The Aeternus Imperium

The Aeternus Imperium, a sprawling dominion stretching across vast territories, is a realm defined by its strategic positioning and economic prowess. Sprawling across a diverse range of climates and topographies, this majestic land encompasses sun-soaked coastal plains, majestic mountain ranges, and fertile river valleys. The Empire's geography and infrastructure of aqueducts, roads, and shipping lanes across the sea grant it a wealth of natural resources, fostering a thriving economy built upon maritime trade routes and bustling marketplaces that hum with the exchange of exotic goods. At the heart of the Imperium lies a meticulously organized societal structure, with an emphasis on centralized power and governance. The Emperor, revered as the embodiment of authority, presides over a grand Senate where decisions of state are made. However, religious beliefs diverge from the multifarious faiths found elsewhere in Solacea, as the Azraen church stands as the sole sanctioned spiritual institution within the Empire's borders. As an ambitious military force, the Aeternus Imperium boasts a formidable army, renowned for its disciplined ranks and renowned conquests. The magnificence of the Imperium is further enhanced by architectural marvels, such as the grand Colosseum which stands as a testament to both its engineering prowess and dedication to entertainment. While religious diversity is suppressed, the vibrant tapestry of Aeternus Imperium's culture finds expression through art, literature, and intellectual pursuits, captivating the hearts and minds of its inhabitants and beyond.

Demography and Population

Disverse people groups. Some conqoured long ago and incorproated into the empire, others recently enveloped into the empire.


  • Dunwell
  • Stonewood
    Nestled along the banks of the Aldersford river, Stonewood emerges as a burgeoning settlement in the heart of Eldonia. Surrounded by the tranquil beauty of nature, the town is flanked by the enchanting Shadowleaf Grove to the southwest. As a newly established enterprise spearheaded by the Aeternus Imperium, Stonewood thrives on the wealth of its natural resources. Ironcrest Mines delve deep into the earth, unearthing precious minerals, while the sound of axes echoes through the nearby woods, where logging operations sustain the burgeoning construction efforts. Fur trappers brave the wilderness, seeking pelts to meet the demands of fashion and commerce. Amidst this industrious activity, Stonewood exudes a sense of potential and growth, poised to leave its mark on the landscape of Eldonia.
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
The Senate
Judicial Body
The Grand Court
Executive Body
The Emperial Seat
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Cold War

Articles under The Aeternus Imperium


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