
The Talasir People: Keepers of the Crystalwater Veil

The Talasir are a deeply spiritual race whose connection to water defines their way of life, powers, and beliefs. Dwelling within the secluded Crystalwater Basin, they are a small, reclusive people with an innate bond to water, which they revere as the bridge to the Veil Beyond—the afterlife. Although they only partially understand this connection, it manifests in their profound sensitivity to the elemental forces of water and its pivotal role in both life and death.  

Homeland: The Crystalwater Basin

The Crystalwater Basin is a region filled with rivers, lakes, and tranquil water bodies, including the renowned Lake Serenity, which lies just outside Nexus. This basin has served as the Talasir's home for generations, long before the formation of the League of Free Cities. The waters here are not only crucial for trade and resources but are also believed to be infused with spiritual energy that links the living world to the Veil Beyond. The Talasir's enclave, hidden deep within these waterways, is difficult for outsiders to find without their guidance.   At the heart of the Crystalwater Basin, the Talasir maintain Serenity’s Crossing, a Free Trade Haven where the rivers of their homeland converge into a lively marketplace. This area serves as the Talasir's main connection to the League of Free Cities, offering enchanted waters, rare herbs, and crafted goods infused with their sensory magic to traders and diplomats from across the League. Serenity’s Crossing symbolizes the Talasir's selective engagement with the outside world, balancing economic and cultural exchanges with the preservation of their secluded way of life. Through this trade hub, the Talasir maintain a delicate balance between their insular nature and the demands of the broader world, ensuring their continued independence and respected status within the League.  

Beliefs and Culture

The Talasir are a profoundly spiritual people who hold the natural elements, particularly water, in the highest regard, believing it to be a conduit to the afterlife. Their rituals and daily practices focus on maintaining harmony with nature and honoring the spirits within it. Water is considered sacred in all its forms, and the Talasir see their connection to it as both a blessing and a duty. This relationship is reflected in their unique sensory abilities, with each individual developing a heightened mastery of one particular sense. These senses are viewed as paths to deeper wisdom and enlightenment, allowing the Talasir to interact with the world in ways others cannot.  

Coming of Age Rituals

A pivotal aspect of Talasir culture is the Nai'Shara, a deeply personal journey that each Talasir undertakes as they transition into adulthood. This rite of passage begins with a period spent in Serenity’s Crossing, where young Talasir interact with outsiders, learn about the broader world, and gain insight into different cultures and perspectives beyond their secluded enclave. This experience is intended to broaden their understanding and prepare them for the challenges they will face.   After their time at Serenity’s Crossing, the young Talasir return to their homeland for a period of reflection and spiritual preparation. During this introspective phase, they meditate on their chosen sense and seek to deepen their connection with it. When they feel ready, each Talasir sets out into the wider world with a clear purpose: to either expand the capabilities of their chosen sense or to discover a new, significant body of water. This journey is both a physical and spiritual quest, aimed at strengthening their bond with the natural world and fulfilling their role as guardians of the elemental forces.   Completing the Nai'Shara marks their full transition into adulthood, and the knowledge or discoveries they bring back are considered invaluable contributions to their people. Whether they uncover a hidden spring, forge a deeper connection with their sensory abilities, or gain new understanding of the world, each Talasir’s journey enriches their culture and reinforces their role as the keepers of the senses and the sacred waters of Ayinel.  

Subraces of the Talasir: Masters of the Senses


Ruinashi (Touch)

  The Ruinashi are the Talasir who have developed an exceptional sense of touch. They believe that tactile perception is the most direct and powerful connection to the physical world, enabling them to manipulate their environment, heal with precision, and unleash devastating force. Ruinashi often serve as warriors and protectors within their society, using their enhanced tactile abilities to sense vibrations, detect hidden dangers, and physically dominate their surroundings.  

Viraeshi (Sight)

  The Viraeshi are Talasir with heightened vision, capable of seeing beyond the ordinary and perceiving the true nature of the world. Their sharp sight allows them to detect illusions, perceive magical auras, and even glimpse into the Ethereal Plane when near water. Viraeshi typically serve as seers and scouts, guiding their people with their far-seeing eyes and helping them navigate both the physical and spiritual realms.  

Solunari (Hearing)

  The Solunari are Talasir with an extraordinary sense of hearing, able to detect the faintest sounds and distant echoes. They can hear the whispers of spirits carried on the wind and water, making them excellent communicators and guardians against unseen threats. Solunari often take on roles as diplomats, advisors, and sentinels, using their acute hearing to gather information and protect their enclave.  

Tirashi (Smell)

  The Tirashi possess a hyper-sensitive sense of smell, allowing them to track creatures, detect poisons, and sense subtle environmental changes. Their keen noses make them invaluable as trackers, guardians, and healers, able to identify threats long before they become visible. Tirashi frequently assume roles focused on protecting their community and ensuring the purity of their water sources, maintaining the delicate balance of their environment.  

Miranashi (Taste)

  The Miranashi are Talasir with a highly developed sense of taste, enabling them to analyze substances and detect magical properties through even the slightest sample. They often serve as alchemists, cooks, and poison experts, using their refined palate to craft potions, identify magical ingredients, and ensure the safety of their people’s food and drink. Miranashi are respected for their ability to detect the most subtle changes in the substances they consume, making them both protectors and creators within Talasir society.

Nai'Rae | The Final Cycle

The Talasir observe a profound and secretive tradition known as "Nai'Rae" or "The Final Cycle". After a certain number of cycles, each Talasir willingly chooses to end their life, believing that this act allows them to fully transition into the Veil Beyond and join the spirits of their ancestors. The exact number of cycles varies and is a closely guarded secret within the Talasir community, never shared with outsiders.  
“A drop of water can carve a path through stone, just as a single action can change the course of fate.”
— Talasir Proverb
80-1000 Cycles - Varies between subspecies
Average Height
5'10'' - 6'2''
Average Weight
140lbs - 180lbs
Related Organizations

Ruinasust | The One-Cycle Feast

The Talasir only eat once per full cycle, a practice known as Ruinasust. This ritualistic meal is a time of deep reflection, where they nourish both body and spirit. Each feast is carefully prepared using resources from the Crystalwater Basin, with dishes designed to heighten their senses and reinforce their connection to the natural world. By limiting their sustenance to a single meal per cycle, the Talasir believe they attune more closely to the rhythms of nature and the Veil Beyond, fostering discipline and spiritual growth.  
“The ripple begins with a single touch, but its effects reach beyond sight.”
— Unknown

Songs of the Basin

Music plays a vital role in Talasir culture, with melodies inspired by the sounds of the Crystalwater Basin. The most revered of these are the Songs of the Basin, ancient hymns that are said to have been gifted by an ancient traveler from the Veil Beyond. These songs are performed during rituals and significant events, often accompanied by instruments made from natural materials found in the Basin, such as the Riverflute, crafted from hollowed reeds, and the Stone Harp, whose strings resonate with the earth’s vibrations.   "Ruinasong" - A powerful, tactile melody that resonates with the earth, reflecting the Ruinashi's mastery of touch.   "Virae's Hymn" - A clear and piercing tune that evokes the sharp vision of the Viraeshi, guiding listeners to see beyond the ordinary.   "Solunari's Echo" - A delicate, echoing chant that mirrors the acute hearing of the Solunari, capturing the whispers of the wind and water.   "Tirasong" - A deep, grounding melody that carries the rich scents of the earth, honoring the Tirashi's keen sense of smell.   "Mirasong" - A sweet, complex tune that celebrates the refined palate of the Miranashi, with notes that dance like flavors on the tongue.