Rastick Hallow

Basic Information Age: Mature. The village has been around close to a decade or so. Production has been honed, and practices are optimized. Children born in the settlement may be old enough to start to lend a hand.   Hardship: Two Hardships. The village has gone through a couple of hardships. Hardship Type: Inter-Community Conflict/violence. A conflict between members of the community broke out and split the village, with dire consequences. (Population. Density and disposition) (Outcome: Moderate Losses. The village’s losses were rough but recovery is likely though may be tough -2 to modifiers), Plague. The community fell victim to disease. (Population density) (Outcome: Minimal Losses. The village’s losses were as little as could have been hoped for, and recovery should be very possible, or even inevitable. -1 to modifiers). (-3 to population density and -2 to population disposition)   Size: Large. Up to 90 standing structures. Condition: Simple. Most buildings are organized and seem sturdy enough, though there is nothing remarkable. The. Streets are clear enough to move through, but may be uneven and rutted.   Environment: Forest. The village is nestled among the trees.   Specialty. Location Proximity. The village itself may not be very special, but it is near somewhere that is, such as a stunning vista, or a site of historical significance.   Resources: Herbs. Herbs grown in the village are used for alchemy, medicine, or, simply, cooking, and are typically tended by an individual, due to their more specialized, and potentially dangerous, nature. The individual may have some degree of medical, or arcane, training. (Locations: Herbalist’s hut and gardens)   Recent History: Fear. Something unnerving, or frightening, has happened recently.   Community. Dense. The village seems to have a large amount of people for its size. There are many hands available to help with any work that needs doing. (-1 to crime roll)   Demographics. Only two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary race.   Disposition: Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors, looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.   Law Enforcement: Organized Rabble. Perhaps better than the alternative, this group has guidance and leadership in the form of an individual, or small group. They may or may not be competent.   Leadership: Natural Village Elder. The village recognizes a wise individual, and informally acknowledges them as an authority figure.    Population Wealth: Prosperous. Most of the population has enough to live a good life, and of them, a fair amount can even live comfortably. (-1 to crime roll)   Crime: Rare. Most villagers have had no personal experience with crime, and few know people that have. (+1 to urban encounter rolls)   Points of Interest Places of worship: 2 places Sanctuary to Arton the god of the lands and the hunt. A large, well-appointed structure, able to comfortably accommodate up to a few hundred people.  Great Temple to Phedall god of harvests and the sun. An awe-inspiring structure, devoted to that which it venerates. No expense was spared in its construction. It might display such elements as stunning frescos, elaborate stained-glass scenes, and towering, gilded statues. Walking into a great temple is a rare and striking experience for those who do not live near one.   Fervency of local following: Arton - Subtle. Followers of the faith may be identifiable, but remain very reserved. Phedall - The pious are confident and unafraid to display their faith openly, but do not encroach upon the wider populous uncalled for.    Places of Gathering: 2 Gathering Hall. General building used for community - organized activities Outdoor Recreational Area. A tended space where locals might eat, take leisure time, or duel to the death.    Other Locations Number of other locations: 3 Weaver (B). Weaves raw fabric and baskets. Alchemist (S). Brews and sells potions, as well as mundane herbs and alchemical ingredients.  Stable. Provides boarding accommodations for mounts, as well as selling carts, animals, and their tack.    Extra Intrigue Events: Religious. Events relating to and honoring a venerated deity are often regular and steeped in tradition Political Rumors: Fealty. A new power is claiming rights of fealty over the village, at the culmination of a long conflict.    Superstitions: Never leave an empty spirits glass or cup right - side - up, lest an actual spirit attempt to fill the void, inhabiting the body of the next drinker.
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