
As an Arch Angel, Jael was one of the first born of the angels. Arising from the mists of Annu's corpse in the first days.   It was Jael who first encountered a demon, and slew it. Legend says it was Barzus, demon Lord of Hate, as a minor Lemur. Jael then embodied the first aspect of the Angels and arising from Cherubrim to Seraphium.   Legend says when he took on the aspect of Responsibility, he was also the first to gain an aspect of arch-angels and lead the heavily host for a time. That is until his indivdualistic wsys lead to ruin in full scale battle with the Hells. It was then that Azreal (Concord) rose up to lead Elysium and unify angelic kind.

Divine Domains

Heroism, Responsibility, Self-Ownership,


The Luminal Blade: When Jael ascended to Seraphium, he summond a unique weapon known as "Luminal Blade", it is said it was crafted from the very first rays of the universe's dawn.

Holy Books & Codes

The Old Faith included many works of Jael.   1. The Luminal Codex A collection of verses detailing the first encounter between Jael and the demons, emphasizing the virtues of bravery and assertiveness. It also details Jael's initial leadership and his principles of individuality and responsibility.   It is in this text his clerical oath is found: Oath of Jael's Cleric: "In the spirit of Self-Ownership, I claim dominion over my soul. Through Responsibility, I shoulder the weight of my choices and their ripples. With Heroism, I rise to meet every challenge, defend the innocent, and stand firm against the taint of the Hells. Guided by virtuous light and the purity of Jael's teachings, I vow to champion goodness over vice. In the name of Jael, and his sacred aspects, I commit to my divine duty."   2. The Testament of Duty Focused on the aspect of Responsibility, this book delves into the moral obligations that angels and their human counterparts owe to the world. It’s a guideline on how to act righteously in the face of adversity and uphold one’s duties.   3. Scrolls of the First Light Documenting the birth of Jael and the early angels from Annu's mists, these scrolls are poetic and filled with allegory. They emphasize the purity of the early angels and the significance of being "born from light".   4. The Watcher's Annals A more historical text, recounting major battles Jael led against the forces of Hell. It details his strategies, victories, and the eventual major conflict that led to his stepping down from a primary leadership role.   5. Path to Unity Although not exclusively about Jael, this book chronicles the shift in angelic leadership from Jael to Azreal. It emphasizes the importance of unity and collective strength, subtly praising Jael's wisdom in recognizing Azreal's capabilities.   **6. The Searing Sermons** A collection of speeches and sermons given by Jael during his tenure as the leader of the Heavenly host. They inspire zeal, passion, and unwavering commitment to the cause.   **7. The Wings of Individuality** This text, inspired by Jael's own journey, speaks to the angels and mortals about the importance of individuality. It also teaches the lesson that even in unity, one's unique strengths and character must shine through.   **8. Jael’s Parables** Simple stories with deep moral teachings. Each parable typically has a lesson, often relating to courage, responsibility, and the inherent light within every being.   **9. The Ethereal Edicts** A set of guidelines and moral laws set forth by Jael for his followers. They stress the importance of maintaining the balance between individual freedom and collective responsibility.   **10. Hymns of the Heavenly General** A collection of prayers, chants, and songs praising Jael's might and wisdom. Used in rituals, these hymns invoke Jael's blessings and protection.

Tenets of Faith

**The Five Pillars of Jael's Faith**:   1. Uphold Self-Ownership: Every individual is the master of their own destiny. Embrace your autonomy, shape your fate, and honor the choices you make, for they define your path and purpose in the grand tapestry of existence.   2. Bear Responsibility: With great power comes immense responsibility. Never shirk from your duties, even when they weigh heavily. It is in the face of challenges that true strength and character emerge.   3. Champion Heroism: Do not simply act; act with valor and selflessness. Be the beacon in times of darkness, the shield for the weak, and the sword against oppression. True heroism is answering the call when others cannot or will not.   4. Stand Firm Against Infernal Shadows: The Hells seek to corrupt and consume. Be the stalwart guardian against such malevolence, recognizing the insidious temptations and fighting to protect the world from their influence.   5. Prioritize Virtuous Light over Vice: In every decision, choose the path of righteousness, truth, and kindness. Goodness should be sought in every action, for it is the virtue that illuminates the world and dispels the murkiness of vice and deceit.   These pillars not only encapsulate Jael's ethos and beliefs but also provide a moral compass for those who venerate him, guiding them through the challenges and trials of life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Defender of Realms: After his fateful clash with the Hells, Jael was known to patrol the border between the Celestial and Infernal planes, ensuring no demon could penetrate into the sanctity of Elysium. This made him revered among the angels, but feared and despised by demons.   Jael's Fall: In the pivotal battle against the Hells, Jael's audacity led to a trap set by multiple Demon Lords. Overwhelmed, he was captured rather than slain, becoming a prized prisoner in the Hells for a time. This loss was a massive blow to the angels' morale.   Rescue and Reflection: Azreal, rising to prominence, led a daring raid into the Hells to rescue Jael. Upon his return, Jael, humbled and bearing scars both physical and spiritual, chose to step down from leadership, supporting Azreal's unifying vision for the angelic kind. this also led to Jael taking on the Aspect of Responsibility.
The image of Jael as depicted in the Luminal Codex  
Jael's Symbol as found in Religious Texts
Divine Classification
Arch Angel