the group worship simply the source of creaiton, the source of the weave of magic.   Clerical orders are often fullfilled by clerics who find themselves doing things the Azrean Faith cannot explain from an orthodox perspective and find thier way to the brotherhood. Or they are recruited and apprenticed by a cleric. The following orders are common but there are other believers: Jael: the arch angel of Heroism, Responsibility and Self-Ownership. Although a major feature of the Old Faith, Jael has no formal church. Azreal: The God of Order and Concord. Often times these too are considered Yehudiah: The Angel of Tranquillity and Peace.

In eternal rest, we safeguard the balance

Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Silent Guardians, Soulbinders
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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