The League of Free Cities

The League of Free Cities is a federation of diverse city-states that value independence, self-governance, and mutual cooperation. This alliance is characterized by its cultural diversity, innovative spirit, and commitment to freedom. The League's heart, Nexus, is a cosmopolitan hub where trade, diplomacy, and knowledge converge. The governance of the League is decentralized, with each city retaining its own laws while contributing to the collective defense and prosperity of the federation  




The League of Free Cities is governed by the Grand Assembly, a council where each city-state sends elected representatives. This assembly meets in Nexus, the League's capital, to discuss and decide on matters affecting the entire League.  


Decisions are made through a democratic process, where debates and public forums are commonplace. Each representative has a vote, and major decisions require a majority consensus. Key issues often involve trade regulations, defense strategies, and diplomatic relations.  


While the Grand Assembly operates democratically, it is overseen by a Chancellor elected from among the representatives. The Chancellor serves as the primary coordinator and mediator during assembly meetings but has limited executive power to ensure balance.  

Demography and Population:

  The population of the League of Free Cities is estimated to be 1.5 million and richly diverse, comprised of peoples and species from across Ayinel. Lumin, Sunspark and Skybound, Leyforge and Sunborn, Driftwood and Mistborn, as well as the Twilight and Dusk peoples comprise the majority of the League’s citizens. This melting pot of races brings a wealth of cultural, magical, and technological expertise, fostering an environment of innovation and mutual respect.  

Major Cities:

  • Nexus: 300,000 residents.   • Solstice Haven: 250,000 residents.   • Ironheart: 200,000 residents.   • Lakeshire: 180,000 residents.   • Starfall: 170,000 residents.  

Rural and Smaller Settlements: The remaining population is spread across smaller city-states, towns, and villages. These settlements are often home to niche and endangered peoples, preserving unique cultures and traditions that might otherwise be lost.  


The League of Free Cities is situated in the Rising hemisphere of Ayinel, directly opposite the imposing Solaris Sanctum. This expansive and diverse territory is a land of striking contrasts and vibrant ecosystems, teeming with life and opportunities.  

Geography & Environment:

The League’s territory spans from the shimmering coastal edges of Solstice Haven, where the azure waters meet golden sands, to the lush, rolling plains surrounding Nexus, the League’s bustling capital. The region is dotted with ancient forests, such as the Whispering Woods near Lakeshire, known for its sentient trees and mystical creatures. The northern mountains of Ironheart are not just formidable natural barriers but also home to hidden valleys and underground rivers rich with ley energies.  


  The Ironback Range: A rugged mountain range protecting the northern borders, home to Ironheart and the Skyforge. Enchanted watchtowers and hidden valleys characterize this region.

Acadia: Surrounding Nexus, this fertile region is the agricultural heartland of the League, with sprawling fields and vibrant towns that sustain the League’s food supply.

The Sapphire Coast: Stretching from Solstice Haven, this coastal region is known for its beautiful beaches, rich marine life, and thriving fishing communities.

The Blazing Frontier: A vast desert bordering Starfall, where nomadic tribes and traders traverse the shifting dunes. It is a land of stark beauty and hidden dangers.

The Crystalwater Basin: The network of rivers and lakes, including Lake Serenity, that provide vital water resources and serve as trade routes for the League’s towns and villages.


  The military forces of the League are decentralized yet highly coordinated, comprising the collective contributions of each city-state. The Free Guard, the League's central defense force, consists of infantry, archers, cavalry, mages, and engineers. Each city-state also maintains its own militia for local defense and law enforcement. The Free Guard is led by a council of generals from each city-state, ensuring balanced command and rapid response capabilities. Regular joint exercises and shared training facilities keep the forces well-prepared to defend the League's interests.  


Trade within the League of Free Cities is a vibrant and diverse enterprise, overseen by the Grand Assembly and coordinated by regional trade councils. The Floating Market of Nexus serves as the central hub for trade, where merchants from across Ayinel and beyond gather to exchange goods. Each major city-state within the League specializes in unique products, contributing to a dynamic and interconnected economy.  

Major Trade Goods

  Arcane Devices: Magical gadgets and tools used for everyday tasks, crafted using advanced alchemical and enchantment techniques. These devices are popular in Nexus and Ironheart.   Artisan Jewelry: Exquisitely crafted jewelry made from rare metals and gemstones, often infused with minor enchantments. These are a specialty of Solstice Haven and Ironheart.   Herbal Remedies and Potions: Medicines and potions made from rare herbs and plants found in Lakeshire and the Verdant Arcadia. These products are renowned for their healing properties and efficacy.   Chroma Constructs: Complex magical constructs and artifacts used in both domestic and military applications, produced in Nexus and Starfall.   Exotic Wines and Beverages: Unique alcoholic drinks brewed from rare fruits and herbs, particularly popular in Solstice Haven and Lakeshire.  

Trade Network and Logistics

  The League maintains an extensive network of trade routes that crisscross its territories, facilitating the efficient movement of goods. These routes are safeguarded by well-trained guards and magical wards, ensuring the safety of traders and their merchandise. Coastal cities like Solstice Haven leverage maritime routes, while Nexus and Ironheart utilize advanced airships for faster transportation.    
Key Trade Hubs:
  Floating Market of Nexus: A bustling marketplace hovering above the River Velith, featuring goods from all over Ayinel.   Coral District of Solstice Haven: An underwater extension of the city that trades rare marine products.   Great Hall of Ironheart: Central to the city's trade in metals and crafted goods, it's a marvel of Leyforge engineering and commerce.    

Regional Trade Councils

  Each major city-state has a trade council responsible for regulating local commerce, resolving disputes, and coordinating with other councils to promote inter-regional trade. These councils consist of prominent merchants, artisans, and economic scholars who work together to ensure a thriving market environment.  
Functions of Trade Councils:
  • Regulation: Ensuring fair trade practices and preventing monopolies.
  • Dispute Resolution: Mediating conflicts between merchants and traders.
  • Promotion: Organizing trade fairs and festivals to attract buyers and sellers.
  • Innovation: Encouraging the development of new products and trade techniques.

Economic Practices

  The League’s economy is regulated to ensure fairness and alignment with its principles of mutual cooperation and respect for diversity. Each city-state manages its own trade policies while adhering to overarching guidelines set by the Grand Assembly. Local trade councils in each city coordinate efforts to promote economic stability and growth, ensuring that the benefits of trade and commerce are distributed equitably across the League.

Public Agenda

The League of Free Cities aims to maintain its independence and self-governance while fostering unity and cooperation among its diverse members. Their public agenda includes:  

Defending Against External Threats

The League is committed to protecting its territories and citizens from external threats. This includes strengthening the Free Guard and fortifying borders with both physical and magical defenses. Regular military drills and joint exercises are conducted to ensure readiness and coordination among the city-states.  

Promoting Economic Growth

The League prioritizes economic development through trade expansion and innovation. By establishing new trade routes, forging alliances, and investing in local industries, the League aims to boost prosperity for all its citizens. Initiatives include the cyclical Nexus Trade Fair and regional market festivals.  

Enhancing Cultural Exchange

To strengthen the bonds between its diverse populations, the League promotes cultural exchange programs, festivals, and educational initiatives. This includes supporting the Academy of Nexus, which attracts scholars and students from across Ayinel, and organizing events like the Solstice Festival and the Founding Festival.  

Environmental Sustainability

The League is dedicated to preserving its natural resources and promoting sustainable practices. This includes the regulation of mining in the Ironback Range, sustainable farming in the Verdant Arcadia, and conservation efforts in the Whispering Woods. Environmental councils are established in each city-state to oversee these initiatives.

Forged by Freedom, Strengthened by Unity

Interesting Facts

  The Verdant Arcadia: This region is not only the agricultural heartland but also home to ancient stone circles that predate the League, believed to be sites of powerful earth magic.   Skybound Airships: The Skybound of Nexus and Ironheart are renowned for their airships, which are powered by elemental magic and used for both trade and defense.  
The Ley flows through our land like the lifeblood of Ayinel itself. It is our duty to harness it for the good of all.
— Thaumaturge Celeste N'knesis

Alternative Names
The Confederation, The Assembly, The Patchwork Alliance
Related Species

Notable Histories

    The Defense of the Sapphire Coast: A heroic battle where the League’s naval forces, led by Admiral Elara Kenlara, successfully defended Solstice Haven from an armada of Enclave airships.   The Treaty of the Stone Forest: A peace agreement signed in Thundershade that ended a long-standing conflict with a neighboring faction, solidifying the League’s commitment to diplomacy.   The Sunpeak Reformation: A significant religious movement that restructured the city's spiritual hierarchy and reinforced the importance of solar worship.