Ebonaster Tannik Character in Soldaana | World Anvil

Ebonaster Tannik

Ebonaster Tannik is the gnome who is attributed to founding Ebonrock nearly some 600 years ago. Legend says he was somehow able to broker peace between the warring groups of gnomes, dwarves, and humans (seeking to mine and exploit Rivenglade for its resources) and the Mandrake, Firbolgs, and Kenku (seeking to protect the forests and lands of Velen's Grove and beyond). After this peace was established three factions came together and lived as one - settling what is now Ebonrock.     Party Unveiled: Upon confronting the grand-daughter of Ebonaster, Altinna Tannik, the party learned the truth and history of Ebonaster's choices and motivations. 600 years past, Ebonaster was a member of the team mining in Rivenglade and logging Velen's Wood. Ebonaster was mining deep beneath the crust when he discovered a vast cavern and a curious black crystal. Around this crystal (as he soon found out) was a large crystalline obsidian dragon which had laid dormant near the stone. With the crystal disturbed the Dragon awoke - revelaing itself to be Tallanen, one of the Gods. Ebonaster became flooded with ideas and insight as he held the stone and came up with a plan - he proposed a way to imbue Tallanen's desire for knowlege, invention, and creation of history to unify the warring factions above and to help make Soldaana great once again. However, Ebonaster was blinded by greed and possibility and soon had tricked Tallanen in his effort to help the races of Soldaana. Ebonaster trapped Tallanen and began to sap/harvest his magic and spirit to build a rapid and impressive metropolis above his prison. Soon, Ebonrock exploded into industry and beyond over the next few centuries - the secret of the stone and the dragon passing through House Tannik...until the magic of Tallanen finally began to wane.
Founded Settlements


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