Metamorphis · Solaris Wiki | World Anvil


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Appearance is a matter of choice for the Fei, not one of inheritance. Through metamorphis the Fei can change any aspect of their appearance. The process is slow and deliberate, and a great pride of the Venusian people.  


Metamorphis is as mental a process as it is physical. The growth is directed by the will of the Fei. To transform, the Fei must assert the changes as part of their self image, and maintain this image as their body attempts to grow in the way they expect. This makes the matter of self-image a deeply important one for the Fei. When Fei suffer wounds to their perception of self, their body can begin to wilt, manifesting how the Fei feels.   It takes a great amount of will for Fei to deviate significantly from the humanoid form. Transhumanoids as a subculture among the Fei are as old as history. There are always some that are drawn by the appeal of the monstrous and desire to become that themselves. Sometimes it is comes in the form of small changes like too-sharp teeth, but others attempt to become as inhuman as possible. While the monstrous Fei often choose live on the fringes and in the underbellies of society, they are widely accepted on Venus.


The Fei are more plantlike than other humanoids, and the process of metamorphis is in many ways a process of regrowth. Some Fei see the process of metamorphis as a necessary means to an end and might even hide away during their transformations, but others enjoy the process of transformation and take a greater role in curating their own change.   The time it takes to regrow varies from person to person, but most Fei take around a month for more extensive changes to their appearance.  


Fei can enter chrysalis to make metamorphis safer and faster, at the cost of their mobility. They can enter full body chrysalis, or partial.   To enter chrysalis, the Fei use a highly acidic compound to slowly dissolve their body, and cover it in a nutritional and protective paste. Traditionally leaves are used to cover and protect the chrysalised body, but in recent years many turn to specialized bandages instead.  

Deviant Forms

  Appearances that would be alien to the rest of the world are normalized among the Fei, but that does not mean there are not forms that do not disturb them. Using metamorphis to appear like another person is a great taboo in Venusian society. Many find it horrifying that someone would lack such a sense of self to instead seek to become someone else. There are many narratives about a doppleganger subsuming someones life, claiming it for their own.   Fei become doppelgangers for many reasons. Some seek a living as a professional impersonator of celebrities, others are simply young and imitating what they look up to. Some lenience is given to the young, with the expectation that they'll grow out of it as they find their own identity.

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Locations Palace of Delights
Characters Titania · Sofi Casabella · Arielle
Society Humanoids ( Fei ) · Traditions ( Symbiosis · Universal New Years Eve ) · Monarchy of Venus ( Godqueen of Venus · Handmaiden ) · Organizations ( Venusian Consilium )
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Cover image: Fei Banner by Annie Stein


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Dec 11, 2023 10:17

I always like takes on different shapechangers and people with shape-changing abilities. It's such an interesting concept. The sole existence of these abilities change how people perceive themselves and others. It changes our entire concept of individualism, appearance, gender, freedom of expression and so much more.   Your metamorphosis is a really nice take on that and touches on all of those aspects. I especially love how you included various different sub-cultures in there. It just makes so much sense, that these people would develop different point of views on their abilities and how to use them.

Worldember is coming! Want to find more of my things: SatriumHub
Dec 11, 2023 10:37 by Annie Stein

Thank you so much! It kind of takes what is a fringe part of our society and makes it the norm, which would mean new subcultures have to arise.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 11, 2023 11:19 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I can see why they would find it super creepy and horrifying for someone to imitate someone else, especially if you need such a strong sense of self to change your appearance in the first place. I love that they can do a chrysalis if they choose.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 11, 2023 11:49 by Annie Stein

Yeah, I'm glad you made the connection. I also really like the idea of chrysalis! I like to imagine a fei walking around with what looks like a bandaged up broken arm, but really they're just working on making it idk, the spikiest arm ever.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 11, 2023 17:34

This is really a very interesting concept. But I also have a few questions about this: How do family members deal with Fei who are currently in the process of metamorphosis or have already changed? Are there any Fei who use the transformation to their own advantage in a bad sense? Is it just a taboo to take on someone else's form or would it also have criminal consequences?

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Dec 12, 2023 12:39 by Annie Stein

Thank you! Family members would probably react much the same if you were to dye your hair or, for the more drastic changes, you were recovering from a surgery. It's very normal to them, Fei are expected to change.   I'm sure there's some that have gotten inventive with metamorphis. It'd be more valuable off-planet, but it's hard to get things just by looking like someone else. Fei aren't exactly perfect chameleons, they're vibrant plant people. It's hard for one to visually transform into something like a human, and harder still for them to get all the nuances right. Things like pores, hair, etc, those aren't natural to the fei. That kind of limits the mischief they could get up to offplanet.   It's possible some nations have legislation regarding dopplegangers, but it's generally more of a cultural no-no than a legal one. After all, the palace employs a whole bunch of dopplegangers to keep the Godqueen safe.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 12, 2023 17:11

Thank you very much for the explanations :).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Dec 12, 2023 18:34 by Annie Stein

I hope it helped! Thank you for the questions!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 13, 2023 03:45 by Aster Blackwell

"Some lenience is given to the young, with the expectation that they'll *grow* out of it as they find their own identity." (badum tiss....)   Your articles continue to be wonderful and fascinating! I love them all.

Dec 14, 2023 19:53 by Annie Stein

Thank you! And eyy I'm glad you caught it. I had a little giggle to myself when writing it.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 14, 2023 19:52 by Rin Garnett

"It's not just a phase, Mom!" Because my trans ass always wonders with transformation/metamorphosis stuff... Do Fei have a concept of gender and does metamorphis have any impact on it? Or vice-versa?

Dec 14, 2023 20:24 by Annie Stein

So I imagine that what the world understands as Fei is actually a pretty diverse group with cultural and some physiological differences. Fei are like plants, so I imagine most Fei can both get pregnant (not that I quite know what pregnancy looks like among the fei yet) or get someone pregnant. There's probably a few kinds of fei that can only do one or the other, just like how there's some plants that kind of work that way. I'm sure there's some concept of like, what role your parent played in creating you, but it's hard to imagine a species like that having a similar gender structure to ours.   That said, they're in a big world where there's a lot of people with genders like ours, and there's bound to be cultural cross-contamination. I think gender as we're familiar with it is probably something they see as a foreign concept, maybe something that kids these days are getting all swept up in.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jan 24, 2024 20:20 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Ok, that chrysalises process is as wonderful as it's horrible! Dissolving their body in acid is very logical but it requires a very special mindset XD I absolutely love this <3 Lots of fun story possibilities behind this with how vulnerable they are during that moment - any risks of something going wrong or people interfering during that time? I imagine it could be taboo, a bit like stabbing an enemy while they're sleeping...   I see in the other comments that you mentioned the godqueen! I didn't make the link between her and the fey, but then that totally explains how she's able to have a bunch of doppelganger! This feels as if I've found the missing link! XD

Jan 25, 2024 11:57 by Annie Stein

There's absolutely risk! I think you're right on the money about it being taboo. I think a lot fei are uncomfortable with the idea of full body chrysalis for that reason.   Yes, this is exactly how she has all these dopplegangers! I'll see if I can work in a couple more links back to this page to make that more clear.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!