Volcano Manor Building / Landmark in Solaria | World Anvil

Volcano Manor

The Volcano Manor is home to a few members of The Flames of Frenzy cult. Nestled within the ridges of The Flowing Shadow Mountains the manor is the second home for these members. Once the manor was below ground, hiding within lava pits and streams. This was until the Mistwalkers found The Skyless Realms and settled it. The Mistwalkers built atop of Volcano Manor without any knowledge of doings so. While they built Lolthazel the ground collapsed onto the manor and forced its residence to relocate. Volcano Manor is now a well guarded secret and keeps out of the eye of the Mistwalkers.
  Age: The erection of Volcano Manor was completed in 2265 UTD.
Condition: The average condition makes the manor usable and sound, while some minor issues may be present, or a good clean may be needed, its residents live and function adequately. Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
Building Materials: The manor was constructed with obsidian stones that were harvested from around The Flowing Shadow Mountains. The harvesting of the materials was done in a way to preserve the surrounding area, with such caution, one might not even realize that materials were stripped from the area.
Construction: While the design and theme of the keep imposes strength and fortitude, the manor was made by panic. Construction was motivated by the fear of Lolthazel being built above them.
Alternate Entries: A drain pipe emerges into a lava river just outside the fortress, its opening is covered by metal grating and leads to the cellar.
Residents: The original residents and their descendants reside within the keep. They came from the ruined manor under Lolthazel and stayed to protect what they rebuilt.
Resident Relations: While everyone in the keep get along there is some clandestine behavior, as someone in the fortress is engaged in secret dealings with an external entity.
Resident hobbies: The hobbies of most of the residents comes down to Martial Training and serving the greater entity that is worshiped by The Flames of Frenzy.
Garrison Size: With the success of hiding the manor, the actual garrison is the smallest necessary to do the job. They are a bit overworked and unable to handle more than absolutely vital tasks. The equipment they are granted is decent, with guards being equipped with a standard kit and a dedicated training area.
Current Issue: The Children of Purity have been able to overtake the small garrison, thanks to the element of surprise. The issue is quite critical to the manor and a very real threat to all involved.
History: A very powerful being once walked where the fortress now stands.
Founding Date
2265 UTD
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Volcano Manor

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