Lyrfaen Spire (LEER-fane)

Lyrfaen Spire, a monolith of dark, gleaming mystery, pierces the skyline of Alderland, its shadow gently caressing the bustling city below. This towering structure, crafted from a smooth, obsidian-like substance, stands as a testament to the knowledge and secrets of ages past. Twelve stories of enigmatic elegance, the spire is both a sanctuary for scholars and a wellspring of whispered rumors and tales among the townsfolk. While the lower eight levels offer a labyrinthine treasure trove of ancient texts and artifacts, the upper four remain an impenetrable enigma, silently holding their secrets aloft, away from the prying eyes and reaching hands of the world below. Lyrfaen Spire, with its blend of accessible wisdom and tantalizing mystery, invites and challenges all who gaze upon its dark majesty, to learn, to explore, and to always seek the truths that linger just out of reach.  


Ground Floor: Entrance Hall
The entrance hall of the Lyrfaen Spire is an impressive space, with high ceilings and walls lined with shelves containing ancient texts and artifacts. The floor is made of polished stone, and large wooden tables are scattered throughout, providing spaces for study and research. Lamps illuminate the room with a warm, steady glow, casting shadows that dance along the walls.
  First Floor: Public Library
The first floor houses the public library, where citizens of Alderland can access a wealth of knowledge. Long wooden tables and comfortable chairs are arranged throughout the space, surrounded by bookshelves filled with a diverse array of texts on various subjects. Large windows with wooden shutters allow natural light to fill the room during the day, creating a welcoming atmosphere for all who seek to learn.
  Second Floor: Exclusive Library
The second floor is reserved for guild members and those associated with greater financial support or the Alderland government. This exclusive library offers a more curated collection of texts and resources, providing access to rare and valuable works. The room is elegantly furnished, with plush seating and finely crafted bookshelves, ensuring a comfortable and refined environment for scholarly pursuits.
  Third Floor: Forbidden Library
The third floor is shrouded in secrecy and filled with the secret and arcane. Access to this floor is strictly forbidden to all but the highest-ranking members of the Guild of Keepers. The room is dimly lit, and the air is thick with an aura of mystery and power. Ancient tomes and scrolls line the shelves, containing knowledge that is both powerful and dangerous.
  Fourth Floor: Artifact Repository
The fourth floor contains the artifact repository, where various ancient artifacts and relics are stored and studied. Glass cases display the most valuable and fragile items, while larger artifacts are placed on sturdy pedestals. The room is dimly lit to preserve the integrity of the artifacts, and the atmosphere is one of reverence and awe.
  Fifth Floor: Council Chamber and Private Studies
The fifth floor contains the council chamber and the private studies for the most esteemed scholars and members of the Guild of Keepers. The council chamber is dominated by a large, round table surrounded by high-backed chairs, where important decisions are made. The private studies are furnished with large desks, comfortable chairs, and personal bookshelves, providing a quiet and secluded environment for deep research and contemplation. The highest restricted archives are also located on this floor, containing sensitive and valuable information that is heavily guarded and secured.
  Sixth Floor and Above: The Mystery
The floors above the fifth remain a complete mystery, with access restricted to all. Not even the Guild of Keepers knows what lies within these upper levels. Legends and rumors abound about what might be hidden there, ranging from the home of some giant, a sleeping dragon, to celestial sanctuaries. The true nature of these floors is unknown, adding to the enigmatic allure of the Lyrfaen Spire.

Purpose / Function

A library - mostly.

Sensory & Appearance


As you approach the Lyrfaen Spire, the towering structure dominates the skyline of Alderland. Made of a smooth, obsidian-like substance, the spire gleams darkly in the sunlight, reflecting the surrounding buildings and sky. Twelve stories tall, the spire tapers gracefully as it ascends toward the heavens, its seamless surface unmarred by age or weather. Intricate carvings and ancient runes adorn the lower levels, glowing faintly with a mystical light. The spire's upper levels are shrouded in shadow, casting long, eerie silhouettes over the bustling city below. Narrow streets and alleyways wind around the spire's base, where scholars and guards can be seen patrolling diligently. The warm light of the setting sun bathes the scene in a dramatic, ethereal glow, highlighting the spire's enigmatic beauty.  

Entry (First Level) Description

Stepping into the Lyrfaen Spire, you are greeted by a vast, open hall illuminated by the warm glow of numerous oil lamps hanging from wrought-iron sconces on the walls. The floor is made of polished stone, reflecting the light in a soft, ethereal manner. Tall shelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls stretch from floor to ceiling, creating a labyrinth of knowledge. The air is filled with the faint scent of old parchment and the quiet rustle of pages being turned. Scholars move about with purpose, whispering in hushed tones as they study and catalog the spire's treasures. The atmosphere is serene and contemplative, a sanctuary for those who seek wisdom and understanding.


Guild of Keepers NPCs

  Front Desk : Alana O'Ceallaigh (uh-LAW-nuh oh-KAY-lee)
Role: Receptionist and Archivist Assistant
Description: Alana is the friendly face that greets all visitors to the Lyrfaen Spire. In her mid-thirties, she has warm green eyes and a welcoming smile that instantly puts people at ease. Her unruly curly red hair is tied back, and she wears practical, yet professional attire.
Function: Alana is knowledgeable about the spire's layout and its vast collection of texts, guiding scholars and visitors to the resources they need. Her organizational skills and keen memory make her an invaluable asset to the Guild of Keepers.   Guildmaster Cian MacBranain (KEE-an mak-BRAW-nin) Role:Leader of the Guild of Keepers
Description: A wise and stern man in his late fifties, with silver hair and piercing blue eyes. He wears dark robes adorned with silver embroidery and carries a staff topped with a crystal orb. Known for his extensive knowledge of ancient texts and his unwavering commitment to the protection and preservation of the spire's secrets.
  Senior Archivist Eirlys O’Daly (AYR-lis oh-DAY-lee) Role:Keeper of Records and Artifacts
Description: A meticulous and organized man in his early sixties, with graying auburn hair and sharp, focused eyes. He often wears simple, practical attire. Eirlys is responsible for cataloging and maintaining the spire's vast collection of texts and artifacts, and he is known for his exceptional memory and attention to detail.
  Chief Librarian Moira Ní Dhomhnaill (MOY-rah nee-GO-nal) Role: Keeper of the Lower Archives
Description: A kind-hearted, elderly woman in her late fifties, with a gentle demeanor and a deep love for books. Moira has spent her entire life within the walls of the spire, and her knowledge of its lower levels is unparalleled. She is always ready to assist scholars and visitors in finding the information they seek.
  Researcher Aodhan Mac Ailín (AY-dan mak-AWL-een) Role:Specialist in Daoine Roimhthe Artifacts
Description: A scholarly man in his early fifties with a keen interest in the ancient civilization of the Daoine Roimhthe. Aodhan has a thin frame, sharp features, and a habit of muttering to himself while deep in thought. He spends most of his time studying the artifacts discovered in the spire, hoping to uncover their secrets.
  Scribe Niamh Ó Faoláin (NEEV oh-FOH-lawn) Role: Transcriber of Ancient Texts
Description: A focused and diligent man in his late fifties, with short black hair and ink-stained fingers. Niamh is responsible for transcribing and preserving the ancient texts found within the spire. His skill in deciphering old languages and scripts is highly valued by the Guild of Keepers.
  Apprentice Bran O’Shea (BRAHN oh-SHAY) Role: Aspiring Scholar
Description: A young man in his early twenties, eager and enthusiastic about learning. Bran has a mop of curly brown hair and bright green eyes filled with curiosity. He assists the senior scholars and keepers in their research, hoping one day to unlock the secrets of the upper levels of the spire.
  Assistant Sorcha Ní Chatháin (SUR-khuh nee-HAW-hin) Role: Assistant Keeper of Records
Description: A red-haired, heavily freckled young woman in her early twenties, with an infectious enthusiasm for her work. Sorcha's bright green eyes sparkle with curiosity and determination. She is often seen meticulously organizing and cataloging new acquisitions, her hands deftly handling ancient texts and artifacts. Despite her youth, Sorcha's dedication and keen intellect have quickly made her an invaluable member of the Guild of Keepers.


Externally, the Lyrfaen Spire is a marvel that pierces the skyline of Alderland, a stoic sentinel that has watched over the city for an age. Its structure, crafted from a seamless, obsidian-like material, stands in stark contrast to the traditional stone and wood buildings of the city. The spire, smooth and reflective, absorbs the light of the day and seems to shimmer under the moonlight, casting a gentle glow upon the nearby surroundings. Its surface is unmarred by age or weather, a testament to the mysterious and lost technologies of the Daoine Roimhthe. The spire gradually tapers as it ascends, reaching towards the heavens with an almost ethereal grace.   Internally, the Lyrfaen Spire is a labyrinth of knowledge, with vast, open halls filled with shelves that stretch from floor to ceiling, housing countless tomes, scrolls, and artifacts. The lower floors, accessible to the scholars of Alderland, are illuminated by an inexplicable, gentle light that seems to emanate from the spire’s walls themselves, providing a serene ambiance for study and reflection. The architecture inside is minimalistic, with the black, glossy walls unadorned, allowing the myriad of books and artifacts to stand as the focal point of the visual spectacle.


The specialized and secretive guards that protect the spire are called Cadwyn Arwyr. They rule the tower alongside the Guild of Keepers, which itself makes up its own interest group in the city politics.


The Lyrfaen Spire, an enigmatic structure of pure obsidian, has always stood sentinel over the shores of Lake Eldara, its history intertwined with ancient tales and mysteries. Legends whisper of a time when the spire was a vibrant epicenter of celestial power and knowledge, its highest towers alight with otherworldly glow and celestial melodies cascading from its heights. Beings, neither entirely of this realm nor the next, were said to traverse its many levels, and the spire was both revered and feared as a place where the veil between worlds was perilously thin. Then, inexplicably, the spire fell silent, its lights extinguished and its mysteries locked away, seemingly for eternity.   Centuries later, as the resilient folk from the mountains settled and formed what would become Alderland, the silent spire remained, its dark form ever-present yet untouched. The arrival of a wise druid, deeply attuned to the ancient energies of the land, marked a change. Venturing into the spire’s dark depths, the druid emerged with tales of unimaginable knowledge and power contained within, yet also sealed away the upper levels, warning of dangers and mysteries that should remain undisturbed. The Lyrfaen Spire transitioned from a feared relic of the past to a center of learning and wisdom, its lower levels opened to the scholars and seekers of the burgeoning settlement.   Under the successive rule of tribal leaders, warlords, and now the Jarls, the Lyrfaen Spire has become a symbol of Alderland, representing both the pursuit of knowledge and the enigmatic mysteries of the past. Scholars from across Eldonia journey to explore its accessible depths, while the sealed, upper levels continue to brood silently above, holding secrets and powers untold. The spire watches over Alderland, a silent guardian of both the known and the unknowable, as life in the city-state unfolds beneath its perpetual shadow.


Access to the Lyrfaen Spire, with its troves of knowledge and ancient wisdom, is both a coveted privilege and a carefully regulated endeavor in Alderland. The Jarls, recognizing the dual nature of the spire as a resource and potential risk, have implemented a system that seeks to balance scholarly pursuit with the safeguarding of the spire’s mysteries and the city’s interests.   A Guild of Keepers, comprised of scholars, and historians, is entrusted with the management and preservation of the spire. They oversee access, research, and the safeguarding of the knowledge contained within. To gain entry into the Lyrfaen Spire, scholars and researchers must apply for access through the Guild, providing details of their intended studies and ensuring their pursuits align with the interests and ethics upheld by Alderland. A substantial fee, utilized for the maintenance of the spire and the city’s various endeavors, is also levied upon those granted access.   Within the spire, strict rules govern conduct and research practices. Certain sections, particularly those containing more sensitive or dangerous information, are restricted to only the most trusted and senior members of the Guild. Copying of texts is generally prohibited, ensuring that the knowledge of the spire does not easily disseminate beyond its blackened walls. Furthermore, artifacts and items discovered within the spire cannot be removed and are under the jurisdiction of the Guild. This careful management ensures that while the spire remains a beacon of knowledge and scholarly pursuit, its secrets are closely guarded, and its potential risks are mitigated under the watchful eyes of the Guild and the Jarl.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization

This article has no secrets.


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