The Spider Hunt Begins

Strong Start

As the mist starts to settle you look towards Greyshire, the mist slowly coming down you should have seen the church spire by now. Greyshire would be unrecognizable if not for the only standing building, the town center. Holes in the walls and broken glass everywhere one can see that it didn't go without its fair share of combat. Entering you can see the southern third of the building is completely turned to rumble. You hear a soft soothing voice that seems to help distract the injured from their wounds.    Law Master Hassal and his inquisitors enter the building, the inquisitors look almost untouched in battle. While their is plenty of blood splatter on their armor you can tell none of it is theirs. Law Master Hassal quickly shouts orders to his squad. "Take the injured to the capital and get them seen by a healer quickly!" "You, start helping the others refortify the area." "I need a report of the battle as soon as possible." He turns to the party, "Well it looks like you have lost a member of your troop, I am sorry for your lose, I know this will not make up for it but please take this as a gesture of my gratitude." Law Master Hassal hands each of them a pendent of patronage. "This is the highest honor that I can bestow. If anyone in the capital try to give you crap show them this and they will know that I support you. You won't help out with getting away with murder but I can help with some things." "But for now what are your plans?"  

Possible Encounters


The Law Master:

Law Master Hassal and The Inquisitors look almost untouched in battle, as they walk through town towards the town hall. While there is plenty of blood splatter on their armor you can quickly tell that none of it is theirs. Law Master Hassal starts shouting orders to his squad.
  • "Take the injured to the capital and get them seen by a healer quickly!"
  • Pointing to an older man probably a lumber jack, "You, yes you Stokerton, start helping the others refortify the area."
  • "I need a report of the battle as soon as possible."
  • He turns to the party, "Well it looks like you have lost a member of your troop, I am sorry for your lose, I know this will not make up for it but please take this as a gesture of my gratitude." He hands each of you a golden badge that has a snake entwining between the capital building of Varel-Odo, the first city. Orpheus would be able to read the language around the badge that reads: "We can, We will, We did." Law Master Hassal continues, "This is the highest honor that I can bestow. If anyone in the capital tries to give you crap show them this and they will know that I support you. I won't allow you to get away with murder but it can help with some things. But for now, what are your plans?"  

    History of the three Imortals:

    Law Master Hassal  tells the party about the history between the Drow, Yuan-ti, and the Sun Elves: In 2250 UTD (Universal Timeline Date) about a third of the Sun Elves left their home and followed Melan, God of Deception and Secrets into the forest. From there they created a city of stone underground, and then they created The Skyless Realms. 250 years later Shirral Rennodall betrayed Li' Shivallreal. The Mistwalkers attacked and while we fought as hard as we could we were no match for them. This led us to be pushed out of the forest. We tried to live on the edge of the forest, however the Sun Elves had the protection of their walls and we were still being hunted by Li' Shivallreal. Shirral Rennodall went to the Sun Elves to try and make a deal for safety, however their king felt that Shirral betraying Li' Shivallreal was like betraying his sister, so they did not give us the safety we needed. We asked for another meeting but they denied us. Shirral Rennodall was not going to let his people die, that night we slithered up the was under the protection of the night and took their kingdom for ourselves.   

    The Glory Chasers:

    A raven flies in and gives Law Master Hassal a letter from the Glory Chasers. The Glory Chasers have made it to Uthern  and are on their way to talk with the leader of the Children of the Crimson Star a gnome named Rasmop Moonthief.  

    The Singing Twin:

    Twin is happy to see that Orpheus made it through battle and ready to start working on a ballad of these events. The next mission that Twin can give Orpheus is to bring back an egg from The First City. According to rumor (listening to Law Master Hassal and his wife talking in secret), when they fled Varel-Odo they left an egg that was supposedly laid by the god Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness itself. (It is large, smooth, and golden, that shines green in the light).   

    Drow Outpost Camps:

    Traveling to the first city will take 8 days (normally two weeks but they know the terrain). On the way there are multiple Mistwalkers outpost. The terrain is hard to see, mist everywhere, spider webs everywhere. 
    1d8 Traveling Encounters
    1 A giant (kong skull island" spider is above them
    2 An Owl bear stuck in a hunters trap
    3 The party is stalked by 1d6 +2 Drow rangers
    4 Patches of poisonous plants grow in a field of plants that look like Star Lillys. The plants can be used as an ingredient to make a potion of poison, but if touched they poison a character for 1d8 hours if they fail a DC 15 Con Save
    5 A drow outpost in a tree, DC 15 Perception check to see it. There are 1d6 + 2 Drow Rangers and 1 Drow Mistwalker
    6 The Mist becomes so heavy that it adds a day of travel
    7 A drow camp covered by an illusion. They party can feel the warmth of the fire but no source. Tripping over a bed roll. There are 1d6 drow rangers there
    8 The Behir left the first city, stalking the party and attacks. 
      Fantastic Locations: war torn greyshire spider webbed forest drow outpost camps   Important NPCs: Law master Hassal Twin Felynda The Inquisitors   Rewards:

    Secrets and Clues

    • Hassal betrayed his brother because of the slaughter done by his hands to Franz
    • Hassal believes that if they can give the crown back to Li' Shivallreal things may be resolved
    • Hassal wants to give the Sun Elves their home back
    • Hassal wants to go back to the First City and restore the home of the Yuan-Ti
    • Felynda while injured is more dangerous when she is cornered and injured/She now knows how the party fights and is able to "armor" up
    • Rennodall has something big planned by Hassal does not know what it is, he does know that he has been sacrificing hundreds of triton a year in order to do it.
    • Rennodall has a triton servant named Sharles that has been in his service for almost as long as the coast has been conquered.
    • Sharles will go to Essadawn and persuade young and eager triton to join him in a "rebellion" of the coast, this in turn just leads to the slaughter of his people.
    • When the Yuan-ti left Varel-odo they left a relic. An egg said to be laid by thir god Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness themself. Many have gone back for it but none have returned.
    • The lord ruler was the first of the Yuan-ti to be born, after which Law Master Hassal was hatched. After that we slithered from our eggs in droves.
    • While Law Master Hassal is the greatest fighter in the coast, he believes he is no match for his brother.


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