
Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
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The grey little Tunnellers were well adapted for life underground, with their huge eyes. A few fringe groups believe the Tunnellers still exist, burrowed so far deep into Mars that they go unnoticed by the surface society.

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Author's Notes

Inspired by the other kind of stereotypical Martian alien, but also the former belief that Mars has a network of vast underground tunnels or canals. The canals were "discovered" all the way back in 1870, and the illusion that Mars had these perfect straight tunnels had people imagining all kinds of former and current Martian societies. With Mariner 4 we were able to conclusively disprove their existence, which retroactively validated the scientists who argued it was just an optical illusion.   The tunnellers are also of course a nod to our own former co-inhabitants: the neanderthals. I haven't heard of a neanderthal truther, but I'm sure they exist.

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Sep 25, 2024 10:03 by Keon Croucher

Underground societies can be fun, I think expanding upon this idea could be interesting.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Sep 25, 2024 10:24 by Annie Stein

It can be interesting to look into peoples who are no longer around! Your interest is noted ^^

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Oct 1, 2024 20:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am very curious if they'll end up being still down there somewhere. :D But it's probably like Bigfoot.

Emy x
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