External Gestation Device Item in Solaris | World Anvil
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External Gestation Device

"The External Gestation Device, or EGD, is a prototype invention made by Azalean scientists that would allow any person with viable gametes to carry a pregnancy to term-- quite literally. The EGD is a portable womb, which features a feeding tube near the hinge of one of its straps. It would allow workers to remain productive, while also carrying a child to term."
---Renown scientist Ryo Midori's explanation of the device

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The purse-like External Gestation Device, or EGD, is an artificial womb that allows a fetus to naturally come to term without becoming non-viable. The device is filled with a proprietary amniotic fluid which allows the fetus to stay suspended with a low chance of damage, and the inside of it is padded to absorb most of the sounds and motions outside of it.

The handle of the EGD contains a measurement of vitals, including the developing fetus' heartbeat, relative gestation time, and nutrition levels. On each end of the EGD is a small, button-like flap, which allows nutrition to be fed into the EGD through use of a proprietary feeding bag. The flap is present on both sides, both for ease of feeding and in the case that one malfunctions to the point of not opening.

The walls of the EGD are semi-opaque, allowing the carrier to see the fetus inside more easily than a standard ultrasound would. More expensive versions of the EGD will include a real-time audio-video recording of the fetus growing, from the date of insertion, as well as different styles for the more fashionable of carriers.


The EGD would play a significant role in productivity for workers in any industry. So long as the carrier's place of work has stable air and humidity temperatures, it could be brought in and sit beside its carrier, or stored in a special area of the establishment.

In the scientific community, this would allow the burden of childbirth to be removed entirely from the Human populace, and would allow anyone to carry a fetus to term. Its steep pricing may turn away some people, but scientists will try to lobby insurance companies to waive most of the fees off.

For the layman, this item is significant in the worst ways possible. Despite this being a luxury item in its current state, once it becomes more commonplace, employers may start banning their employees from having children the natural way. Furthermore, maternity leave may be threatened by its existence, as it might bring "too much ease" to parenthood.

Another concern is whether the carrier retains the rights to the child if it is born, or if the rights can be contested with the leaser of the EGD. This would also make it easy to traffic children at a very young age, and sell them to anybody, unless there is a lot of thorough paperwork necessary to undergo this path of gestation.
Item type
Creation Date
2010 AH
Rare (Prototype)
Up to 14 kilogrammes (31 pounds)
45 x 15 x 30cm (18 x 6 x 12in)
Base Price
500,000 Credits

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