Guild Hall of Ostenforth Building / Landmark in Soldaana | World Anvil

Guild Hall of Ostenforth

The home base of the Party as gifted by Nero Morrinvale. Located in the heart of Ostenforth and under the care of a servant of House Morrinvale, Clawdius.

Purpose / Function

Allows respite and a place in Soldaana to call home for the Party who have embarked on saving Ostenforth and more.


There are constant upgrades made to the establishment, such as tailoring of rooms and styles to the members of The Party as well more helpful accommodations. These include an outdoor bath, a alchemy and gathering room, a garden, and stables.


Once the estate of House Morrinvale, the members have taken up other lodging or have become transient moving from place to place. As such, it has become home to others who the original owner decides need it.
Parent Location


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