The Jabari

Colors: Dark Purple and Gold. Navy blue.  


A 2-mast ship with a newer style of gaff rigging and sail design originally from Athelia. This particular boat was built in Greymor at the request of Falvus Verus' Trade Company. It was briefly deployed as a trading vessel before the passing of the owner and dissolution of the company by imperial authorities. Qualified for Deep Waters travel but not well suited for rivers or shallow inlets. Renamed the Jabari - In maraqul it would mean "The Brave"- and Capatin by Wahn of Maraqul.   Crewed by 15 sailors, requiring 15 gold per day. Lead by Captain Wahn, with a navigator and Quartermaster veteran sailor named Caldwyn. The Jabari is capable of hosting up to 25 sailors and 10 passengers without cargo. A minimum of 15 sailors is required to sail the Windborne without penalties.  


New Technology: The Jabari is a ship with advantages at deep sea but is not well equipped for shallow waters and river sailing. In ideal conditions, it is one of the fastest ships at sea.
Tradeship: The Jabari has a large hull but built for speed. It can carry far more goods than most ships.
Rowboats. Four rowboats are stacked on top of each other on this deck. Ropes and pulleys can hoist these boats in and out of the water.
Figurehead. A graceful bird spreads its wings on the front of the ship. It is not rated for raming in battle.
Railing. The forecastle has a 3-foot-high rail around its perimeter that provides half cover for Medium creatures and three-quarters cover for Small creatures behind it.

Boat Stats

Speed per turn: 35 Feet. per Hour: 6 Miles. Miles per day: 100 (Ideal weather: 180).
Hit Points: 300
AC: 12
Cargo Capacity: 100 tons

Sailing Check

Given Current Crew of 25/25 Qualified Crew, Full Leadership Team, Supplies and Support : +7  

Weapon: Ballista

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 50 Intiative: +5
Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.
Deepwater certified, Shallow Water not recommended

Ships Crew:


Captain & Quartermaster: Wahn
Bosun: 2nd in Command, Supervises the Maintanence of the Vessel and in charge of all deck activities.
Navigator: Oscar "Ossie" Jenkins: Ossie's keen eyes and thoughtful expression reflect his passion for maps and charts. Always ready to assist the navigator, he dreams of drawing his own map of the world one day.


15 Sailors Recruited in Gwyndara  

Dead Crew Members

1. Smythe: Smythe, a slender man with shifty eyes and a perpetual five o'clock shadow. A quiet and secretive man, he has have sparked whispers among the crew, hinting at a mysterious past that he carefully guards.
2. Ivan "The Silent" Petrov: Ivan's presence is often unnoticed until needed, his lean, muscular build belying his quiet nature. A man of few words, he communicates best through his efficient, a great man to have at your back in a fight.
3. "Merry Jerry" McColl: Jerry's gap-toothed smile and lean, agile body are a common sight during leisure hours on deck. Known for playing the bag pipes, he is the heart of the crew's morale.

Quarantined Sailors from Bertha

Found aboard a shipwrecked barge, these saved sailors are quarantined to assess if they can be recuperated. Captain Jeffery: Lacerations on his face, no left ear, successfully removed the enslavement worm. 12 Sailors: all successfully removed the enslavement worm A prisoner of the fish-people who were found on the ship and attacked the Umbra-Nex, bearing a sea shell crown and a staff.  


Railing. The forecastle and Main Deck have a 3-foot-high rail around its perimeter that provides half cover for Medium creatures and three-quarters cover for Small creatures behind it.
Rear Quarter Deck: Ship's Helm
Forecastle Deck: Ballista, the figurehead of a bird spreading its wings.
Main Deck: 2 Masts, 4 Row Boats stored. Captains Quarters, Map Room,
Lower Deck: Crews Quarters Sleeps up to 50. Usually Sleeps 30 Crew, Oars for Rowing, 1 Guest Cabin for high profile transport, Kitchen
Hold: Can store up to 20 Passenger or 100 Tons of Cargo, Survival Supplies, Armory, Brig, Privy
Creation Date


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