
Archdevil of Darkness


Sarthron was born in the depths of the Nine Hells, the realm of the archdevils and the most powerful of all fiends. She was the daughter of one of the most powerful archdevils in the Nine Hells, and from a young age she was taught the ways of darkness and how to wield it to her advantage. As she grew older, Sarthron became increasingly powerful and ambitious, and she began to crave more and more power. She yearned to be the most feared and respected of all the archdevils, and she was willing to do whatever it took to achieve her goal.

Hatred of her half Sister

Sarthron's hatred for her sister Sornen dates back to their childhood. As the pure blood, Sarthron was expected to be the stronger and more capable of the two. However, Sornen was always able to outsmart and outmaneuver her, often besting her in games and competitions. This only served to fuel Sarthron's hatred, and she began to see her sister as a constant threat to her own position and power. She grew to resent Sornen's natural talents and abilities, and was determined to prove herself superior in every way. Despite her best efforts, however, Sornen always seemed to come out on top, driving Sarthron to new heights of bitterness and resentment.   Sarthron's hatred for her sister Sornen goes beyond simple sibling rivalry. She is consumed by a burning desire to see her sister suffer and to destroy everything she has built. She is incredibly petty, and will go to great lengths to make Sornen's life as miserable as possible. She delights in undermining her sister's plans and watching her struggle, and takes great pleasure in taunting and mocking her at every opportunity. She is also incredibly jealous of Sornen's successes, and will do everything in her power to prevent her from achieving any measure of happiness or fulfillment. In short, Sarthron is a spiteful and vindictive archdevil who will stop at nothing to see her sister suffer.

Sarthron's Relics

The Spear of the Abyss

Sarthron came into possession of the legendary "Spear of the Abyss" through a combination of cunning and brute force. The spear was said to be forged in the depths of the abyss by the greatest blacksmiths of the underworld, and was imbued with incredible powers. It was said that whoever wielded the spear could create portals to the abyss, allowing them to summon forth powerful demonic minions to do their bidding. Sarthron was determined to acquire the spear for herself, and spent years plotting and scheming to obtain it. She made alliances with other powerful fiends, offering them wealth and power in exchange for their assistance in acquiring the spear. She also employed her considerable cunning and intelligence to outmaneuver her rivals and gain the upper hand in the search for the weapon.   Finally, after years of effort, Sarthron was able to locate the spear and claim it as her own. She was overjoyed at her success, and immediately began to test the limits of the spear's power. She reveled in her newfound strength, and used the spear to crush her enemies and spread terror throughout the abyss. Now, she is known as the master of darkness, and is feared and respected by all who know her name.

The Book of Plagues

Sarthron came into possession of the "Book of Plagues" through a series of cunning schemes and manipulations. She had heard rumors of the ancient tome, which was said to contain powerful spells and incantations that could be used to unleash great destruction upon the world. Determined to obtain the book for herself, Sarthron began to plot and scheme, using her charisma and cunning to manipulate those around her into doing her bidding. She seduced powerful archdevils and struck deals with dark powers, offering them anything they desired in exchange for their help in acquiring the book.   Finally, after many years of plotting and scheming, Sarthron was able to track down the location of the "Book of Plagues" and steal it from its previous owner. She took the book back to her lair in the depths of the Nine Hells, where she spent countless hours studying its dark secrets and learning how to use its power to her advantage.   With the "Book of Plagues" in her possession, Sarthron became even more powerful and feared than before, and she began to put her plans into action to unleash its dark power upon the mortal world and finally get her revenge on her sister Sornen.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
305 AE 51 Years old
"You don't die that, you don't die like that! Not like this, we're not done! GET UP!"
— Sarthron

Thralls of Sarthron

Hugo Payne

Sarthron knew that she could not travel to the mortal plane herself, as the barriers between the realms were too strong for even an archdevil to overcome. Instead, she decided to strike a deal with a mortal by the name of Hugo Payne, offering him wealth and power beyond his wildest dreams in exchange for his help in carrying out her plan. Hugo Payne was a greedy and ambitious man, and he eagerly agreed to Sarthron's offer. She instructed him to find Sornen's home on the mortal plane and hide the "Book of Plagues" somewhere within, where it would be discovered by her sister and cause her great trouble.   Hugo Payne carried out Sarthron's plan, hiding the book in Sornen's home and then returning to the Nine Hells to report back to the archdevil. However, unknown to either Sarthron or Hugo Payne, the book was discovered by a man named Gaelan Archimedes, a powerful shapeshifter who had been investigating Sornen for his own reasons.

Harrin Bladebranch

Sarthron struck a deal with Harrin, promising to give him great power and wealth in exchange for his help in tracking down Lorgar, a friend of Sornen's who was in possession of the "Book of Plagues." Harrin, eager to gain Sarthron's favor, agreed to the deal and set his son, Vayne, to work tracking down Lorgar and taking the book back.  

Gaelan Archimedes

Manipulation of Gaelan

Gaelan Archimedes, upon discovering the "Book of Plagues," was immediately intrigued by its power and set about studying its dark secrets. However, he was not careful enough and accidentally infected himself with one of the plagues contained within its pages. At first, Gaelan was not worried about the plague, as he was a powerful shapeshifter and was confident that he could cure himself of the infection. However, as the days passed, the plague began to take hold and he found himself growing weaker and more feverish.   Sensing an opportunity, Sarthron, who had been watching Gaelan from afar, disguised herself as the plague goddess Cara and whispered to him in his mind, offering to cure him of the infection in exchange for his loyalty and service. Gaelan, desperate to be free of the plague, agreed to Sarthron's offer, and she began to manipulate and control him from afar.   After failing to lure Sornen to the south to face her, Sarthron became increasingly frustrated and angry. She knew that she needed to find a way to regain control over the "Book of Plagues" and use its power to destroy her sister once and for all. In a desperate move, Sarthron decided to trick Gaelan into approaching her tower in the depths of the Nine Hells. She whispered to him in his mind, tempting him with promises of great power and wealth if he would only come to her.

A pact made, the bond severed

Gaelan, who was still under the thrall of the plague that Sarthron had infected him with, was easily swayed by her words and agreed to approach her tower. However, when he arrived, Sarthron revealed her true intentions and made a pact with him, promising to cure him of the plague in exchange for his loyalty and obedience.   As part of the pact, Gaelan agreed to forfeit his mind to Sarthron whenever she wished, allowing her to take over his body and use it as a vessel to carry out her dark plans. With this agreement in place, Sarthron began to use Gaelan as her pawn, directing him to carry out her will and further her own dark agenda.   Despite the risks, Sarthron was determined to use Gaelan to regain control over the "Book of Plagues" and finally destroy her hated sister Sornen. She would stop at nothing to achieve her goals, and she would use every tool at her disposal to achieve victory, no matter the cost.

The Abyssal Incursion

Control over Gaelan

With Gaelan under her control, Sarthron began to put her plans into action. She used the Spear of the Abyss, a powerful weapon that was said to be able to open portals to the depths of the Abyss, with a combination of recently deceased souls to summon abyssal portals all across the world. Through these portals, Sarthron unleashed powerful dark necrotic magic, causing great destruction and death wherever the portals touched.   Sarthron reveled in the destruction that she was causing, relishing the power and control that she wielded over the mortal world. She knew that, with the Spear of the Abyss in her possession, she would be able to summon more and more abyssal portals and continue to spread death and destruction across the land.   As Sarthron's power grew, she became increasingly focused on destroying her sister Sornen once and for all. She knew that, in order to achieve her goal, she needed to gather as much information as possible about her sister's whereabouts and plans. To this end, Sarthron began to use her control over Gaelan to teleport him to Sornen's location, where he could spy on her and gather information for Sarthron to use against her. However, Gaelan was not aware of the demonic brand on his arm that marked him as Sarthron's property, and he had no memory of his time in her tower or of the pact that he had made with her.   As Gaelan gathered information for Sarthron, he began to grow increasingly confused and disturbed. He could not understand why he was unable to remember anything about his time in Sarthron's tower, and he began to suspect that something was very wrong.   Despite his confusion and growing unease, Gaelan continued to serve Sarthron, carrying out her orders and gathering information for her. He knew that, as long as he was under her control, he would be unable to resist her will and would be forced to do her bidding. He was trapped, unable to break free from Sarthron's grasp, and he could only wait and hope for a way to escape her control and regain his freedom.

First attempt on Sornen's life

Sarthron took control of Gaelan and used him as a vessel to approach Sornen. She guided Gaelan's hand as he held a knife to Sornen's throat, ready to strike at any moment. However, at the last moment, Sarthron hesitated. She realized that, while she wanted to kill Sornen, she also wanted to revel in her sister's fear and suffering. She decided to spare Sornen's life, for now, and instead to taunt and torment her, enjoying the look of terror on her face as she realized the power that Sarthron held over her.   With a cruel laugh, Sarthron released her control over Gaelan and disappeared, leaving Sornen shaken and afraid. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Sarthron struck again, and she knew that she must find a way to break free from her sister's grasp before it was too late.   Sornen was unaware that it was her sister Sarthron who was tormenting her. She had no idea that Sarthron was using Gaelan as a pawn to spy on her and gather information, and she was completely unaware of the demonic brand on Gaelan's arm that marked him as Sarthron's property. As the days passed, Sornen began to grow increasingly anxious and afraid. She could sense a dark presence watching her, but she was unable to identify its source or to understand what it wanted from her.   Sarthron, realizing that she had lost control of Gaelan and that he was no longer a useful pawn, began to look for other ways to regain possession of the "Book of Plagues" and use its power to destroy her sister Sornen. In her search for a new ally, Sarthron came across Harrin Bladebranch, the de facto ruler of a nation called Bargustan. Harrin was a ruthless and ambitious man, and he was eager to gain access to the dark powers that Sarthron could offer him.

Family Tree


Sarthron: Archdevil of Darkness

Medium fiend (archdevil), lawful evil
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 240 (16d12 + 128)
Speed 30ft Fly: 60ft Hover: 1ft

18 +4
16 +3
18 +4
14 +2
14 +2
18 +4

Saving Throws DEX +7, CON +8, WIS +6, CHA +8
Skills Arcana +13, Deception +12, Insight +11, Intimidation +12, Perception +11, Persuasion +12
Damage Vulnerabilities Radiant
Damage Resistances acid, cold, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages Infernal, Abyssal and Telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 15

Spellcasting DC: 20   1st level (4 slots): Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Shield   2nd level (3 slots): Darkness, Scorching Ray   3rd level (3 slots): Fireball, Stinking Cloud   4th level (3 slots): Ice Storm, Wall of Fire   5th level (2 slots): Dominate Person, Telekenesis   6th level (1 slot): Chain Lightning, True Seeing   7th level (1 slot): Finger of Death, Plane Shift   8th level (1 slot): Sunburst, Soul Imprisonment   9th level (1 slot): Meteor Swarm, Time Stop

At will: Cantrips (at will): Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy

Hellish Weapons. The Devil's weapon attacks are magical. The Devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects
  Master of Darkness. Sarthron can create an area of magical darkness with a radius of 60 feet. She can choose to exempt any creatures she chooses from this effect.   Petty Disposition: Sarthron can never critical hit a player.


Multiattack. Sarthron can make three spear attacks.

Spear of the Abyss. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d6 + 7) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be unable to regain hit points until the end of Sarthron's next turn.

Reality Cut. As an action, she can use her spear to create a 10-foot-radius portal to the Abyss that lasts for 1 minute. Creatures within the portal's radius must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or be pulled into the Abyss. Sarthron can use this ability once per day.

Teleport. The Devil magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Summon Devil (1/Day). The devil chooses what to summon and attempts a magical summoning. An erinyes has a 50 percent chance of summoning 3d6 spined devils, 1d6 bearded devils, or one erinyes.   A summoned devil appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can’t summon other devils. It remains for 1 minute, until it or its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action.

Possession. As an action the Devil can possess any willing creature within 10ft, if the creature is unwilling they must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. On a success they are aware of a presence trying to possess them but not necessarily by whom; on a failure they are possessed for up to 1 hour or until their health reaches 0 (if combat ensures), upon which you are expelled from the body (health unaffected).


Legendary Actions

Sarthron can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Sarthron regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.   Teleport. Sarthron uses Teleport.   Attack. Sarthron makes an Attack.   Archdevil's Fury: Sarthron enters a state of rage, increasing her movement speed by 10 ft, her armor class by +4 and deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on her attacks. She also gains temporary hit points equal to half of the hit points she has lost. This effect lasts for 1 minute. While in this form, Sarthron cannot cast spells.