Ebonrock Settlement in Soldaana | World Anvil


Ebonrock is a sprawling metropolis unlike any other in Soldaana as it has elements of metal, stone, and machines that bring the city to life all its own. Ebonrock is the foundation of ingenuity and innovation in Soldaana with the brightest minds, inventors, and tinkerers working within the city to bring new and exciting miracles to Soldaana and its people. Unlike magic-centric cities such as Ellidell and Holden's Run, the people of Ebonrock have excelled in using their minds and hands to create and build tools and machines to make life easier.


Ebonrock has a high population of dwarves and gnomes who pride themselves on creation and innovation. Due to the long-lasting treaty there are also many Mandrakes, Firbolgs, and Kenkus who live in portions of the city and heavily in its exterior areas of the forests and plains.


Ebonrock serves under a conglomerate alliance of three factions/parties. These are House Tannik (who serve as the political representatives), The Tinkerer's Guild (who represent the laborers and inventors), and The Green Protectorate (who represent the people who wish to maintain sustainability and balance in Ebonrock).


Ebonrock functions on factories and facilities that mass produce and innovate instruments of trade, transport, leisure, and war. Intense forges, blast furnaces, and ports make up the innerworkings of the city and provide it with steam and crude oil that powers much of the metropolis.

Guilds and Factions

The city is divided into two major functioning factions and also a figurehead and joining faction. These former factions are The Tinkerer's Guild and The Green Protectorate. The joining faction is House Tannik.

Points of interest

The Mechanus Tower is a wonder and marvel of ingenuitiy.
Location under
Owning Organization
The city is broken up into districts (not labeled here) but they and notable landmarks are as follows:   1 - The Mechanus Tower   2- Vittilas Sector   3 - Elder Sector   4 - Noble Sector   5 - Steam Sector   6 - Elevation Sector   7 - The High Rise   8 - Product Sector   9 - The Slick   10 - Launch-Site Beta   11 - The Fey Farms

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