Ignius Character in Solaria | World Anvil


The Herald of the Flame Ignius   Through all-consuming ambition and a desire to punish all who ever thwarted his dreams, the fire genasi Ignius has risen to leadership of The Flames of Frenzy cult. Beneath his refined exterior is a steel edge of scorned pride. And underneath his hard pride lies a desire for murder and mayhem. Ignius harbors a fierce hatred for all who think themselves superior to him, and he stops at nothing to make them see him as a figure to be feared and respected. Ignius was born and raised in the crushing poverty of Essedonia's poorest quarters, armed with only his cunning intelligence. In his youth, he learned to paint for coin and slowly worked his way up from the wine sinks of the laborers’ districts to the elegant chambers of the city’s nobles. He mastered minor fire magic to distinguish himself from other painters and incorporated flame into his art. His talents grew, and soon he caught the eye of a pasha and became her concubine. But even as he enjoyed the gifts she lavished on him, Ignius hated the pasha for seeing him as a mere trophy. He left before long, robbing the pasha of a small fortune in jewelry and setting fire to his palace.   Ignius fled to The Skyless Realms , here he remained until a few months ago, when dreams and visions impelled him to seek out a lost dungeon in Titans Spine. On the altar of a forgotten temple he found the dagger Tinderstrike, imbued with the power of Imix, the Prince of Evil Fire. Armed with this powerful weapon, Ignius resolves to establish a new chapter of his cult on Opura.   Ignius is an extraordinary manipulator. He collects allies and followers with his wiles, using them as he needs and discarding them the moment they lose their usefulness. It’s a testament to his natural talent that many of his victims are pathetically eager to bask in the glow of his attention again if he discovers he needs something else from them. While Ignius puts on the airs of a rich noble, he despises those raised with great wealth, and his sensibilities favor the coarse. Ignius is ambitious above all else, and as undisputed master of the fire cult, he intends to make The Flames of Frenzy the strongest and most feared cult of all.
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Trying to regain his manor from an attack
Current Location
Current Residence
Volcano Manor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ash with fire undertones
6' 7
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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