4/18 One Shot The Mercurial Golem

Strong Start

66 days of travel on The Adonis has made you accustomed to The Cobalt Expanse’s rocking waves. You wake up with slivers of sun shining through the portholes and lightly beaming on your faces. The smell of salt water and cooking porks tell you that its time to get up. One by one you hit the deck, grab some food for the morning and continue on your journey to Uthern. It’s only a few hours before you see a bustling port town, a few smaller trading vessels have made their home here. The Varenbon Port beach stretches for a few miles north and south, the southern end runs into a large set of jagged cliffs while the forest engulfs the north side of the beach. Behindthe town looms ancient redwood trees that pierce the sky. Your boat docks and your feet hit solid ground for the first time in what seems like ages. Welcome to Uthern.
  Potential Scenes: Asking around Varenbon Port for the whereabouts of Rasmop Moonthief.
Rasmop Moonthief is located somewhere in the Munfolk Timberland. The best person to ask is Syn runner of the Abracapothecary or ask Lyle Goodale he is the new owner and operator of The Last Crow Tavern.   Traveling around Munfolk Timberland to find Rasmop Moonthief
The forest is large ancient redwoods. There is a number of wildlife that roams the forest but is mostly harmless and will stay clear of villagers. Finding Rastick Hallow.
When the party gets to the outer village they will be ambushed by a group of rangers on giant squirrels. Their leader Volyn Babbletop greets them with some hostility. Will need to be persuaded to meet with Rasmop Moonthief. After the party is able to get access into Rastick Hallow the see the tree top canopy for the first time.
If you were to come here on your own without the help of Volyn, you might end up missing the village. It is not until the squirrel that he is riding starts climbing a tree when you look up and notice that the entire village is built within the canopy of trees. From afar it seems as if little fire flies are floating around the structures but as you get higher up you see they are actually paper lanterns. Volyn takes you through a complex maze of simple wooden rope bridges and platforms before you notice the center of the village where an ancient tree that seems to be glowing with radiant energy, its maple red leaves kiss the clouds branches reach for the gods.
  Speaking with Rasmop Moonthief   Traveling and finding Blackwater Catacombs   Exploring Blackwater Catacombs   Confronted by Voxeus

Secrets and Clues

  • Lyle Goodale is new to Varenbon Port came to town about a little over a year ago and doesn't know how.
  • Rasmop Moonthief is hesitant to help another country let alone a Rennodall.
  • The Children of the Crimson Star protect a rare flower called the Infernal Dew Bud.
  • The Infernal Dew Bud can bolster life (casts false life at 3rd level) when used
  • Voxeus is stealing the flower for his own needs
  • Voxeus is working on a project called The Fang Initiative.
  • The Fang Initiative is Sarek Rennodall's project on turning humanoids into Yuan-ti's
  • Only half of Sarek's test subjects live and out of that only 10% of them listen to commands and follow his order. The rest rebel and he ends killing them.
  • Golems are created with a ritual that involves slain or petrified humanoids.
  • The heart of a mercurial golem needs to be burnt in order to kill it.
  • The heart of golem needs to be placed in a container worth at least 5,000 gp.
  • The ingredients needed for the ritual are (Basilisk Fangs, Infernal Dew Bud, Ocean Cane, Agony Berry)


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