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Chronicle of the Cluehbridge Six

Alone, Together

Before you met in various lands across Solandrin, may things unfolded in your lives...

  • 930 AF

    Axilya encounters the Green Warrior
    Life, Supernatural

    Axilya sees the spirit of the Green Warrior, Elandor, for the first time and learns he returns every few years.

    Elandor Woods
  • 10 Rains 1002
    Leshanna's Legion infiltrates Enlas Anore
    Military action

    Grog and the one-hundred soldiers of Leshanna's Legion company escorted Erevan Galloborne and his wizards of House Galloborne to the Citadel in Enlas Anore. Of the one-hundred warriors, thirty-three survived.

    Enlas Anore
  • 1002 AF

    Ayda joins the Bard College
    Life, Career

    Ayda begins her training as a bard at the College of Glamour in the Feywild.

  • 1015 AF

    The crew of the Riggin find a Sylvaranth outpost on Robinsail Island
    Life, Career

    Zephyrus' earns her Journeyman's Mark of the Cartographers Guild. The crew finds an abandoned outpost. Zephyrus finds the portable hole.

The Adventurers Converge

During which the party converged in Alderdeen, then moves forward to greatness.

  • 1 Late Summer 1025
    The Wedding of Loras Whitmore and Morella Lorenz

    Loras Whitmore and Morella Lorenz were wed in Alderdeen. The Party saved Loras Whitmore from assassination.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
  • 2-8 Late Summer 1025
    Quill joins the party
    Life, Organisation Association

    Quill joins the party for a short time to help protect the Scroll of Answers.

  • 1025 PCW

    6 /8 22:00

    Ayda sees king adran's spirit for the first time
    Life, Supernatural

    Ayda saw King Adran's spirit on the deck of the Triumph's Call.

  • 1025 PCW

    7 /8

    Exploration of the Galloborne Laboratory
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party discovered the Galloborne Laboratory underneath the ruins of a keep deep in the wilderness of Glesau.

  • 1025 PCW

    8 /8

    Contract with the Zen'tarim
    Diplomatic action

    The party agreed to kill Eldridge Zul  and his crew for Cherryblossom  , CEO of the The Zen'tarim .

  • 1025 PCW

    9 /8 22:00

    Explosion of the Fly-By-Night
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Fly-By-Night exploded on the skydocks of Cluehbridge, killing and injuring multiple Mageguard.

  • 1025 PCW

    21 /9

    Whiteclaw the Unbearable is Slain
    Military: Battle

    The dragon in Icespire Keep was killed, and the party met Urzak.

  • 1025 PCW

    22 /9

    Met the Queen of Air and Darkness
    Gathering / Conference

    Eldridge Zul  is killed by the Queen after fulfilling his task. The party learns the Queen was held captive by the Answer, but later freed by Elandor his companions many decades ago. The party agreed to return her son, Prince Andhera, from the Wellspring.