The Ranger

Formerly the August.
Current Flag Colors: Black and Gold, With a Gold Aurlientail Deer at the center. The Ship is painted white and gray with gray sails.
Forged Documentation: 17 Forgery Score. Research vessel out of Athelia to research northern climate, built in Nordheim.  


Warship: The August has a large hull but built for troops and supplies, extra armor, though slower.
Rowboats. Four rowboats are stacked on top of each other on this deck. Ropes and pulleys can hoist these boats in and out of the water.
Skull Emblem. The August Features a breaker, ram, great for pushing ice and spearing enemy ships.
Railing. The forecastle has a 3-foot-high rail around its perimeter that provides half cover for Medium creatures and three-quarters cover for Small creatures behind it.
Ram: Damage 10d10 applied to other ship. Also applies to the ram and not the ship's hull, up to 100 hit points. Threshold at 10. Advantage on targeting the other ship as a saving throw.  

Boat Stats

Speed: 35 Feet Per Turn, 4 per hour, 96 per day
600 Hit Points
AC 18
Intiative: +2
Deep Water Vessel

Sailing Check

25/25 Sailors, No Leadership Team, Few Supplies and No Support : +7 /
DC> 5: 0 miles | DC>10: 10 miles per day | >15: 40 miles per day | >20: 80 miles per day | > 25 96 miles per day  

Weapon: Ballista

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 50
12 Shots
Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.

Weapon: Test Cannons

Armor Class 25
Hit Points 150
Ranged Weapon Attack: -2 to hit, range 40/90 ft., one target. Hit: 55 (10d10) piercing damage.
3 Shots 3 Early Test Cannons, inefficient and inaccurate.  

Ships Leadership:

Captain & Navigator: Ash
1st Mate: Marcus
Bosun:Caldwyn 3rd in Command, represents the interests of the crew, maintining order of the men, adjucator of minor crimes.

Ships Sailing Crew:

1. Allen Black: Tall and lean with a scar running down his left cheek, Alistair's eyes gleam with tales of the sea. He is known for his unmatched knot-tying skills and carries a mysterious, faded tattoo of a kraken on his right arm.
2. Benedict "Benny" Thorp: With rosy cheeks and a perpetually flour-dusted apron, Benny's portly figure is a familiar sight in the galley. He is a cheerful man who can often be heard whistling old sea shanties while cooking.
3. Ced Wyn: Young and lean, with eager blue eyes, Ced is always the first to volunteer for the crow's nest duty. He dreams of finding uncharted lands, his eyes forever scanning the horizon.
4. "Dunk" McGraw: Dunk's thick beard and broad shoulders are as much a part of him as his thick accent. Always ready with a quip and a hammer, he is the ship's skilled carpenter.
5. Eli Hargrow: Quiet and observant, Elias has sharp features and a permanent tan from his time at sea. Often found reading book if he can find one, he keeps mostly to himself. (He's from Ithca)
6. "Finn" O'Donnell: Finn's nimble, wiry frame is perfect for his role as the ship's rigger, climbing masts with ease. He has an uncanny knack for predicting the weather and is always ready to share his forecasts. Addtionally and strategy, Finn bears a strange Turian tattoo of an eye with a compass around the outside of the design.
7. Gregor "Grizz" Hahnsson: A large, bear-like man with hands as big as dinner plates and long brown hair, Grizz is known for his strength in hauling ropes and anchors. His deep laugh and good-natured spirit make him a favorite among the crew.
8. Kyle "Kipper" Morris: A young man. Kipper's speed and agility, evident in his compact, muscular build, make him ideal for delivering messages and assisting quickly. He's often the first to respond in a crisis, darting around the ship with purpose.
9. Liam "Lucky" Doyle: With a shock of red hair and a face full of freckles, Lucky is considered a good omen aboard the Jabari. Having escaped three shipwrecks unscathed, he's a sailor who seems to live a charmed life.
10. Miles Standish: Miles' weathered face and salt-and-pepper hair speak of years spent at sea. He often entertains the crew with tales of legendary sea creatures and ghost ships, drawing on his vast experience.
11. Sara 12. 4 Sailors recruited from Bertha.  

Ships Fighting Crew:

12 Former Soldiers of the Imperium 1 Soldier named Braelon Leader: Sextus  




Railing. The forecastle and Main Deck have a 3-foot-high rail around its perimeter that provides half cover for Medium creatures and three-quarters cover for Small creatures behind it.
Rear Quarter Deck: Ship's Helm
Forecastle Deck: Ballista, battering ram
Main Deck: 2 Masts, 4 Row Boats stored. Captains Quarters, Map Room,
Lower Deck: Crews Quarters Sleeps up to 50. Oars for Rowing, 1 Guest Cabin for high profile transport, Kitchen
Hold: Can store up to 50 Tons of Cargo, Survival Supplies, Armory, Brig, Privy


"Gifted" by the emperor to the Govenor of Dunwell Lucious Magnus when he took charge of the colony in a formal send-off. The artistcrats of the imperium know that no duke or colony govenor is allowed to own his own warships, but the gesture was to give the sense for colonists that they will protected by the imperial seal as far north as Dunwell by someone with thier own ship. That was 19 years ago. A warship of the Imperium once docked at Dunwell. Taken by soliders fleeing the The Battle of Dunwell and Re-taken by the Umbra-Nex along with 11 soliders of the Imperium.


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