The Great Conflagration

According to the teaching of the church of Azreal, The Great Conflagration was both a mythical war on the physicals plane of Solacea, and spiritual purification of the world from evil. During this war, the ancient peoples of myth and legend were burned away, along with their worship of Devils and veneration of lesser angels who led mankind astray. Great magics, the embodiment of men's pride were turned against the most highs and used by all sides to destroy entire nations.   It was at this time, according to Orthodox the teaching of The Azraen Faith, that Azrael, the angel of Concord, closed the door to the Hells, blocking the shadow from touching the World of Solace called Solacea. Because of this too, magics faded from the world, And while acts of great faith to heaven were still possible, the angelic council of the High Heavens decreed that magics could lead men astray in Hubris as was shown in the led up to the Great Conflagration, therefore Arcane and even priestly magics have faded from the world. To this day, Azreals act of closing the door to the Hells and the removal of magics from the world, is still symbolized in the church with an icon of a closed Great Door.   According to scholars in the Lyrfaen Spire of Alderland, the great scars of the land and some archeological evidence tells the tale of real cataclysmic battles sometime in the far distant past, though dating these artifacts and geological attributes with any accuracy remains out of reach.


A great war between, men, Angel and Demon that ended the time before, where great wonders and magics covered the world.
Date of Setting
-8000 BEA


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