The Turian-Imperial War

The war between the Aeternus Imperium and the Turian Sultanate was sparked by a dispute over Turian piracy of trade and slave ships belonging to the neighboring nations of Zamora and Maraqul. The Imperium, seeking to protect its economic interests and establish control over the seas, engaged in a protracted conflict with the Sultanate. Alongside traditional forces, the Impierum hired privateers to hit the Sultanate where it hurt: their pocketbooks. Before long, several Turian cities were under threat - when the Turians introduced cannons to naval warfare, utilizing closely held gunpowder technology. This technological advantage shifted the balance of power, forcing the Imperium to reassess its strategies. The war has brought about a significant shift in naval warfare and left both sides grappling for dominance on the high seas.   The Imperium sued for peace a few months later. Leaving many privateers in a lurch, if not outright betrayed.

The Conflict


Scholars debate but the official posistion othe Imperium is that the Turian attacked key military outposts of the Imperium in an unprovoked manuver to gain access to exclusive shipping routes.


Mostly naval warfare with a few excursions into Sultanate Holding on small islands and the least well defended towns on the coast.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date


The Aeternus Imperium

Led by

The Turian Sultante

Led by




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