Kobattajé Profession in Solaris | World Anvil
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"Kobattajé are known to the Katcho as the ones who distribute resources amongst the community. Often, these people gather the resources they mean to distribute, which is a sign of strength for the leaders of these sewers. There isn't a proper word for it in the Universal Human Tongue, but were I to guess, I'd say they're like the owner of a food bank?"
---Dregrin, appointed Kobattajé of their community



The qualifications for being a Kobattajé are mostly determination, knowledge of the resource sites, and the leadership to get people there. Aside from that, the profession is one that can be worked towards, or one that is appointed by the Katcho community one's in.

It often goes without saying in Katchoin communities, but an individual who wants to become a Kobattajé must not steal from others in their community, and must not have a record for being less than tolerant to other Katcho they come across.

Other Benefits

Kobattajé benefit by being a leadership position within Katchoin society. Leaders are often given the best housing, choose first when food is distributed amongst the people, and have a say in how crimes, valuables, and new additions to their community are distributed and dealt with. They are also the first ones to approach the battle field, which brings the Katcho an extremely profound sense of honor.

This position, in particular, always has first pickings when it comes to food, as they are the main driving force for finding food. It is why it is often called the best leadership position, aside from the doctor, who gets first choice of any housing.
Raw Materials Gathering
Famous in the Field

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