Episode 20: The Mist Commith

The party finished the session by having dinner with Orpheus mom excluding Duke. Duke was at the tavern hustling patrons. The city of Essedon rose from the sea. (This is due to the pact made with the "blue" dragon being over thanks to him being dead.) The elder brain known as N'gathrod sucked up some of the people of Creemod. The wall of mist also crashed into the walls of the capital city, where Lord Rennadoll took off and went to meet the queen head on.

Strong Start:

The wall of mist looms across the valley, a city lost to the ocean risen, an alien cloud removing citizens from the streets. An ire quiet falls across the city. "low thuds of bells start to ring" (Herk needs to roll a history check using their WIS as this pertains to the military: on a 12 he knows that these are used to rally the military and that all citizens should remain in doors until the chimes stop.) A large troop of military personal rush out of The Nest and head towards the walls. With more city guards starting to dot the surrounded city. Duke what are you doing?

The Thespian Arrives:

The door that leads to the Sexton grand foyer flies open. A looming figure with a roundish object in their hand. A streak of lightning flashes behind them as a boom of thunder hits your ears. The rains starts cascade down as this figure stands there for a second. A man whos beauty is only toped by his wife Vivian and only rivaled by his son Orphius waltz into the room. Wearing a form fitting white tunic with a green jacket embroidered with what appears a bunch of writing inlaid with golden trim. An emerald green collar raises behind him almost framing his perfect bone structure. Eugene Sexton holding a skull in his right hand and a set of scrolls in his left hand, clears his throat.
"Let me see... Ah, alas, poor Zaphreal. I knew him! Oh yes did I know thee! A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs?" He then abruptly stops and looks at the table noticing that no one is around. "I just gave the performance of a life time and no one is around what is this blasphemy. I was told I would have a dinner party to entertain and all I see is a table with some scraps. Oh how contrived this must be. I am a star I have the most potential nominees out of every other thespian to grace the halls of that so called theater."

Things Eugene might say
  • "That’s exactly the kind of paranoia that makes me weary of spending time with you.”
  • “Let’s all go to bed and pray we don’t wake up.”
  • “I’m afraid you and I have arrived at an awkward moment in our parent-child relationship. It seems that there are some nude paintings of me being plastered on the buildings, and I would like you to search for them.”
If anyone asks if they have an audition: "Audition? Though I'm sure you mean no offence, in the actual world of entertainment, I'm what's known as, "offer only"  

Twinnafer enters:

Twin arrives with the plans to the castle. He arrives with his Twinnafer disguise. Twin is also carrying what appears to be a baby claiming it to be Orphius. Orphius mom freaks out as a concerned mom, his dad however, is upset by the financial burden Orphius is now putting them in, also with Twinnafer not being a noble woman and out of wedlock this child is a bastard and must be thrown out. Orphius dad is over the top dramatic as this is a life ending thing for him(Orphius dad)
  The Nest of Lord Rennadoll
Random Trition names:
Grinrod, Kekosh, Lashy, Labduk, Blonros, Trodru, Sygra, Mubdam, Kendod, Sastig, Lastawr   Random Names:
Wymon, Andreu, Batkin, Forthwind, Jyne, Heleanor, Merilda, Roysa, Herleve, Ninette, Teffania, Genevieve, Arther, Meilm Giraldus, Stephanus
While a number of forces have moved to the wall and help their lord some have stayed back as ordered to watch of the nest.   4 of The Inquisitors that serve the lord stayed back to help watch over the nest. There are a number of other soldiers at attendance as well. They are being commanded by one of The Inquisitors known as Law Master "Tesski" (Law Master of the Nest")   The Mist queens crown is in the underground hidden temple.

IF they decided to join the war. They will be swept into the highstorm and will need to pass dc checks to get to the center. There can also be some enemies to fight while in the storm as well. Having to make saves during combat at the top of the round to dodge flying debris.   If they decided to go into the ocean and say no to everything. They will need a plan to get past the royal fleet.


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