Kim's Gas Station Building / Landmark in Solaris | World Anvil
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Kim's Gas Station

"Kim's is literally the first name for a business that I could think of that wouldn't tip anybody off except Daemon, and possibly some people from Ooshima. It honestly isn't the most gracious of fronts, but who is going to guess that a gas station is where you get into our organization?"
---Kam'rin explaining the origins of Kim's to Ke'tlan

Purpose / Function

Like with most gas stations, Kim's main purpose is to fill tanks, charge vehicles, and sell whatever snacks, drinks, or other small items that one would go to a gas station to buy.

Behind the scenes, however, Kim's is actually a front business for a few different Daemon-related activities: first, it is a meeting place for Cambion who want to know about the Cambion Bridge, or anyone who wants to join the pro-sentient movement PANDORA. Secondly, it is a place where any Daemon can exchange the Typhon's Teeth currency, Shard, for the Human currency of Credits.

Kim's also has contacts with people who can help Daemon immigrate into the Human Lands without the hassle of proving that you're a Human with a residence. Kam'rin, the business owner and main employee of Kim's, has contacts that can issue fake government documents, such as Solaris IDs, birth certificates, and even deeds to homes.
Kiosk / Small store

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