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Queen Rowan Firebrand

Black skin with a regal bearing, bright green eyes that glow with an inner light, long braided hair adorned with emeralds, dressed in elegant green robes that are woven with enchantments to shimmer with a life-like vibrancy.   Born into a life of peasantry, Rowan grew up with soil under her nails and the songs of her ancestors on her lips. Her intelligence and unyielding spirit caught the eye of the young King David, who was captivated by her charisma and beauty. Through their secret love, she gained a position of influence, using her newfound power to advocate for the oppressed. As queen, she seeks to bridge the divide between the royalty and the common folk, often disguising herself to walk among her people and understand their plights firsthand. Her motivation lies in securing a lasting peace and prosperity for the kingdom, a legacy of unity that would extend beyond her peasant roots. Despite the love and support of King David, she is constantly aware that her position as a commoner on the throne is precarious, driving her to be ever vigilant and just in her rulings.   Queen Rowan is wise beyond her years, diplomatic, and fiercely protective of her people. She has a natural grace and charm that endears her to both the court and the common folk. Though she exudes confidence, she remains grounded thanks to her humble beginnings.
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