Varenbon Port

Basic Information Origin: Port. The town established itself on the water where none had done so previously, sprouting worn piers and roads taken by merchants and travelers alike. Coastal Port.   Priority: Economic. The town prioritizes their market, ensuring a large area, wide streets, more shops, and lodging (+2 to market square roll, When checking the commercial locations table, consider your town 1 size category larger)   Speciality: Connections. This town is full of people who can find and obtain almost anything (or, perhaps, anyone).   Age: Established. The town has been around for a few years. Folk within a few dozen miles may have heard of it. It has most likely been added to major official maps.   Size: Medium. Up to 1000 standing structures in an area able to support around 4000 people.   Condition: Robust. Buildings in the town appear solid. Beams protruding from structures walls look to be sturdy and hard-wearing. While possibly lacking true refinement, the town bears a strength and sense of reliability. Roads are maintained, though not obsessed over, and are largely free of refuse and filth. The smells are those of smoke and sawdust, leather and sweat.   Environment: Coastal. The town is near a large body of water.   Prosperity: Mildly Successful. The town has attained a mild degree of success and visibility. (-1 to visitor traffic, -3 to population wealth)   Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls.   Vendor Stall Acquisition: Lease. Merchants pay in advance (sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market.   Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed to set up stalls outside the town. Town guards will enforce this. (+1 to law enforcement roll)   Fortification: Lightly Fortified. The town proper is surrounded by a light wall of wood or stacked stone. The fortifications pose only a mild inconvenience to outside forces, but they easily keep out wild animals. (+1 to disposition roll)   Community Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people live here. Walking through the streets, you will see plenty of people, but never so many that it would feel cramped.   Population Overflow: 20%. A fifth of the town’s population is outside the town proper.   Farms and Resources: Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, which provide food, are found on the nearest hospitable land under the town’s control. & Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, which provide livestock, are found on the nearest hospitable land under the town’s control.   Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly frequent the town. Congestion is significantly increased. (+3 to night activity roll)   Night Activity: Active. Inns and taverns remain open perpetually. Some shops and services may be open, catering to late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of establishments may still be closed. If the town has a gate, it is kept open, but guarded, ready to be closed, if needed.   Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25% secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.   Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming, and slow to take offense.   Leadership: Oligarchy. A few individuals hold sway, collectively, over the town. Merchants (Plutocracy)   Law Enforcement: Town Watch. The watch is run by an appointed captain, with one lieutenant, and enough guards, to adequately guard key points in the town with token patrols.   Population Wealth: Average. Most of the town’s population have enough to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.   Crime: Uncommon. Crime does not occur often but, when it does, it is a noteworthy occurrence. (+1 to urban encounter rolls)   Points of Interest Non-commercial Locations Types: Education, Government, Gathering Education: Forum. A place designated for the use of intellectual debate and discussion. Government: Chancery. Used as an office for official documentation and administrative tasks. Gathering: Amphitheater. Outdoor space with a stage and tiered seating.   Commercial Locations: 10 Free Stuff: General Store, Smithy, Inn, Tavern Shops and Services: 6 of Shops, 4 of Services Shops: Textile Production (S). Larger scale than a single weaver, offering a wider array of materials in larger quantities. Mill (S) Facilities for milling grain. Rare Libations and Fare (E). Sells (and, perhaps, makes or brews) drinks and/or food of surpassing quality or rarity to the region. Smithy (B). Sells and crafts metal tools and equipment, including very basic weapons and armor. Wainwright (B). Builds carts and wagons. Magic Shop - Miscellaneous and Curiosities (E) Procures and sells magical items with a focus on strange and rare artifacts of wondrous or intriguing nature. Services: Barber. Provides grooming services, such as haircuts or shaves. House of leisure. Provides entertainment and/or relaxation (gm may decide what kind). Hired Help - Caravan and Mount. Specialists in transportation and journeys to various locations as well as expedition organizations and management. Doctor/Apothecary. Provides medical care.   Extra Intrigue Recent History: People missing. There have been reports that people have gone missing after going to the old catacombs down by the beaches end. Most believe that they get stuck down there during high tides, maybe its just a story to keep kids safe, who’s to say.   Noteworthy official: Jailer. In charge of confining prisoners. Incompetent. Doesn’t truly understand how to execute the position.   Market Day: Bandits, posing as merchants, are stealing goods from the other, legitimate merchants nearby.


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