The Old Faith

The Old Faith, once a prevailing spiritual tradition in the land of Ithca, now exists as a dwindling remnant in the shadow of the Azraen Faith's ascendancy. In ages past, this deeply rooted belief system embraced a more flexible and inclusive perspective on spirituality, where legends of each angel were honored within a loose pantheon. However, as the influence of the Azraen Faith grew stronger, the Old Faith gradually waned, with only scattered families and communities clinging to its ancient teachings.   Today, in small pockets across Ithca, the embers of the Old Faith continue to smolder within the hearts of its followers. Despite the odds, they tenaciously preserve the traditions passed down through generations, keeping alive the memories and practices of their ancestors. Within these tight-knit communities, the Old Faith serves as a cherished reminder of a time when the connection between mortals and the divine was more fluid, and the celestial beings were celebrated in a more holistic manner.   In these secluded enclaves, the Old Faith weaves together the rich tapestry of legends, myths, and rituals that embody the collective history and spirituality of Ithca. It is a gentle rebellion against the encroaching dominance of the Azraen Faith, fostering a profound connection with the natural world and honoring the diverse manifestations of the divine. The Old Faith recognizes the interplay between humanity, nature, and the celestial realms, embracing a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.   Yet, as the tides of change sweep across the continent, the Old Faith faces an uncertain future. Its dwindling numbers and fading influence leave it vulnerable to being forgotten or dismissed as a mere relic of the past. Nevertheless, its devotees remain steadfast, finding solace and meaning in the quiet rituals, ancestral customs, and the collective memories that bind them together.

Mythology & Lore

At the dawn of existence, there was only Annu, the all-encompassing entity that was everything and nothing simultaneously. Annu, often referred to as the One, was the embodiment of the universe's entirety. However, in a cosmic event of unparalleled magnitude, Annu fragmented into four distinct divine aspects, each representing a fundamental force of the universe.   1.Good (Elysium/Heaven):This realm emerged as the embodiment of purity, righteousness, and benevolence. It is where the Harolds, as manifestations of Annu's virtues, reside, guiding and protecting the mortal realm.   2.Evil (Hell): Born from the darkest desires and malevolence, this realm is the antithesis of Elysium. It is a place of torment, deception, and wickedness, where demons and devils plot and scheme.   3. Creation (The Creation Source):This force represents the essence of life, growth, and existence. It is the energy that fuels the material plane, Solacea, and ensures the cycle of birth, life, and rebirth.   4. Non-Existence (The Void): The antithesis of the Creation Source, the Void embodies emptiness, nothingness, and the absence of being. It is the space between spaces, where existence is negated.   Each Harold, in their unique way, represents a facet of Annu's original essence. They serve as guides, mentors, and protectors, helping mortals navigate the complexities of existence. Through their legends and teachings, they provide insights into the nature of the universe and the eternal struggle between its four foundational aspects. The Old Faith venerates these Harolds, seeing in them the path to understanding the grand design of Annu and the universe's intricate balance.

Divine Origins

In the wake of the Great Conflagration, the world was left scarred and unrecognizable. The once-majestic Aelesean civilization, with its towering spires and advanced knowledge, was reduced to smoldering ruins. The cataclysmic event had obliterated nearly all traces of the past, leaving behind only fragmented memories and shattered dreams.   The survivors of this apocalypse were the least privileged of the Aelesean society, those who had been furthest from the divine bloodlines of the Nephilim. Bereft of the knowledge and power that once defined their world, these individuals found themselves in a desolate landscape, struggling to make sense of the devastation that surrounded them.   As the smoke cleared and the initial shock subsided, these survivors banded together, forming tight-knit tribal communities. In the absence of written records or tangible relics from their past, oral traditions became their lifeline. Elders would gather the young around flickering campfires, recounting tales of the Angels, the Nephilim, and the world that once was. These stories, passed down from one generation to the next, became the foundation of the Old Faith.   The tales spoke of the Angels' benevolence, their guidance, and their interactions with the Aelesean people. They told of the Nephilim's might, their descent from angelic and demonic bloodlines, and their role in the world's balance. These narratives were not just mere stories; they were lessons, moral compasses, and sources of hope in a world that had lost its way.   Over time, as the tribal communities grew and evolved, so did the Old Faith. It absorbed elements from various tribes, each contributing its unique perspective and interpretation of the ancient tales. Sacred sites, once part of the Aelesean civilization, were rediscovered and revered. These places, often marked by ancient ruins or natural formations, became pilgrimage destinations, where followers of the Old Faith would seek connection with the divine.

Cosmological Views

1. Elysium (Heaven): The zenith of all realms, Elysium is the radiant sanctuary of the Angels. A realm of boundless light, harmony, and serenity, it is here that the Angels watch over the cosmos, guiding and guarding the balance of all existence. Elysium is often depicted as a vast expanse of shimmering cities, golden fields, and tranquil waters, where the air is filled with melodious hymns. It is the ultimate aspiration for those who bear the divine mark, hoping to ascend and join the ranks of the Cherubim.   2. Solacea (The Material Plane): The heart of the Old Faith's cosmology, Solacea is the realm of mortals, nature, and tangible existence. A diverse and dynamic plane, it is home to vast continents, deep oceans, towering mountains, and sprawling forests. Here, the legacy of the Aelesean civilization and the teachings of the Old Faith intertwine, shaping the lives and beliefs of its inhabitants. Solacea is a realm of potential, challenges, and growth, where mortals strive to understand their place in the grand tapestry of existence.   3. Hell: A realm of torment, chaos, and malevolence, Hell is the dwelling place of Demons and Devils. A stark contrast to Elysium, Hell is a labyrinth of fire, brimstone, and shadow, where the air is thick with despair and the screams of the damned echo endlessly. It is from this abyss that malevolent entities emerge, seeking to corrupt, dominate, and spread their influence across Solacea. The Old Faith teaches that Hell is not just a place but a reminder of the eternal struggle between light and darkness, urging its followers to remain vigilant and steadfast in their beliefs.   4. The Mistlands: A realm of transition and reflection, the Mistlands are where the souls of mortals journey after death if they lack the divine mark. Shrouded in a perpetual mist, this realm is a vast expanse of silvery landscapes, ethereal forests, and mirror-like waters. Here, souls wander, seeking understanding, redemption, or simply awaiting their next cycle of rebirth. The Mistlands are neither a place of punishment nor reward but rather a realm of introspection, where souls come to terms with their mortal lives and prepare for what lies ahead.   The Fourfold Realms serve as the foundation of the Old Faith's teachings, offering a comprehensive understanding of existence, the afterlife, and the divine. Through rituals, legends, and sacred practices, the followers of the Old Faith navigate these realms, seeking enlightenment, purpose, and a deeper connection with the divine forces that govern them.

Tenets of Faith

1. Personal Embodiment: Every adherent is encouraged to embody the essence of a chosen Harold, becoming a living testament to their divine aspect. This is not mere imitation but a deep spiritual connection, allowing the individual to channel the Harold's virtues and strengths in their daily life. Literally for clerics and Paladins and metaphorically for adherents.   2. Seek Divine Guidance: Before embarking on any significant endeavor, one must seek the guidance of the appropriate Harold. Whether preparing for war, nurturing a relationship, or facing a moral dilemma, the Harolds offer wisdom tailored to every situation. Some rare prophets via direct guidance but most by reference to thier holy texts.   3. Defend Against Darkness: The ever-present threat of Hell's influence requires vigilance. Followers must be prepared to defend their faith, their loved ones, and themselves against corruption, temptation, and malevolence.   4. Celebrate the Divine: Regular rituals, festivals, and ceremonies honoring the Harolds and their aspects are essential. These events strengthen the bond between the divine and the mortal, fostering community and shared purpose.   5. Embrace Rebirth: Life, death, and rebirth are all part of the cosmic cycle. The Old Faith teaches acceptance of death as a transition, not an end, and emphasizes the importance of preparing one's soul for its journey through the Mistlands.


The Old Faith is characterized by its inherent informality, a stark contrast to many organized religions. While it possesses sacred texts that guide its followers, and boasts clerics and paladins who champion its teachings, there is no centralized authority governing its practices or doctrines. This decentralized nature allows for a rich tapestry of interpretations and personal connections to the divine. Prophets occasionally rise, sharing visions or new insights into the faith, and while their words might resonate with many, they don't dictate doctrine for all. Similarly, respected leaders within the community might guide a congregation or a region, but their influence is localized. This structure, or lack thereof, fosters a sense of personal responsibility among its adherents. Each individual is encouraged to seek their own understanding and relationship with the Heralds, making the Old Faith a deeply personal and varied spiritual journey for each believer.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Old Faith, once a beacon of spiritual guidance in Ithca, has seen its influence wane over the centuries, a decline exacerbated by its inherent aversion to formal structure. Rooted in the ancient tales of the Harolds and the wisdom they imparted, the faith thrived on personal connections and individual interpretations of these celestial narratives. However, as the world around it evolved and new faiths with organized hierarchies emerged, the Old Faith's decentralized nature became its Achilles' heel. Without a unified doctrine or a central authority to guide its teachings and practices, it struggled to adapt to the changing times. The lack of a cohesive structure made it challenging to address internal disputes, propagate its teachings to new generations, or defend against external threats. Over time, this absence of formal organization left the Old Faith fragmented and vulnerable, allowing more structured religions, like the Azraen Faith, to overshadow its once profound influence.

In Every Heart, A Herald's Whisper.

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Echoes of Elysium"
Notable Members

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